2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 12 - State Indebtedness
Section 6-12-15 - State bond guarantee fund; creation; purposes.

A. There is created within the state treasury the "state bond guarantee fund". The fund is established as an additional source for payments of principal and interest due on state general obligation indebtedness already incurred or incurred in the future or for payments of any other obligations arising in connection with that indebtedness. The fund shall be drawn upon only in the event ad valorem taxes or other revenues of the state available for the described payments are either insufficient or are not received by the state at the time due or anticipated.
B. If it is determined by the department of finance and administration or the state treasurer that there are insufficient ad valorem taxes or other state revenues to meet a payment of principal or interest due on state general obligation indebtedness or to meet any other obligation arising in connection with that indebtedness lawfully payable from ad valorem taxes, or that the receipt of ad valorem taxes or other revenues to be used to make any such payment will be delayed and not be available to make the payment when due, the department of finance and administration or the state treasurer may request the state board of finance to direct a temporary transfer of a sufficient amount of money from the general fund operating reserve, or any other available fund in the state treasury in which there may be a surplus over current requirements, to the state bond guarantee fund so that the payment becoming due may be made and a default avoided. If such a transfer is directed by the state board of finance, the state treasurer shall use the amount transferred to the state bond guarantee fund to make the payment. The amount transferred to the state bond guarantee fund shall be repaid to the fund from which transferred from ad valorem taxes or other revenues of the state that are available for the repayment and which are not otherwise required for subsequent payments of state general obligation indebtedness.
C. Nothing in this section prevents the application of any other funds of the state available for that purpose to the payment of general obligation indebtedness of the state or other obligations arising in connection with that indebtedness.
History: Laws 1989, ch. 124, ยง 1.