2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 247 - Qualification and Registration of Electors
Section 247.012 - Method of registering or updating a registration; when registration occurs; minimum registration information required; effect of missing registration information; registration locations.

(a) Delivering by mail, having a person deliver or otherwise delivering a completed registration card to any county clerk, the Secretary of State, any office of the Department of Transportation or any designated voter registration agency as described in ORS 247.208;
(b) Personally delivering, or having a person deliver, the card to an official designated by a county clerk under subsection (7) of this section;
(c) Submitting the person’s legal name, age, residence and citizenship information and electronic signature to the Department of Transportation; or
(d) Completing a registration card using the electronic voter registration system described in ORS 247.019.
(2) If a registration card is mailed or delivered to:
(a) Any person other than a county clerk or the Secretary of State, the person shall forward the card to a county clerk or the Secretary of State not later than the fifth day after receiving the card; or
(b) The Secretary of State or a county clerk for a county other than the county in which the person applying for registration resides, the Secretary of State or county clerk shall forward the card to the county clerk for the county in which the person resides not later than the fifth day after receiving the card.
(3) Registration of a qualified person occurs:
(a) When a legible, accurate and complete registration card is received in the office of any county clerk, the Office of the Secretary of State, an office of the Department of Transportation, a designated voter registration agency under ORS 247.208 or at a location designated by a county clerk under subsection (7) of this section;
(b) On the date a registration card is postmarked if the card is received after the 21st day immediately preceding an election but is postmarked not later than the 21st day immediately preceding the election and is addressed to an office of any county clerk, the Office of the Secretary of State, an office of the Department of Transportation or any designated voter registration agency as described in ORS 247.208; or
(c) In the case of a registration card missing a date of birth, containing an incomplete date of birth or containing an unintentional scrivener’s error that is supplied or corrected as described in subsection (4) or (6) of this section, on the date that registration would have occurred if the registration card had not been missing the date of birth, contained an incomplete date of birth or contained the scrivener’s error.
(4)(a) Except as provided in ORS 247.125, if a registration card is legible, accurate and contains, at a minimum, the registrant’s name, residence address, date of birth and signature, the county clerk shall register the person.
(b) If the information required under paragraph (a) of this subsection is missing from the registration card or the date of birth is incomplete, the county clerk shall attempt to obtain the missing or incomplete information from all sources available to the county clerk, including but not limited to current and previous addresses and phone numbers of the registrant. The county clerk may also supply the registrant’s date of birth from any previous registration of the registrant. If the missing or incomplete information cannot be obtained from sources available to the county clerk, the county clerk shall use reasonable efforts to contact the registrant by phone, mail and electronic mail to obtain the missing or incomplete information.
(5) If a registration card meets the requirements of subsection (4) of this section but is missing an indication of political party affiliation, the registrant shall be considered not affiliated with any political party. This subsection does not apply if an elector is updating a registration.
(6) If a registration card contains an unintentional scrivener’s error, the county clerk may attempt to contact the person to correct the error.
(7) A county clerk may appoint officials to accept registration of persons at designated locations. The appointments and locations shall be in writing and filed in the office of the county clerk. The county clerk shall be responsible for the performance of duties by those appointed.
(8) A registration card received and accepted under this section shall be considered an active registration.
(9) A registration may be updated at any time. [1979 c.190 §41; 1985 c.808 §1a; 1989 c.20 §1; 1989 c.173 §5; 1989 c.979 §2; 1993 c.713 §6; 1995 c.742 §1; 1999 c.410 §6; 1999 c.824 §1; 2008 c.53 §1; 2009 c.511 §1; 2009 c.914 §3; 2011 c.607 §1; 2015 c.8 §3; 2017 c.680 §1]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 06 - Local Government, Public Employees, Elections

Chapter 247 - Qualification and Registration of Electors

Section 247.002 - Definitions.

Section 247.007 - When ballot considered legally cast; when vote counted; prohibition on voting more than once in same election.

Section 247.012 - Method of registering or updating a registration; when registration occurs; minimum registration information required; effect of missing registration information; registration locations.

Section 247.013 - Where person considered registered; change of residence address between counties; registration updates; when registration considered active or inactive.

Section 247.015 - Other registration procedures.

Section 247.016 - Registration of person who is 16 or 17 years of age; limitation on public record disclosure.

Section 247.017 - Transfer of voter registration materials to Secretary of State from Department of Transportation; opt-out of voter registration; rules.

Section 247.019 - Electronic voter registration; rules.

Section 247.025 - Registration deadline; required address.

Section 247.035 - Rules to consider in determining residence of person for voting purposes.

Section 247.038 - Registration of person who is homeless or resides in identifiable location.

Section 247.125 - Alteration of registration card prohibited; exceptions.

Section 247.171 - State and federal voter registration cards; Secretary of State approval of voter registration application forms of voter registration agencies; content of voter registration cards.

Section 247.174 - Determining if person qualified to register or update registration; hearing.

Section 247.176 - Request for delivery of registration card; rules.

Section 247.181 - Voter notification card.

Section 247.195 - Inquiry into validity of registration; hearing; cancellation.

Section 247.203 - Change, termination or adoption of party affiliation before primary election.

Section 247.208 - Voter registration agencies; designation; prohibited activities; required services; assessment of compliance with federal guidelines.

Section 247.275 - Limits on considering registration of elector inactive; rules.

Section 247.281 - Notice to elector of inactive registration; contents.

Section 247.290 - Registration update requirement; procedure; exceptions.

Section 247.292 - Update of registration of elector changing residence; procedure.

Section 247.295 - Verification of addresses of electors; change of address service.

Section 247.296 - Verification of addresses of electors; update of registration; notice; cancellation prohibited during certain periods.

Section 247.302 - Effective date of registration automatically updated by county clerk.

Section 247.307 - Issuance of ballot when registration updated after registration deadline.

Section 247.410 - Eligibility to vote for President or Vice President, or electors, only.

Section 247.420 - Special ballot for voting under ORS 247.410.

Section 247.555 - Cancellation of registration.

Section 247.563 - Notice to elector whose registration appears invalid; contents; effect of notice; exceptions.

Section 247.570 - Notice of deaths to Secretary of State and county clerk; effect of notice.

Section 247.580 - County clerk to retain notices or elector listings for two years.

Section 247.940 - Statewide list of electors; delivery without charge to political parties; requirements for requesting list.

Section 247.945 - List of county or statewide electors; delivery to any person; charges.

Section 247.948 - Information required for or prohibited from inclusion in lists of electors.

Section 247.955 - Use of lists of electors for commercial purposes prohibited; exceptions.

Section 247.965 - When residence address of elector exempt from disclosure as public record; request for exemption.

Section 247.967 - Conditions where disclosure of elector’s residence address required; procedure; exception.

Section 247.969 - Definition of "personal safety" for purposes of ORS 247.965; rules.

Section 247.973 - Status of signature on voter registration card as public record; copies of signature prohibited; voter registration documents or information exempt from disclosure.