Appendix B to Article 12. Revenue Bonds
The following laws have authorized the issuance of revenue bonds for projects other than state institutions or state roads and highways in the specified amounts for the specified purposes.
Laws 1929, ch. 4: in amounts to be determined, debentures for reimbursement of Grant, Luna, Hidalgo, and Santa Fe counties and Silver City of principal and interest on bonds issued by those localities.
Laws 1941, ch. 7: $750,000, certificates of indebtedness to provide for cooperation with the federal government in matters relating to national defense involving the state.
Laws 1961, ch. 127: $1,250,000, voting machine bonds for the voting machine finance fund.
Laws 1964 (1st S.S.), ch. 10 (as amended by Laws 1967, ch. 142, § 1): $550,000, motor boat fuel revenue bonds for construction, improvement, and furnishing of boating and related facilities.
Laws 1964 (1st S.S.), ch. 18 (as amended by Laws 1968, ch. 47, §§ 1-4 and by Laws 1976 (S.S.), ch. 52): $2,000,000, game and fish bonds for fish hatcheries and rearing facilities, habitat acquisition, development and improvement projects and other similar capital outlay projects.
Laws 1964 (1st S.S.), ch. 20: $800,000, debentures for acquiring, constructing, improving, furnishing, and improving buildings and land for use by the Supreme Court, other state courts, the administrative office of the courts, Supreme Court law library, and department of justice.
Laws 1965, ch. 280: in amounts to be determined, state park and recreation bonds for developing, operating, and maintaining state parks.
Laws 1993, ch. 367, § 73, as amended by Laws 1994, ch. 91: $3,500,000, finance authority revenue bonds for a new building for the Workers' Compensation Administration.
Laws 1995, ch. 214, § 2: $50,000,000 to the department of corrections for purposes specified in Paragraphs (1) and (2) of Subsection B of 33-1-17 NMSA 1978.
Laws 1996, ch. 41, § 9: $8,500,000, finance authority revenue bonds for financing court automation systems.
Laws 1996, ch. 52, § 3: $25,000,000, finance authority revenue bonds for the wastewater facility construction loan fund, the rural infrastructure revolving loan fund, and the solid waste facility grant fund.
Laws 1997, ch. 125: authorizing the issuance of New Mexico Finance Authority revenue bonds for financing the taxation and revenue information management systems project, not to exceed $33,709,800.
Laws 1997, ch. 178, § 1: one time revenue bonds for repairing, remodeling, constructing and equipping the New Mexico state library and for relocation-associated renovations in the state capitol of $10,155,000.
Laws 1999, ch. 180, § 1: amending Laws 1996, ch. 41, § 9 to provide after July 1, 1999, an additional amount not exceeding $3,500,000 for the purpose of financing court automation systems, including acquisition, development and installation of computer hardware and software, for the administrative office of the courts.
Laws 1999, ch. 192, § 1: amending Laws 1997, ch. 125, § 12 by additionally authorizing the New Mexico finance authority to make an interim cash loan in an amount not to exceed $5,000,000 to the taxation and revenue department to implement the taxation and revenue information management systems project.
Laws 2000, ch. 25, § 3: not to exceed $5,000,000 for the water and wastewater project.
Laws 2000, ch. 79, § 2: not to exceed $2,500,000 for planning, designing, acquiring, constructing, equipping, and furnishing and administration building for the retire health care authority.
Laws 2001, ch. 95, § 3 amends Laws 2000, ch. 5, § 2: $11,400,000 to design, construct, furnish, and equip a parking facility adjacent to the Bernalillo county metropolitan court building.
Laws 2001, ch. 166, § 2: not to exceed $75,000,000 for the aquisition of properties to be used as state office buildings in Santa Fe county. Laws 2004, ch. 123, § 7, effective May 19, 2004, amends Laws 2001, ch. 166, § 2 effective May 19, 2004, to add Subsection B appropriating $250,000 to the legislative council service for supporting the work of the capitol buildings planning commission.
