2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 2 - Income Tax General Provisions
Section 7-2-18.18 - Renewable energy production tax credit.

A. The tax credit provided in this section may be referred to as the "renewable energy production tax credit". The tax credit provided in this section may not be claimed with respect to the same electricity production for which a tax credit pursuant to Section 7-2A-19 NMSA 1978 has been claimed.
B. A taxpayer who files an individual New Mexico income tax return and who is not a dependent of another taxpayer is eligible for the renewable energy production tax credit if the taxpayer:
(1) holds title to a qualified energy generator that first produced electricity on or before January 1, 2018; or
(2) leases property upon which a qualified energy generator operates from a county or municipality under authority of an industrial revenue bond and if the qualified energy generator first produced electricity on or before January 1, 2018.
C. The amount of the tax credit shall equal one cent ($.01) per kilowatt-hour of the first four hundred thousand megawatt-hours of electricity produced by the qualified energy generator in the taxable year using a wind- or biomass-derived qualified energy resource; provided that the total amount of tax credits claimed by all taxpayers for a single qualified energy generator using a wind- or biomass-derived qualified energy resource shall not exceed one cent ($.01) per kilowatt-hour of the first four hundred thousand megawatt-hours of electricity produced by the qualified energy generator in a taxable year.
D. The amount of the tax credit for electricity produced by a qualified energy generator in the taxable year using a solar-light-derived or solar-heat-derived qualified energy resource shall be at the amounts specified in Paragraphs (1) through (11) of this subsection; provided that the total amount of tax credits claimed by all taxpayers in a taxable year for a single qualified energy generator using a solar-light-derived or solar-heat-derived qualified energy resource shall be limited to the first two hundred thousand megawatt-hours of electricity produced by the qualified energy generator in the taxable year:
(1) one and one-half cents ($.015) per kilowatt-hour in the first taxable year in which the qualified energy generator produces electricity using a solar-light-derived or solar-heat-derived qualified energy resource;
(2) two cents ($.02) per kilowatt-hour in the second taxable year in which the qualified energy generator produces electricity using a solar-light-derived or solar-heat-derived qualified energy resource;
(3) two and one-half cents ($.025) per kilowatt-hour in the third taxable year in which the qualified energy generator produces electricity using a solar-light-derived or solar-heat-derived qualified energy resource;
(4) three cents ($.03) per kilowatt-hour in the fourth taxable year in which the qualified energy generator produces electricity using a solar-light-derived or solar-heat-derived qualified energy resource;
(5) three and one-half cents ($.035) per kilowatt-hour in the fifth taxable year in which the qualified energy generator produces electricity using a solar-light-derived or solar-heat-derived qualified energy resource;
(6) four cents ($.04) per kilowatt-hour in the sixth taxable year in which the qualified energy generator produces electricity using a solar-light-derived or solar-heat-derived qualified energy resource;
(7) three and one-half cents ($.035) per kilowatt-hour in the seventh taxable year in which the qualified energy generator produces electricity using a solar-light-derived or solar-heat-derived qualified energy resource;
(8) three cents ($.03) per kilowatt-hour in the eighth taxable year in which the qualified energy generator produces electricity using a solar-light-derived or solar-heat-derived qualified energy resource;
(9) two and one-half cents ($.025) per kilowatt-hour in the ninth taxable year in which the qualified energy generator produces electricity using a solar-light-derived or solar-heat-derived qualified energy resource;
(10) two cents ($.02) per kilowatt-hour in the tenth taxable year in which the qualified energy generator produces electricity using a solar-light-derived or solar-heat-derived qualified energy resource; and
(11) one and one-half cents ($.015) per kilowatt-hour in the eleventh taxable year in which the qualified energy generator produces electricity using a solar-light-derived or solar-heat-derived qualified energy resource.
E. A taxpayer eligible for a renewable energy production tax credit pursuant to Subsection B of this section shall be eligible for the renewable energy production tax credit for one hundred twenty consecutive months, beginning on the date the qualified energy generator begins producing electricity.
F. As used in this section:
(1) "biomass" means organic material that is available on a renewable or recurring basis, including:
(a) forest-related materials, including mill residues, logging residues, forest thinnings, slash, brush, low-commercial-value materials or undesirable species, salt cedar and other phreatophyte or woody vegetation removed from river basins or watersheds and woody material harvested for the purpose of forest fire fuel reduction or forest health and watershed improvement;
(b) agricultural-related materials, including orchard trees, vineyard, grain or crop residues, including straws and stover, aquatic plants and agricultural processed co-products and waste products, including fats, oils, greases, whey and lactose;
(c) animal waste, including manure and slaughterhouse and other processing waste;
(d) solid woody waste materials, including landscape or right-of-way tree trimmings, rangeland maintenance residues, waste pallets, crates and manufacturing, construction and demolition wood wastes, excluding pressure-treated, chemically treated or painted wood wastes and wood contaminated with plastic;
(e) crops and trees planted for the purpose of being used to produce energy;
(f) landfill gas, wastewater treatment gas and biosolids, including organic waste byproducts generated during the wastewater treatment process; and
(g) segregated municipal solid waste, excluding tires and medical and hazardous waste;
(2) "qualified energy generator" means an electric generating facility with at least one megawatt generating capacity located in New Mexico that produces electricity using a qualified energy resource and the electricity produced is sold to an unrelated person; and
(3) "qualified energy resource" means a resource that generates electrical energy by means of a fluidized bed technology or similar low-emissions technology or a zero-emissions generation technology that has substantial long-term production potential and that uses only the following energy sources:
