2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 8 - Lease of Mineral Lands
Section 19-8-1 - [Concealment of returns; defrauding state of royalty; penalty.]

Any lessee of mineral lands under this chapter who shall conceal, or attempt to conceal any of such returns, or who shall in any manner defraud, or attempt to defraud, the state out of any such royalty shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than three years, or both; and his lease shall be forfeited in the manner hereinbefore provided in this chapter.
History: Laws 1912, ch. 82, § 37; Code 1915, § 5214; C.S. 1929, § 132-137; 1941 Comp., § 8-906; 1953 Comp., § 7-9-6.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.
Compiler's notes. — The words "this chapter" apparently refer to ch. 102 of the 1915 Code, §§ 5178 to 5290, the presently effective sections of which are compiled herein as 19-1-1, 19-1-2, 19-1-4 to 19-1-6, 19-1-9 to 19-1-16, 19-1-21, 19-2-1, 19-5-3 to 19-5-10, 19-6-1 to 19-6-7, 19-7-1, 19-7-7, 19-7-8, 19-7-11, 19-7-13, 19-7-19 to 19-7-22, 19-7-25, 19-7-27 to 19-7-30, 19-7-34, 19-7-36, 19-7-50 to 19-7-53, 19-7-57, 19-7-58, 19-7-64 to 19-7-67, 19-8-1 to 19-8-3, 19-8-10, 19-8-12, 19-8-13, 19-9-1 to 19-9-8, 19-11-10 NMSA 1978.
Cross references. — For forfeiture of lease for failure to pay rent, see 19-7-34 NMSA 1978.
For grounds of forfeiture of grazing or agricultural leases, see 19-7-35 NMSA 1978.
For forfeiture procedure on violation of lease or other written instrument, see 19-7-50 NMSA 1978.
For forfeiture on failure to develop and operate mineral lands in workmanlike manner, see 19-8-13 NMSA 1978.
For forfeiture of certain mineral leases for violation thereof, see 19-8-27 NMSA 1978.
For lease of coal lands, see 19-9-9 NMSA 1978 et seq.
For forfeiture on failure to comply with terms of coal lease, see 19-9-13 NMSA 1978.
For lease of gas and oil lands, see 19-10-1 NMSA 1978 et seq.
For cancellation of oil and gas lease, see 19-10-20 NMSA 1978.
For forfeiture of lease under Geothermal Resources Act, see 19-13-23 NMSA 1978.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 19 - Public Lands

Article 8 - Lease of Mineral Lands

Section 19-8-1 - [Concealment of returns; defrauding state of royalty; penalty.]

Section 19-8-2 - [Inspection of lessee's books by commissioner.]

Section 19-8-3 - [Lessee's preferential right to renew or purchase; notice to vacate when another purchases.]

Section 19-8-4 - Leases for certain minerals; rentals; royalty.

Section 19-8-5 - [Term of lease.]

Section 19-8-6 - [Salt lease statutes excepted.]

Section 19-8-7 - [Rules and regulations authorized.]

Section 19-8-8 - [Suspension of production; authorization by commissioner of public lands; causes; duration.]

Section 19-8-9 - [Suspension of production; authorization by commissioner of public lands; extension of primary term of lease; secondary term of lease not determined by.]

Section 19-8-10 - [Saline leases; royalties; record of sales; conditions.]

Section 19-8-11 - [Term of saline lease; extension.]

Section 19-8-12 - [Shale, clay, natural deposit or product lease; conditions; improvement mortgages void.]

Section 19-8-13 - [Mineral lands; development.]

Section 19-8-14 - Issuance of mineral leases authorized; minerals not included.

Section 19-8-15 - Minerals, lessees, legal subdivision defined.

Section 19-8-16 - Validation of existing leases and permits; renewals of permits prohibited.

Section 19-8-17 - Relinquishment of permits for conversion.

Section 19-8-18 - Term of leases.

Section 19-8-19 - [Terms of leases; stipulation of conditions under statute; filing and recording.]

Section 19-8-19.1 - Suspension of lease requirement; authorization by commissioner; causes; duration.

Section 19-8-20 - Leases; stipulation; rental.

Section 19-8-21 - Rentals.

Section 19-8-22 - Royalty.

Section 19-8-23 - Covenants to market and develop.

Section 19-8-24 - Bonds.

Section 19-8-25 - Inspection of records; reports.

Section 19-8-26 - Relinquishment of leases.

Section 19-8-27 - Violation of lease; notice; forfeiture for noncompliance with demand.

Section 19-8-28 - Assignment of leases; form; approval; effect; lands in production.

Section 19-8-29 - Improvements removable upon termination of lease.

Section 19-8-30 - Area of lease.

Section 19-8-31 - Posting of open acreage; simultaneous applications.

Section 19-8-32 - Rules and regulations authorized.

Section 19-8-33 - Withholding of lands from lease authorized; lease by competitive bidding authorized.