2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 215 - County Planning; Zoning; Housing Codes
Section 215.020 - Authority to establish county planning commissions.

(2) This section shall be liberally construed and shall include the authority to create more than one planning commission, or subcommittee of a commission, for a county or the use of a joint planning commission or other intergovernmental agency for planning as authorized by ORS 190.003 to 190.130. [Amended by 1973 c.552 §1; 1975 c.767 §15]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 06 - Local Government, Public Employees, Elections

Chapter 215 - County Planning; Zoning; Housing Codes

Section 215.010 - Definitions.

Section 215.020 - Authority to establish county planning commissions.

Section 215.030 - Membership of planning commission.

Section 215.042 - Planning director.

Section 215.044 - Solar access ordinances; purpose; standards.

Section 215.050 - Comprehensive planning, zoning and subdivision ordinances; copies available.

Section 215.110 - Recommendations for implementation of comprehensive plan; enactment of ordinances; referral; retroactivity.

Section 215.130 - Application of ordinances and comprehensive plan; alteration of nonconforming use.

Section 215.135 - Expansion of nonconforming school in exclusive farm use zone.

Section 215.185 - Remedies for unlawful structures or land use.

Section 215.203 - Zoning ordinances establishing exclusive farm use zones; definitions.

Section 215.209 - Department of Land Conservation and Development database; rural land maps; contents.

Section 215.211 - Agricultural land; detailed soils assessment; fee.

Section 215.212 - Soils Assessment Fund; purposes.

Section 215.213 - Uses permitted in exclusive farm use zones in counties that adopted marginal lands system prior to 1993; rules.

Section 215.215 - Reestablishment of nonfarm use.

Section 215.218 - Certain private hunting preserves not subject to land use approval; complaint procedures.

Section 215.223 - Procedure for adopting zoning ordinances; notice.

Section 215.236 - Nonfarm dwelling in exclusive farm use zone; qualification for special assessment.

Section 215.237 - Events or activities conducted by winery in exclusive farm use zone or mixed farm and forest zone.

Section 215.238 - Attorney fees in action for nuisance or trespass relating to agri-tourism event or activity.

Section 215.239 - Siting of agri-tourism event or activity.

Section 215.243 - Agricultural land use policy.

Section 215.246 - Approval of land application of certain substances; subsequent use of tract of land; consideration of alternatives.

Section 215.247 - Transport of biosolids to tract of land for application.

Section 215.249 - Division of land for application of biosolids.

Section 215.251 - Relationship to other farm uses.

Section 215.253 - Restrictive local ordinances affecting farm use zones prohibited; exception.

Section 215.255 - Farm product processing facility; conditions.

Section 215.262 - Legislative findings related to nonfarm dwellings.

Section 215.263 - Land divisions in exclusive farm use zones; criteria for approval; rules.

Section 215.265 - Land divisions; limiting certain causes of action.

Section 215.274 - Associated transmission lines necessary for public service; criteria; mitigating impact of facility.

Section 215.275 - Utility facilities necessary for public service; criteria; rules; mitigating impact of facility.

Section 215.276 - Required consultation for transmission lines to be located on high-value farmland.

Section 215.278 - Accessory dwellings for farmworkers; rules.

Section 215.279 - Farm income standard for dwelling in conjunction with farm use.

Section 215.281 - Legislative findings related to dwellings in conjunction with commercial dairy farm.

Section 215.282 - Dwellings in conjunction with commercial dairy farm; rules.

Section 215.283 - Uses permitted in exclusive farm use zones in nonmarginal lands counties; rules.

Section 215.284 - Dwelling not in conjunction with farm use; existing lots or parcels; new lots or parcels.

Section 215.291 - Alteration, restoration or replacement of lawfully established dwelling; conditions; siting; deferral.

Section 215.294 - Railroad facilities handling materials regulated under ORS chapter 459 or 466.

Section 215.296 - Standards for approval of certain uses in exclusive farm use zones; violation of standards; complaint; penalties; exceptions to standards.

Section 215.297 - Verifying continuity for approval of certain uses in exclusive farm use zones.

Section 215.298 - Mining in exclusive farm use zone; land use permit.

Section 215.299 - Policy on mining resource lands.

Section 215.301 - Blending materials for cement prohibited near vineyards; exception.

Section 215.304 - Rule adoption; limitations.

Section 215.306 - Conducting filming activities in exclusive farm use zones.