(a) solar light;
(b) solar heat;
(c) wind; or
(d) biomass.
G. A person that holds title to a facility generating electricity from a qualified energy resource or a person that leases such a facility from a county or municipality pursuant to an industrial revenue bond may request certification of eligibility for the renewable energy production tax credit from the energy, minerals and natural resources department, which shall determine if the facility is a qualified energy generator. The energy, minerals and natural resources department may certify the eligibility of an energy generator only if the total amount of electricity that may be produced annually by all qualified energy generators that are certified pursuant to this section and pursuant to Section 7-2A-19 NMSA 1978 will not exceed a total of two million megawatt-hours plus an additional five hundred thousand megawatt-hours produced by qualified energy generators using a solar-light-derived or solar-heat-derived qualified energy resource. Applications shall be considered in the order received. The energy, minerals and natural resources department may estimate the annual power-generating potential of a generating facility for the purposes of this section. The energy, minerals and natural resources department shall issue a certificate to the applicant stating whether the facility is an eligible qualified energy generator and the estimated annual production potential of the generating facility, which shall be the limit of that facility's energy production eligible for the tax credit for the taxable year. The energy, minerals and natural resources department may issue rules governing the procedure for administering the provisions of this subsection and shall report annually to the appropriate interim legislative committee information that will allow the legislative committee to analyze the effectiveness of the renewable energy production tax credit, including the identity of qualified energy generators, the energy production means used, the amount of energy produced by those qualified energy generators and whether any applications could not be approved due to program limits.
H. A taxpayer may be allocated all or a portion of the right to claim a renewable energy production tax credit without regard to proportional ownership interest if:
(1) the taxpayer owns an interest in a business entity that is taxed for federal income tax purposes as a partnership;
(2) the business entity:
(a) would qualify for the renewable energy production tax credit pursuant to Paragraph (1) or (2) of Subsection B of this section;
(b) owns an interest in a business entity that is also taxed for federal income tax purposes as a partnership and that would qualify for the renewable energy production tax credit pursuant to Paragraph (1) or (2) of Subsection B of this section; or
(c) owns, through one or more intermediate business entities that are each taxed for federal income tax purposes as a partnership, an interest in the business entity described in Subparagraph (b) of this paragraph;
(3) the taxpayer and all other taxpayers allocated a right to claim the renewable energy production tax credit pursuant to this subsection own collectively at least a five percent interest in a qualified energy generator;
(4) the business entity provides notice of the allocation and the taxpayer's interest to the energy, minerals and natural resources department on forms prescribed by that department for the taxable year to be claimed; and
(5) the energy, minerals and natural resources department certifies the allocation for the taxable year to be claimed in writing to the taxpayer.
I. Upon receipt of notice of an allocation of the right to claim all or a portion of the renewable energy production tax credit, the energy, minerals and natural resources department shall promptly certify the allocation in writing to the recipient of the allocation.
J. Married individuals who file separate returns for a taxable year in which they could have filed a joint return may each claim only one-half of the credit that would have been allowed on a joint return.
K. A taxpayer may claim the renewable energy production tax credit by submitting to the taxation and revenue department the certificate issued by the energy, minerals and natural resources department, pursuant to Subsection G or H of this section, documentation showing the taxpayer's interest in the facility, documentation of the amount of electricity produced by the facility in the taxable year and any other information the taxation and revenue department may require to determine the amount of the tax credit due the taxpayer.
L. If the requirements of this section have been complied with, the department shall approve payment of the renewable energy production tax credit. The credit may be deducted from a taxpayer's New Mexico income tax liability for the taxable year for which the credit is claimed. If the amount of tax credit exceeds the taxpayer's income tax liability for the taxable year:
(1) the excess may be carried forward for a period of five taxable years; or
(2) if the tax credit was issued with respect to a qualified energy generator that first produced electricity using a qualified energy resource on or after October 1, 2007, the excess shall be refunded to the taxpayer.
M. Once a taxpayer has been granted a renewable energy production tax credit for a given facility, that taxpayer shall be allowed to retain the facility's original date of application for tax credits for that facility until either the facility goes out of production for more than six consecutive months in a year or until the facility's ten-year eligibility has expired.
History: Laws 2007, ch. 204, § 2; 2021, ch. 65, § 6.
The 2021 amendment, effective July 1, 2021, provided that the amount of the renewable energy production tax credit in the eleventh taxable year in which the qualified energy generator produces electricity is one and one-half cents per kilowatt-hour, clarified that a taxpayer eligible for a renewable energy production tax credit shall be eligible for one hundred twenty consecutive months, and revised the definition of "qualified energy generator", as used in this section; in Subsection D, after "Paragraphs (1) through", changed "(10)" to "(11)", and added Paragraph D(11); in Subsection E, after "tax credit for", changed "ten" to "one hundred twenty", and after "consecutive", changed "years" to "months"; in Subsection F, Paragraph F(2), after "means", deleted "a" and added "an electric generating"; and in Subsection H, Paragraph H(4), after the second occurrence of "department", added "for the taxable year to be claimed", and in Paragraph H(5), after "allocation", added "for the taxable year to be claimed".

