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§ 13-11-101. Short Title - This chapter may be cited as the “Uniform Relocation Assistance...
§ 13-11-102. Purpose - The purpose of this chapter is to establish a uniform...
§ 13-11-103. Chapter Definitions - As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 13-11-104. Effect Upon Property Acquisition - Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as creating in...
§ 13-11-110. Requirements for Relocation Payments and Assistance of State Assisted Programs — Assurances of Availability of Housing - Notwithstanding any other law, the head of a state agency...
§ 13-11-111. Permissive Authority Given Local Agency - Whenever a program or project undertaken by a local agency...
§ 13-11-113. Authority of the Governor - The governor or the governor's designee, or the head of...
§ 13-11-114. Administration — Relocation Assistance Programs - To prevent unnecessary expense and duplication of functions, and to...
§ 13-11-116. Replacement by Building Code Enforcement or Voluntary Rehabilitation - A person who moves or discontinues such person's business or...
§ 13-11-117. Reduction in Payments - No payment or assistance provided for under this chapter shall...
§ 13-11-119. State as Federal Agent - A state agency shall be authorized to act as the...