2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 215 - County Planning; Zoning; Housing Codes
Section 215.418 - Approval of development on wetlands; notice.

(a) Subdivisions;
(b) Building permits for new structures;
(c) Other development permits and approvals that allow physical alteration of the land involving excavation and grading, including permits for removal or fill, or both, or development in floodplains and floodways;
(d) Conditional use permits and variances that involve physical alterations to the land or construction of new structures; and
(e) Planned unit development approvals.
(2) The provisions of subsection (1) of this section do not apply if a permit from the department has been issued for the proposed activity.
(3) Approval of any activity described in subsection (1) of this section shall include one of the following notice statements:
(a) Issuance of a permit under ORS 196.665 and 196.800 to 196.900 by the department required for the project before any physical alteration takes place within the wetlands;
(b) Notice from the department that no permit is required; or
(c) Notice from the department that no permit is required until specific proposals to remove, fill or alter the wetlands are submitted.
(4) If the department fails to respond to any notice provided under subsection (1) of this section within 30 days of notice, the county approval may be issued with written notice to the applicant and the owner of record that the proposed action may require state or federal permits.
(5) The county may issue local approval for parcels identified as or including wetlands on the Statewide Wetlands Inventory upon providing to the applicant and the owner of record of the affected parcel a written notice of the possible presence of wetlands and the potential need for state and federal permits and providing the department with a copy of the notification of
comprehensive plan map or zoning map amendments for specific properties.
(6) Notice of activities authorized within an approved wetland conservation plan shall be provided to the department within five days following local approval.
(7) Failure by the county to provide notice as required in this section will not invalidate county approval. [1989 c.837 §29; 1991 c.763 §24]
Note: Sections 1 to 8, chapter 84, Oregon Laws 2016, provide:
Sec. 1. Sections 2 to 6 of this 2016 Act are added to and made a part of ORS chapter 215. [2016 c.84 §1]
Sec. 2. Legislative findings. The Legislative Assembly finds and declares that Tillamook County experiences unique challenges related to the creation, restoration or enhancement of wetlands on lands zoned for exclusive farm use, including regularly occurring and devastating flood events and landowner conflicts. It is therefore in the public interest to establish a pilot program in Tillamook County that applies conditional use review for the creation, restoration or enhancement of wetlands on lands zoned for exclusive farm use, and that incorporates a means for stakeholders to engage in a collaborative process for ensuring the protection and enhancement of agricultural land uses and wetlands. [2016 c.84 §2]
Sec. 3. Definitions. As used in sections 2 to 6 of this 2016 Act:
(1) "Mitigation bank" has the meaning given that term in ORS 196.600.
(2) "Permit" has the meaning given that term in ORS 215.402.
(3) "Reclamation" has the meaning given that term in ORS 517.750.
(4) "Riparian area" means a zone of transition from an aquatic ecosystem to a terrestrial ecosystem, dependent upon surface or subsurface water, in which existing or potential elements of the soil-vegetation complex are influenced by the surface or subsurface water that the zone is dependent upon.
(5) "Surface mining" has the meaning given that term in ORS 517.750.
(6) "Wetlands" has the meaning given that term in ORS 196.800. [2016 c.84 §3]
Sec. 4. Pilot program for reviewing creation, restoration or enhancement of wetlands in exclusive farm use zones. (1) Notwithstanding ORS 215.283 (1)(m), the governing body of Tillamook County may, by ordinance or regulation, adopt a pilot program for reviewing, subject to ORS 215.296, the creation, restoration or enhancement of wetlands in any area zoned for exclusive farm use.
(2) Notwithstanding ORS 215.296 (10), ordinances or regulations adopted by the governing body under the pilot program may not establish standards in addition to the standards described in ORS 215.296 (1) for approving the creation, restoration or enhancement of wetlands in areas zoned for exclusive farm use.
(3) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of ORS 215.416, the ordinances or regulations adopted as part of the pilot program shall provide for a mechanism by which, upon request by the applicant and prior to the approval or denial of a permit under the procedures required by ORS 215.402 to 215.438, the following parties may enter into a project-specific collaborative process for settling disputes concerning the application:
(a) The applicant;
(b) Any person whose use of the person’s property may be adversely affected by the proposed use;
(c) Any person who is entitled to notice under ORS 215.416 (11)(c);
(d) Representatives of any state or federal agency that is involved in the project for which the application for the use was submitted or that has expertise related to issues raised by the application or by comments received by the governing body; and
(e) For the purpose of assisting in the project-specific collaborative process, any person with technical expertise in:
(A) Creating, restoring or enhancing wetlands in Tillamook County;
(B) Creating, restoring or enhancing wetlands in areas with site characteristics similar to those identified in the application for the use; or
(C) The impacts of wetlands on agricultural operations.
(4) If an applicant requests to enter into a project-specific collaborative process adopted under subsection (3) of this section, the periods set forth in ORS 215.427 (1) and (5) for the governing body of a county or its designee to take final action on the application shall be extended in the manner provided for in ORS 215.427 (10).
