A. By August 31, 2000, and by August 31 of every succeeding year, the secretary shall determine the total amount contributed through the preceding July 31 on returns filed for taxable years ending in the preceding calendar year pursuant to each provision of the Income Tax Act that allows a taxpayer the option of directing the department to contribute all or any part of an income tax refund due the taxpayer to a specified account, fund or entity.
B. If the secretary's determination pursuant to Subsection A of this section regarding an optional refund contribution provision is that the total amount contributed is less than five thousand dollars ($5,000), exclusive of directions for contributions disregarded under Subsection C of this section, the secretary shall certify that fact to the secretary of state. Any optional refund contribution provision for which a certification is made for three consecutive years is repealed, effective on the January 1 following the third certification.
C. The department shall disregard a direction on a return to make an optional refund contribution if the amount of refund due on the return is determined by the department to be less than the sum of the amounts directed to be contributed.
D. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 7-1-26 NMSA 1978, a taxpayer may not claim and the department may not allow a refund with respect to any optional refund contribution that was made by the department at the direction of the taxpayer.
History: Laws 1999, ch. 47, § 5.
Effective dates. — Laws 1999, ch. 47 contained no effective date provision, but, pursuant to N.M. Const., art. IV, § 23, was effective June 17, 1999, 90 days after the adjournment of the legislature.
Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 2 - Income Tax General Provisions
Section 7-2-3 - Imposition and levy of tax.
Section 7-2-5.2 - Exemption; income of persons sixty-five and older or blind.
Section 7-2-5.6 - Exemption; medical care savings accounts.
Section 7-2-5.7 - Exemption; income of individuals one hundred years of age or older.
Section 7-2-5.8 - Exemption for low- and middle-income taxpayers.
Section 7-2-5.11 - Exemption; armed forces salaries.
Section 7-2-7 - Individual income tax rates.
Section 7-2-7 - Individual income tax rates. (Effective January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2007.)
Section 7-2-7.2 - Tax rebate; 2005 taxable year. (Effective for 2005 tax year.)
Section 7-2-7.3 - Exemption; 2005 taxable year rebate. (Effective for 2005 tax year.)
Section 7-2-7.4 - 2020 income tax rebate.
Section 7-2-9 - Tax computation; alternative method.
Section 7-2-10 - Income taxes applied to individuals on federal areas.
Section 7-2-11 - Tax credit; income allocation and apportionment.
Section 7-2-12 - Taxpayer returns; payment of tax.
Section 7-2-12.1 - Limitation on claiming of credits and tax rebates.
Section 7-2-12.2 - Estimated tax due; payment of estimated tax; penalty.
Section 7-2-13 - Credit for taxes paid other states by resident individuals.
Section 7-2-14 - Low-income comprehensive tax rebate.
Section 7-2-14.5 - Imposition of tax; limitations.
Section 7-2-18.2 - Credit for preservation of cultural property; refund.
Section 7-2-18.4 - Qualified business facility rehabilitation credit; income tax credit.
Section 7-2-18.5 - Welfare-to-work tax credit.
Section 7-2-18.8 - Credit; certain electronic equipment.
Section 7-2-18.10 - Tax credit; certain conveyances of real property.
Section 7-2-18.11 - Job mentorship tax credit.
Section 7-2-18.15 - Working families tax credit.
Section 7-2-18.17 - Angel investment credit.
Section 7-2-18.18 - Renewable energy production tax credit.
Section 7-2-18.19 - Sustainable building tax credit.
Section 7-2-18.21 - Credit; blended biodiesel fuel.
Section 7-2-18.22 - Tax credit; rural health care practitioner tax credit.
Section 7-2-18.23 - Refundable credit; 2007 taxable year.
Section 7-2-18.24 - Geothermal ground-coupled heat pump tax credit.
Section 7-2-18.25 - Advanced energy income tax credit.
Section 7-2-18.26 - Agricultural biomass income tax credit.
Section 7-2-18.27 - Credit; physician participation in cancer treatment clinical trials.
Section 7-2-18.28 - Veteran employment tax credit.
Section 7-2-18.29 - 2015 sustainable building tax credit.
Section 7-2-18.30 - Foster youth employment income tax credit.
Section 7-2-18.31 - New solar market development income tax credit.
Section 7-2-18.32 - 2021 sustainable building tax credit.
Section 7-2-20 - Information returns.
Section 7-2-21 - Fiscal years permitted.
Section 7-2-21.1 - Accounting methods.
Section 7-2-22 - Administration.
Section 7-2-23 - Finding[; wildlife funds].
Section 7-2-24 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution [; game protection fund].
Section 7-2-24.1 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution for tree plantings.
Section 7-2-24.2 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution; healthy soil program.
Section 7-2-28 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution.
Section 7-2-28.1 - Veterans' state cemetery fund; created.
Section 7-2-30 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution [; substance abuse education fund].
Section 7-2-30.4 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution; Vietnam veterans memorial.
Section 7-2-30.5 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution; veterans' enterprise fund.
Section 7-2-30.6 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution; lottery tuition fund.
Section 7-2-30.7 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution; horse shelter rescue fund.
Section 7-2-30.8 - Finding; optional designation of tax refund contribution; senior services.
Section 7-2-30.9 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution; animal care and facility fund.
Section 7-2-30.11 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution; New Mexico housing trust fund.
Section 7-2-31 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution.
Section 7-2-31.1 - Optional refund contribution provisions; conditional repeal.
Section 7-2-32 - Deduction-payments into education trust fund.
Section 7-2-34 - Deduction; net capital gain income.
Section 7-2-36 - Deduction; expenses related to organ donation.
Section 7-2-37 - Deduction; unreimbursed or uncompensated medical care expenses.
Section 7-2-39 - Deduction from net income for certain dependents.
Section 7-2-40 - Deduction; income from leasing a liquor license.