Laws 2002, ch. 26, § 3: not to exceed $1,000,000 for the water and wastewater planning fund.
Laws 2003, ch. 341, § 3: not to exceed sixty million dollars ($60,000,000) for the purpose of designing, constructing, equipping and furnishing additions and improvements to the university of New Mexico hospital and the cancer research and treatment center at the university of New Mexico health sciences center.
Laws 2003, ch. 372, § 1: not to exceed not to exceed five million seven hundred sixty thousand dollars ($5,760,000) to issue and sell state museum tax revenue bonds in compliance with the State Building Bonding Act.
Laws 2005, ch. 319, § 1, effective April 7, 2005, amends Laws 2003, ch. 341, § 3 to change the term of the revenue bonds in Subsection A from fifteen years to twenty years; adds Subsection B to provide that the New Mexico finance authority may issue supplemental revenue bonds for a term not exceeding twenty years in an amount not exceeding $15,000,000 to design, construct, equip and furnish additions and improvements to the university of New Mexico hospital and cancer research and treatment center; and provides in Subsection G that the cigarette tax laws shall not be changed to reduce debt coverage for any outstanding bonds.
Laws 2005, ch. 320, § 7, effective June 17, 2005, amends Laws 2003, ch. 341, § 4 to provide in Subsection A that the finance authority may issue and sell revenue bonds for land acquisition and the planning, designing, construction and equipping and improving department of health facilities; to provide in Subsection F that the cigarette tax laws shall not be changed to reduce debt coverage for any outstanding bonds; and to add subsection H to provide that the finance authority may purchase revenue bonds issued pursuant to this section with money in the public project revolving fund pursuant to the provisions of Section 6-21-6 NMSA 1978.
Laws 2005, ch. 320, § 8, effective June 17, 2005, provides that pursuant to Laws 2003, ch. 341, § 4, as amended by Laws 2005, ch. 320, § 7, the New Mexico finance authority may issue and sell revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $39,000,000 plus an amount equal to the cost of issuing the revenue bonds to be allocated as follows: $10,300,000 for improvements at the southern New Mexico rehabilitation center, $11,000,000 for improvements at the Las Vegas medical center, $4,000,000 for improvements at Fort Bayard medical center, and $13,700,000 for use by the property control division of the general services department for land acquisition and the planning, designing, construction and equipping of a state laboratory facility in Bernalillo county for use by the department of health.
Laws 2006, ch. 67, § 1, effective March 6, 2006, amends Laws 2005, ch. 320, § 8 to change "improvements" to "capitol outlay projects" in Subsections A, B and C, and to change "Las Vegas medical center" to "New Mexico behavioral health institute at Las Vegas" in Subsection B.
Laws 2006, ch. 89, §1, effective May 17, 2006, authorizes the New Mexico finance authority to issue and sell revenue bonds for the purpose of designing, constructing, equipping and furnishing additions and improvements to a regional cancer treatment center at the Gila regional medical center in Grant county and subsequently rural cancer treatment facilities in class B counties.
Laws 2007, ch. 64, § 4, effective March 29, 2007, appropriates $600,000 of the state office building tax revenue bonds to the legislative council service for funding the capitol buildings planning commission master plan process.
Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 12 - State Indebtedness
Section 6-12-1 - [Borrowing or investing permanent funds to pay interest on state bonds.]
Section 6-12-2 - Certificates of indebtedness and interest; treasurer may borrow to pay.
Section 6-12-4 - [Public sale of securities.]
Section 6-12-5 - [Application of act.]
Section 6-12-6 - State refunding bonds; authorized; purpose.
Section 6-12-7 - Refunding bond issuance; procedure.
Section 6-12-8 - Refunding bonds; formal requisites; registration.
Section 6-12-11 - [Exchange for bonds to be refunded; sale; disposition of proceeds.]
Section 6-12-12 - [Irrepealable contract; irregularities and defects waived; tax exemption.]
Section 6-12-14 - [Bonds surrendered for refunding; entries; destruction.]
Section 6-12-15 - State bond guarantee fund; creation; purposes.