(5) If the parties to a project-specific collaborative process requested under subsection (3) of this section agree to conditions that, if imposed on the proposed use, would satisfy the standards for approval set forth in ORS 215.296 (1) in a manner that is acceptable to all parties, an approval of the application for the permit shall include the conditions agreed to by the parties.
(6) The governing body shall discontinue a project-specific collaborative process requested under subsection (3) of this section if, at any time during the process, the applicant requests that the governing body resume processing the permit application under the procedures required by ORS 215.402 to 215.438. [2016 c.84 §4]
Sec. 5. Planning process. (1) As part of a pilot program authorized by section 4 of this 2016 Act, the governing body of Tillamook County shall, subject to subsection (4) of this section, initiate a planning process to:
(a) Identify areas zoned for exclusive farm use that are suitable for future wetland creation, restoration or enhancement projects; and
(b) Designate areas zoned for exclusive farm use as priority areas for maintenance of agricultural use.
(2) The governing body shall engage stakeholders in the planning process, including, but not limited to, representatives of conservation interests and agricultural interests, state and federal agencies and Indian tribes.
(3) A planning process initiated under this section shall include consideration of:
(a) The historic location and quantity of wetlands within the county;
(b) The location and quantity of wetlands within the county at the time the planning process is initiated;
(c) Agricultural interests within the county, and the land use patterns necessary for the stability of agricultural and associated farming practices;
(d) The amount and location of potential wetland projects that would provide the greatest benefits to fish recovery, fish and wildlife habitat, flood mitigation and other values;
(e) Locations where future wetland projects would be most likely to provide the greatest benefits to fish recovery, fish and wildlife habitat, flood mitigation and other values while remaining compatible with the land use patterns necessary for the stability of agricultural and associated farming practices;
(f) Locations where the creation, restoration or enhancement of wetlands is likely to materially alter the stability of the agricultural land use patterns or cause a significant change to farming practice, alone or in combination with other wetlands in the area; and
(g) Locations or land-use arrangements, opportunities, conditions or approaches that could best enable benefits to fish recovery, fish and wildlife habitat, flood mitigation and other values in a manner that complements the land use patterns necessary for the stability of agricultural and associated farming practices.
(4) The governing body is not required to initiate the planning process provided for in this section if the governing body determines that adequate funding, which may include funding from any combination of local, state, federal or other sources, is not reasonably available.
(5) If a plan developed under this section is acknowledged pursuant to ORS 197.625, the governing body may, by ordinance, adopt a process for denying permits or streamlining the permitting process for permit applications subject to the pilot program under section 4 of this 2016 Act. Ordinances adopted under this section must provide for a process that is consistent with the priorities identified in the plan. [2016 c.84 §5]
Sec. 6. Applicability of pilot program provisions. Sections 4 and 5 of this 2016 Act and ordinances and regulations adopted pursuant to sections 4 and 5 of this 2016 Act do not apply to the creation, restoration or enhancement of wetlands:
(1) For purposes related to a mitigation bank;
(2) For reclamation of lands affected by surface mining;
(3) If the wetlands are created, restored or enhanced for the purpose of meeting conditions necessary to comply with a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit or water pollution control facility permit issued by the Department of Environmental Quality pursuant to ORS 468B.050;
(4) For which construction had commenced, or required permits had been issued, prior to the adoption of ordinances or regulations by the governing body of Tillamook County under section 4 of this 2016 Act; and
(5) If the creation, restoration or enhancement of the wetlands only involves planting vegetation in a wetland or riparian area. [2016 c.84 §6]
Sec. 7. Reporting requirements. (1) The governing body of Tillamook County shall provide for the production and filing of a report on the progress of a pilot program adopted under section 4 of this 2016 Act in the manner provided in ORS 192.245, to the interim committees of the Legislative Assembly related to environment and natural resources no later than September 15 of each odd-numbered year following the effective date of this 2016 Act [January 1, 2017], until and including September 15, 2025.
(2) In developing a report required by this section, the governing body must consult with stakeholders including, but not limited to, representatives of conservation interests and agricultural interests, state and federal agencies and Indian tribes.
(3) A report required by this section must include, but need not be limited to:
(a) Information on whether and to what extent the governing body has taken action as provided for in sections 4 and 5 of this 2016 Act and the form of the action taken;
(b) The number of permit applications received under the pilot program adopted under section 4 of this 2016 Act, the number of applicants that have requested entering into a project-specific collaborative process to settle disputes concerning their applications and the disposition of applications received under the pilot program; and
(c) Any significant successes, challenges or recommendations for legislation related to the pilot program.
(4) The report that is required to be filed under this section no later than September 15, 2025, shall include information detailing the success of the pilot program and recommendations on whether the pilot program should be made permanent. [2016 c.84 §7]
Sec. 8. Sections 2 to 7 of this 2016 Act are repealed on January 2, 2027. [2016 c.84 §8]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 06 - Local Government, Public Employees, Elections

