The purpose of this chapter is to establish a uniform policy for the fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced as a direct result of programs or projects undertaken by state agencies with or without federal financial assistance, programs or projects undertaken by local agencies with federal or state financial assistance and programs or projects undertaken by persons with federal financial assistance, in order that such displaced persons shall not suffer disproportionate injuries as a result of federal or state programs or projects designed for the benefit of the public as a whole, and to minimize the hardship of displacement on such persons.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 13 - Public Planning and Housing
Chapter 11 - Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of 1972
§ 13-11-103. Chapter Definitions
§ 13-11-104. Effect Upon Property Acquisition
§ 13-11-111. Permissive Authority Given Local Agency
§ 13-11-113. Authority of the Governor
§ 13-11-114. Administration — Relocation Assistance Programs
§ 13-11-116. Replacement by Building Code Enforcement or Voluntary Rehabilitation