A. A nominating petition when filed shall not be withdrawn nor added to, nor shall any person be permitted to revoke his signature thereon. A nominating petition shall be complete when filed. The proper filing officer shall not permit additions to or withdrawals from a nominating petition after it is filed nor shall any person be permitted to revoke his signature on a petition after it has been filed.
B. The original nominating petition shall remain in the filing officer's office and copies shall be made available by the filing officer for a nominal cost.
History: 1953 Comp., § 3-8-24.5, enacted by Laws 1973, ch. 228, § 8; 1975, ch. 255, § 111; 1985, ch. 207, § 9.
Inclusion of signatures filed for convention designation not prohibited. — This section should not be construed to prohibit the inclusion of the signatures originally filed by the candidate for convention designation in the total necessary to appear on the ballot using the alternate method. 1975 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 75-61.
Withdrawals must be 30 days before primary. — Section 3-11-54.1, 1953 Comp., governed withdrawals from primary elections by virtue of 3-11-20, 1953 Comp., and provided that such withdrawals must be at least 30 days prior to the primary election. 1964 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 64-28 (opinion rendered under former law).
Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 8 - Nominations and Primary Elections
Section 1-8-1 - Nominating procedures; major political parties; minor political parties.
Section 1-8-2 - Nomination by minor political party; convention; designated nominees.
Section 1-8-3 - Nomination by minor political party; other methods.
Section 1-8-3 - Nomination by minor political party; other methods. (Effective January 1, 2023.)
Section 1-8-4 - Secretary of state; certification of nominees; minor political party.
Section 1-8-5 - Canvassing boards; certification of nominees of parties participating in primary.
Section 1-8-6 - Vacancy on primary ballot.
Section 1-8-8 - Vacancy on general election ballot; occurring after primary.
Section 1-8-11 - Primary Election Law; time of holding primary.
Section 1-8-12 - Primary Election Law; proclamation calling primary and general elections.
Section 1-8-13 - Primary Election Law; contents of proclamation.
Section 1-8-13 - Primary Election Law; contents of proclamation. (Effective January 1, 2023.)
Section 1-8-14 - Primary Election Law; proclamation; duties of secretary of state.
Section 1-8-15 - Primary Election Law; proclamation; duties of county clerk.
Section 1-8-16 - Primary Election Law; proclamation; amendment.
Section 1-8-17 - Primary Election Law; offices affected; questions prohibited.
Section 1-8-18 - Primary Election Law; who may become a candidate.
Section 1-8-20 - Primary Election Law; candidacy for more than one office.
Section 1-8-21 - Primary election; methods of placing names on primary ballot.
Section 1-8-21.1 - Designation of candidates by convention.
Section 1-8-22 to 1-8-24 - Repealed.
Section 1-8-27 - Primary Election Law; declaration of candidacy; manner of filing.
Section 1-8-29 - Primary Election Law; declaration of candidacy; form.
Section 1-8-32 - Primary Election Law; nominating petition; offenses; penalty.
Section 1-8-33 - Primary Election Law; nominating petition; number of signatures required.
Section 1-8-36.1 - Primary Election Law; write-in candidates.
Section 1-8-36.1 - Primary Election Law; write-in candidates. (Effective January 1, 2023.)
Section 1-8-37 to 1-8-39 - Repealed.
Section 1-8-39.1 - Declaration of pre-primary designation; certification by secretary of state.
Section 1-8-40 - Primary Election Law; declaration of candidacy; false statement.
Section 1-8-41 - Primary Election Law; filing fee.
Section 1-8-42 - Primary Election Law; pauper's statement in lieu of filing fee.
Section 1-8-44 - Primary Election Law; withdrawal of candidates.