Section 215.311 - Log truck parking in exclusive farm use zones; dump truck parking in forest zones or mixed farm and forest zones.

Section 215.312 - Public safety training facility.

Section 215.316 - Termination of adoption of marginal lands.

Section 215.317 - Permitted uses on marginal land.

Section 215.327 - Divisions of marginal land.

Section 215.401 - Preapplication process for land use approval of disposal site for composting.

Section 215.402 - Definitions for ORS 215.402 to 215.438 and 215.700 to 215.780.

Section 215.406 - Planning and zoning hearings officers; duties and powers; authority of governing body or planning commission to conduct hearings.

Section 215.412 - Adoption of hearing procedure and rules.

Section 215.416 - Permit application; fees; consolidated procedures; hearings; notice; approval criteria; decision without hearing.

Section 215.417 - Time to act under certain approved permits; extension.

Section 215.418 - Approval of development on wetlands; notice.

Section 215.422 - Review of decision of hearings officer or other authority; notice of appeal; fees; appeal of final decision.

Section 215.425 - Review of decision relating to aggregate resources.

Section 215.427 - Final action on permit or zone change application; refund of application fees.

Section 215.429 - Mandamus proceeding when county fails to take final action on land use application within specified time; jurisdiction; notice; peremptory writ.

Section 215.431 - Plan amendments; hearings by planning commission or hearings officer; exceptions.

Section 215.433 - Supplemental application for remaining permitted uses following denial of initial application.

Section 215.435 - Deadline for final action by county on remand of land use decision; exception.

Section 215.437 - Mandamus proceeding when county fails to take final action within specified time on remand of land use decision.

Section 215.439 - Solar energy systems in residential or commercial zones.

Section 215.441 - Use of real property for religious activity; county regulation of real property used for religious activity.

Section 215.445 - Use of private property for mobile medical clinic.

Section 215.446 - Renewable energy facility; application; standards; notices.

Section 215.447 - Photovoltaic solar power generation facilities on high-value farmland.

Section 215.448 - Home occupations; parking; where allowed; conditions.

Section 215.449 - Farm brewery; conditions; permissible uses; reporting.

Section 215.451 - Cider business; conditions; permissible uses; reporting.

Section 215.452 - Winery; conditions; permissible uses.

Section 215.453 - Large winery; conditions; permissible uses.

Section 215.454 - Lawful continuation of certain winery-related uses or structures.

Section 215.456 - Siting winery as commercial activity in exclusive farm use zone.

Section 215.457 - Youth camps allowed in forest zones and mixed farm and forest zones.

Section 215.459 - Private campground in forest zones and mixed farm and forest zones; yurts; rules.

Section 215.461 - Guest ranch; conditions; permissible uses; reporting.

Section 215.462 - Limitations on guest ranch.

Section 215.495 - Accessory dwelling units in rural residential zones.

Section 215.501 - Conversion of historic homes to accessory dwelling units in rural residential zones.

Section 215.503 - Legislative act by ordinance; mailed notice to individual property owners required by county for land use actions.

Section 215.513 - Forwarding of notice to property purchaser.

Section 215.606 - Standards for clustered mailboxes in county roads and rights-of-way.

Section 215.615 - Application and contents of housing ordinances.

Section 215.700 - Resource land dwelling policy.

Section 215.705 - Dwellings in farm or forest zone; criteria; transferability of application.

Section 215.710 - High-value farmland description for ORS 215.705.

Section 215.720 - Criteria for forestland dwelling under ORS 215.705.

Section 215.730 - Additional criteria for forestland dwelling under ORS 215.705.

Section 215.740 - Large tract forestland dwelling; criteria; rules.

Section 215.750 - Alternative forestland dwelling; criteria.

Section 215.755 - Other forestland dwellings; criteria.

Section 215.757 - Accessory dwellings supporting family forestry; conditions.

Section 215.760 - Agricultural buildings on land zoned for forest use or mixed farm and forest use.

Section 215.780 - Minimum lot or parcel sizes; land division to establish a dwelling; recordation.

Section 215.783 - Land division to preserve open space or park; qualification for special assessment.

Section 215.785 - Exception to minimum lot or parcel sizes.

Section 215.788 - Legislative review of lands zoned for farm and forest use; criteria.

Section 215.791 - Review of nonresource lands for ecological significance; inventory and protection of ecologically significant nonresource lands; criteria.

Section 215.794 - Review of county rezoning designations; rules.

Section 215.799 - Location of dwellings on wildlife habitat land.