Chapter 215 - County Planning; Zoning; Housing Codes

Section 215.010 - Definitions.

Section 215.020 - Authority to establish county planning commissions.

Section 215.030 - Membership of planning commission.

Section 215.042 - Planning director.

Section 215.044 - Solar access ordinances; purpose; standards.

Section 215.050 - Comprehensive planning, zoning and subdivision ordinances; copies available.

Section 215.110 - Recommendations for implementation of comprehensive plan; enactment of ordinances; referral; retroactivity.

Section 215.130 - Application of ordinances and comprehensive plan; alteration of nonconforming use.

Section 215.135 - Expansion of nonconforming school in exclusive farm use zone.

Section 215.185 - Remedies for unlawful structures or land use.

Section 215.203 - Zoning ordinances establishing exclusive farm use zones; definitions.

Section 215.209 - Department of Land Conservation and Development database; rural land maps; contents.

Section 215.211 - Agricultural land; detailed soils assessment; fee.

Section 215.212 - Soils Assessment Fund; purposes.

Section 215.213 - Uses permitted in exclusive farm use zones in counties that adopted marginal lands system prior to 1993; rules.

Section 215.215 - Reestablishment of nonfarm use.

Section 215.218 - Certain private hunting preserves not subject to land use approval; complaint procedures.

Section 215.223 - Procedure for adopting zoning ordinances; notice.

Section 215.236 - Nonfarm dwelling in exclusive farm use zone; qualification for special assessment.

Section 215.237 - Events or activities conducted by winery in exclusive farm use zone or mixed farm and forest zone.

Section 215.238 - Attorney fees in action for nuisance or trespass relating to agri-tourism event or activity.

Section 215.239 - Siting of agri-tourism event or activity.

Section 215.243 - Agricultural land use policy.

Section 215.246 - Approval of land application of certain substances; subsequent use of tract of land; consideration of alternatives.

Section 215.247 - Transport of biosolids to tract of land for application.

Section 215.249 - Division of land for application of biosolids.

Section 215.251 - Relationship to other farm uses.

Section 215.253 - Restrictive local ordinances affecting farm use zones prohibited; exception.

Section 215.255 - Farm product processing facility; conditions.

Section 215.262 - Legislative findings related to nonfarm dwellings.

Section 215.263 - Land divisions in exclusive farm use zones; criteria for approval; rules.

Section 215.265 - Land divisions; limiting certain causes of action.

Section 215.274 - Associated transmission lines necessary for public service; criteria; mitigating impact of facility.

Section 215.275 - Utility facilities necessary for public service; criteria; rules; mitigating impact of facility.

Section 215.276 - Required consultation for transmission lines to be located on high-value farmland.

Section 215.278 - Accessory dwellings for farmworkers; rules.

Section 215.279 - Farm income standard for dwelling in conjunction with farm use.

Section 215.281 - Legislative findings related to dwellings in conjunction with commercial dairy farm.

Section 215.282 - Dwellings in conjunction with commercial dairy farm; rules.

Section 215.283 - Uses permitted in exclusive farm use zones in nonmarginal lands counties; rules.

Section 215.284 - Dwelling not in conjunction with farm use; existing lots or parcels; new lots or parcels.

Section 215.291 - Alteration, restoration or replacement of lawfully established dwelling; conditions; siting; deferral.

Section 215.294 - Railroad facilities handling materials regulated under ORS chapter 459 or 466.

Section 215.296 - Standards for approval of certain uses in exclusive farm use zones; violation of standards; complaint; penalties; exceptions to standards.

Section 215.297 - Verifying continuity for approval of certain uses in exclusive farm use zones.

Section 215.298 - Mining in exclusive farm use zone; land use permit.

Section 215.299 - Policy on mining resource lands.

Section 215.301 - Blending materials for cement prohibited near vineyards; exception.