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 7 - Taxation

Article 2 - Income Tax General Provisions

Section 7-2-1 - Short title.

Section 7-2-2 - Definitions.

Section 7-2-3 - Imposition and levy of tax.

Section 7-2-4 - Exemptions.

Section 7-2-5 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-5.1 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-5.2 - Exemption; income of persons sixty-five and older or blind.

Section 7-2-5.3 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-5.4 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-5.5 - Exemption; earnings by Indians, their Indian spouses and Indian dependents on Indian lands.

Section 7-2-5.6 - Exemption; medical care savings accounts.

Section 7-2-5.7 - Exemption; income of individuals one hundred years of age or older.

Section 7-2-5.8 - Exemption for low- and middle-income taxpayers.

Section 7-2-5.9 - Exemption; unreimbursed or uncompensated medical care expenses of individuals sixty-five years of age or older.

Section 7-2-5.10 - Exemption; New Mexico national guard member premiums paid for group life insurance.

Section 7-2-5.11 - Exemption; armed forces salaries.

Section 7-2-6 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-7 - Individual income tax rates.

Section 7-2-7 - Individual income tax rates. (Effective January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2007.)

Section 7-2-7.1 - Tax tables.

Section 7-2-7.2 - Tax rebate; 2005 taxable year. (Effective for 2005 tax year.)

Section 7-2-7.3 - Exemption; 2005 taxable year rebate. (Effective for 2005 tax year.)

Section 7-2-7.4 - 2020 income tax rebate.

Section 7-2-8 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-9 - Tax computation; alternative method.

Section 7-2-10 - Income taxes applied to individuals on federal areas.

Section 7-2-11 - Tax credit; income allocation and apportionment.

Section 7-2-12 - Taxpayer returns; payment of tax.

Section 7-2-12.1 - Limitation on claiming of credits and tax rebates.

Section 7-2-12.2 - Estimated tax due; payment of estimated tax; penalty.

Section 7-2-13 - Credit for taxes paid other states by resident individuals.

Section 7-2-14 - Low-income comprehensive tax rebate.

Section 7-2-14.1 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-14.2 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-14.3 - Tax rebate of part of property tax due from low-income taxpayer; local option; refund.

Section 7-2-14.4 - Authorization to fund property tax rebate for low-income taxpayers; tax imposition; election.

Section 7-2-14.5 - Imposition of tax; limitations.

Section 7-2-15 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-16 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-16.1 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-17 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-17.1 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-18 - Tax rebate of property tax due that exceeds the elderly taxpayer's maximum property tax liability; refund.

