2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 12 - State Indebtedness
Section 6-12-5 - [Application of act.]

The provisions of this act [6-12-4, 6-12-5 NMSA 1978] shall be applicable to the bonds, debentures or certificates of indebtedness which have been or may be authorized by the fifteenth legislature to be issued by the state of New Mexico, the New Mexico insane asylum [Las Vegas medical center], the 1941 compilation commission, the state office building commission of New Mexico, the New Mexico normal university [New Mexico highlands university] and other state institutions.
History: 1941 Comp., § 7-505, enacted by Laws 1941, ch. 172, § 3; 1953 Comp., § 11-5-5.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law. An amendment to N.M. Const., article XIV § 1, adopted September 20, 1955, changed the name of the New Mexico insane asylum to the New Mexico state hospital. The New Mexico state hospital is now known as the Las Vegas medical center. See 23-1-13 NMSA 1978.
The state school formerly known as the New Mexico normal university is now the New Mexico highlands university. See N.M. Const., art. XII, § 11. As to bonds, debentures or certificates of indebtedness of the university, see §§ 21-3-13 to 21-3-28 NMSA 1978.
Compiler's notes. — The state office building commission was created by Laws 1941, ch. 62, § 3 (compiled as 6-216, 1941 Comp.). That act was ruled unconstitutional in State Office Bldg. Comm'n v. Trujillo, 1941-NMSC-051, 46 N.M. 29, 120 P.2d 434.