Section 215.304 - Rule adoption; limitations.

Section 215.306 - Conducting filming activities in exclusive farm use zones.

Section 215.311 - Log truck parking in exclusive farm use zones; dump truck parking in forest zones or mixed farm and forest zones.

Section 215.312 - Public safety training facility.

Section 215.316 - Termination of adoption of marginal lands.

Section 215.317 - Permitted uses on marginal land.

Section 215.327 - Divisions of marginal land.

Section 215.401 - Preapplication process for land use approval of disposal site for composting.

Section 215.402 - Definitions for ORS 215.402 to 215.438 and 215.700 to 215.780.

Section 215.406 - Planning and zoning hearings officers; duties and powers; authority of governing body or planning commission to conduct hearings.

Section 215.412 - Adoption of hearing procedure and rules.

Section 215.416 - Permit application; fees; consolidated procedures; hearings; notice; approval criteria; decision without hearing.

Section 215.417 - Time to act under certain approved permits; extension.

Section 215.418 - Approval of development on wetlands; notice.

Section 215.422 - Review of decision of hearings officer or other authority; notice of appeal; fees; appeal of final decision.

Section 215.425 - Review of decision relating to aggregate resources.

Section 215.427 - Final action on permit or zone change application; refund of application fees.

Section 215.429 - Mandamus proceeding when county fails to take final action on land use application within specified time; jurisdiction; notice; peremptory writ.

Section 215.431 - Plan amendments; hearings by planning commission or hearings officer; exceptions.

Section 215.433 - Supplemental application for remaining permitted uses following denial of initial application.

Section 215.435 - Deadline for final action by county on remand of land use decision; exception.

Section 215.437 - Mandamus proceeding when county fails to take final action within specified time on remand of land use decision.

Section 215.439 - Solar energy systems in residential or commercial zones.

Section 215.441 - Use of real property for religious activity; county regulation of real property used for religious activity.

Section 215.445 - Use of private property for mobile medical clinic.

Section 215.446 - Renewable energy facility; application; standards; notices.

Section 215.447 - Photovoltaic solar power generation facilities on high-value farmland.

Section 215.448 - Home occupations; parking; where allowed; conditions.

Section 215.449 - Farm brewery; conditions; permissible uses; reporting.

Section 215.451 - Cider business; conditions; permissible uses; reporting.

Section 215.452 - Winery; conditions; permissible uses.

Section 215.453 - Large winery; conditions; permissible uses.

Section 215.454 - Lawful continuation of certain winery-related uses or structures.

Section 215.456 - Siting winery as commercial activity in exclusive farm use zone.

Section 215.457 - Youth camps allowed in forest zones and mixed farm and forest zones.

Section 215.459 - Private campground in forest zones and mixed farm and forest zones; yurts; rules.

Section 215.461 - Guest ranch; conditions; permissible uses; reporting.

Section 215.462 - Limitations on guest ranch.

Section 215.495 - Accessory dwelling units in rural residential zones.

Section 215.501 - Conversion of historic homes to accessory dwelling units in rural residential zones.

Section 215.503 - Legislative act by ordinance; mailed notice to individual property owners required by county for land use actions.

Section 215.513 - Forwarding of notice to property purchaser.

Section 215.606 - Standards for clustered mailboxes in county roads and rights-of-way.

Section 215.615 - Application and contents of housing ordinances.

Section 215.700 - Resource land dwelling policy.

Section 215.705 - Dwellings in farm or forest zone; criteria; transferability of application.

Section 215.710 - High-value farmland description for ORS 215.705.

Section 215.720 - Criteria for forestland dwelling under ORS 215.705.

Section 215.730 - Additional criteria for forestland dwelling under ORS 215.705.

Section 215.740 - Large tract forestland dwelling; criteria; rules.

Section 215.750 - Alternative forestland dwelling; criteria.

Section 215.755 - Other forestland dwellings; criteria.

Section 215.757 - Accessory dwellings supporting family forestry; conditions.

Section 215.760 - Agricultural buildings on land zoned for forest use or mixed farm and forest use.

Section 215.780 - Minimum lot or parcel sizes; land division to establish a dwelling; recordation.

Section 215.783 - Land division to preserve open space or park; qualification for special assessment.

Section 215.785 - Exception to minimum lot or parcel sizes.

Section 215.788 - Legislative review of lands zoned for farm and forest use; criteria.

Section 215.791 - Review of nonresource lands for ecological significance; inventory and protection of ecologically significant nonresource lands; criteria.

Section 215.794 - Review of county rezoning designations; rules.

Section 215.799 - Location of dwellings on wildlife habitat land.