Section 7-2-18.1 - Credit for expenses for dependent child day care necessary to enable gainful employment to prevent indigency.

Section 7-2-18.2 - Credit for preservation of cultural property; refund.

Section 7-2-18.3 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-18.4 - Qualified business facility rehabilitation credit; income tax credit.

Section 7-2-18.5 - Welfare-to-work tax credit.

Section 7-2-18.6 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-18.7 - Tax rebate of property tax paid on property eligible for disabled veteran exemption; refund; limitation.

Section 7-2-18.8 - Credit; certain electronic equipment.

Section 7-2-18.9 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-18.10 - Tax credit; certain conveyances of real property.

Section 7-2-18.11 - Job mentorship tax credit.

Section 7-2-18.12 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-18.13 - Credit; unreimbursed or uncompensated medical care expenses of individuals sixty-five years of age or older.

Section 7-2-18.14 - Solar market development tax credit; residential and small business solar thermal and photovoltaic market development tax credit.

Section 7-2-18.15 - Working families tax credit.

Section 7-2-18.16 - Credit; special needs adopted child tax credit; created; qualifications; duration of credit.

Section 7-2-18.17 - Angel investment credit.

Section 7-2-18.18 - Renewable energy production tax credit.

Section 7-2-18.19 - Sustainable building tax credit.

Section 7-2-18.20 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-18.21 - Credit; blended biodiesel fuel.

Section 7-2-18.22 - Tax credit; rural health care practitioner tax credit.

Section 7-2-18.23 - Refundable credit; 2007 taxable year.

Section 7-2-18.24 - Geothermal ground-coupled heat pump tax credit.

Section 7-2-18.25 - Advanced energy income tax credit.

Section 7-2-18.26 - Agricultural biomass income tax credit.

Section 7-2-18.27 - Credit; physician participation in cancer treatment clinical trials.

Section 7-2-18.28 - Veteran employment tax credit.

Section 7-2-18.29 - 2015 sustainable building tax credit.

Section 7-2-18.30 - Foster youth employment income tax credit.

Section 7-2-18.31 - New solar market development income tax credit.

Section 7-2-18.32 - 2021 sustainable building tax credit.

Section 7-2-19 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-20 - Information returns.

Section 7-2-21 - Fiscal years permitted.

Section 7-2-21.1 - Accounting methods.

Section 7-2-22 - Administration.

Section 7-2-23 - Finding[; wildlife funds].

Section 7-2-24 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution [; game protection fund].

Section 7-2-24.1 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution for tree plantings.

Section 7-2-24.2 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution; healthy soil program.

Section 7-2-25 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-26 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-27 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-28 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution.

Section 7-2-28.1 - Veterans' state cemetery fund; created.

Section 7-2-29 - Finding.

Section 7-2-30 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution [; substance abuse education fund].

Section 7-2-30.1 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis research fund.

Section 7-2-30.2 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution; energy, minerals and natural resources department; state parks division.

Section 7-2-30.3 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution; national guard member and family assistance.

Section 7-2-30.4 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution; Vietnam veterans memorial.

Section 7-2-30.5 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution; veterans' enterprise fund.

Section 7-2-30.6 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution; lottery tuition fund.

Section 7-2-30.7 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution; horse shelter rescue fund.

Section 7-2-30.8 - Finding; optional designation of tax refund contribution; senior services.

Section 7-2-30.9 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution; animal care and facility fund.

Section 7-2-30.10 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution; sexual assault examination kit processing grant fund; sexual assault services. (Repealed effective January 1, 2023.)

Section 7-2-30.11 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution; New Mexico housing trust fund.

Section 7-2-31 - Optional designation of tax refund contribution.

Section 7-2-31.1 - Optional refund contribution provisions; conditional repeal.

Section 7-2-32 - Deduction-payments into education trust fund.

Section 7-2-33 - Repealed.

Section 7-2-34 - Deduction; net capital gain income.

Section 7-2-35 - Deleted.

Section 7-2-36 - Deduction; expenses related to organ donation.

Section 7-2-37 - Deduction; unreimbursed or uncompensated medical care expenses.

Section 7-2-38 - Deduction; income set aside for future distribution from an estate or trust to a nonresident individual.

Section 7-2-39 - Deduction from net income for certain dependents.

Section 7-2-40 - Deduction; income from leasing a liquor license.