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Section 247.002 - Definitions. - (1) "County clerk" means the county clerk or the county...
Section 247.007 - When ballot considered legally cast; when vote counted; prohibition on voting more than once in same election. - (2) A vote for a particular candidate or on a...
Section 247.012 - Method of registering or updating a registration; when registration occurs; minimum registration information required; effect of missing registration information; registration locations. - (a) Delivering by mail, having a person deliver or otherwise...
Section 247.013 - Where person considered registered; change of residence address between counties; registration updates; when registration considered active or inactive. - (2) An elector who changes residence address from the county...
Section 247.015 - Other registration procedures. - (2) On written request from a qualified person who by...
Section 247.016 - Registration of person who is 16 or 17 years of age; limitation on public record disclosure. - (2) A person who registers to vote under subsection (1)...
Section 247.017 - Transfer of voter registration materials to Secretary of State from Department of Transportation; opt-out of voter registration; rules. - (2) Upon receiving the electronic record for, and electronic signature...
Section 247.019 - Electronic voter registration; rules. - (a) Oregon driver license, as defined in ORS 801.245; (b)...
Section 247.025 - Registration deadline; required address. - (1) A person’s registration card must be received at an...
Section 247.035 - Rules to consider in determining residence of person for voting purposes. - (a) The person’s residence shall be the place in which...
Section 247.038 - Registration of person who is homeless or resides in identifiable location. - (2) For purposes of this chapter: (a) The residence address...
Section 247.125 - Alteration of registration card prohibited; exceptions. - (a) An elections officer in the performance of official duties....
Section 247.171 - State and federal voter registration cards; Secretary of State approval of voter registration application forms of voter registration agencies; content of voter registration cards. - (2) The Secretary of State shall approve any voter registration...
Section 247.174 - Determining if person qualified to register or update registration; hearing. - (2) The county clerk or official designated by the county...
Section 247.176 - Request for delivery of registration card; rules. - (a) Any person may request delivery from the Secretary of...
Section 247.181 - Voter notification card. - (2) When an elector registers or updates a registration, the...
Section 247.195 - Inquiry into validity of registration; hearing; cancellation. - (2) Not later than the 20th day after the date...
Section 247.203 - Change, termination or adoption of party affiliation before primary election. - (1) Change the elector’s political party affiliation if the elector’s...
Section 247.208 - Voter registration agencies; designation; prohibited activities; required services; assessment of compliance with federal guidelines. - (2) Services required by the National Voter Registration Act of...
Section 247.275 - Limits on considering registration of elector inactive; rules. - (2) The registration of an elector shall be considered active...
Section 247.281 - Notice to elector of inactive registration; contents. - (a) Whose registration is inactive as of the 75th day...
Section 247.290 - Registration update requirement; procedure; exceptions. - (a) The residence address of the elector is changed for...
Section 247.292 - Update of registration of elector changing residence; procedure. - (a) The elector indicating a residence or mailing address that...
Section 247.295 - Verification of addresses of electors; change of address service. - (2) If the secretary determines that the address of an...
Section 247.296 - Verification of addresses of electors; update of registration; notice; cancellation prohibited during certain periods. - (2) Based on information obtained under subsection (1) of this...
Section 247.302 - Effective date of registration automatically updated by county clerk. - (2) The effective date of a voter registration updated under...
Section 247.307 - Issuance of ballot when registration updated after registration deadline. - (a) The county clerk shall issue a ballot to the...
Section 247.410 - Eligibility to vote for President or Vice President, or electors, only. - (1) Did not vote for the nomination of such candidates...
Section 247.420 - Special ballot for voting under ORS 247.410. - (2) No person shall supply any information under subsection (1)...
Section 247.555 - Cancellation of registration. - (a) At the request of the elector; (b) Upon the...
Section 247.563 - Notice to elector whose registration appears invalid; contents; effect of notice; exceptions. - (2) The notice shall be sent by forwardable mail and...
Section 247.570 - Notice of deaths to Secretary of State and county clerk; effect of notice. - (2) Not later than five business days after receiving information...
Section 247.580 - County clerk to retain notices or elector listings for two years. - (2) If the elector registration records of a county are...
Section 247.940 - Statewide list of electors; delivery without charge to political parties; requirements for requesting list. - (2) A request for a list under subsection (1) of...
Section 247.945 - List of county or statewide electors; delivery to any person; charges. - (2) The county clerk shall collect and pay into the...
Section 247.948 - Information required for or prohibited from inclusion in lists of electors. - (A) The major political party or minor political party, if...
Section 247.955 - Use of lists of electors for commercial purposes prohibited; exceptions. - (2) A person shall not be considered to use for...
Section 247.965 - When residence address of elector exempt from disclosure as public record; request for exemption. - (2) The county clerk shall keep the residence address of...
Section 247.967 - Conditions where disclosure of elector’s residence address required; procedure; exception. - (1) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section,...
Section 247.969 - Definition of "personal safety" for purposes of ORS 247.965; rules. - (a) Been a victim of domestic violence; (b) Obtained orders...
Section 247.973 - Status of signature on voter registration card as public record; copies of signature prohibited; voter registration documents or information exempt from disclosure. - (2) A person may not make a copy of or...