2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 8 - Nominations and Primary Elections
Section 1-8-12 - Primary Election Law; proclamation calling primary and general elections.

A. The secretary of state shall issue a public proclamation calling a general election to be held in each county and precinct of the state on the date prescribed by Article 20, Section 6 of the constitution of New Mexico.
B. The general election proclamation shall also call a primary election for the nomination of general election candidates by each major political party to be held in each county and precinct of the state on the date prescribed by the Primary Election Law.
C. The proclamation shall be filed by the secretary of state in the office of the secretary of state on the last Monday in January of each even-numbered year.
History: 1953 Comp., § 3-8-11, enacted by Laws 1969, ch. 240, § 161; 1975, ch. 295, § 3; 1983, ch. 232, § 9; 2019, ch. 212, § 90.
The 2019 amendment, effective April 3, 2019, provided that the secretary of state issue the proclamation calling a general election, and provided for the calling of a primary election; in the section heading, added "calling primary and general elections"; in Subsection A, deleted "governor" and added "secretary of state", after "public proclamation calling", added "a general election to be held in each county and precinct of the state on the date prescribed by Article 20, Section 6 of the constitution of New Mexico."; in Subsection B, added "The general election proclamation shall also call", after "primary election", added "for the nomination of general election candidates by each major political party"; and in Subsection C, after "filed", deleted "with" and added "by", and added "in the office of the secretary of state".
Cross references. — For date prescribed for holding primary election, see 1-8-11 NMSA 1978.
Proclamation must include district boundaries and terms of office for county commissioner. — When the proclamation required under this section lists the "office" of county commissioner, it must also specifically describe the boundaries of the districts which make up this office, and set forth the terms of office pertinent to the office of county commissioner, specifying the term which applies to each district. State ex rel. Robinson v. King, 1974-NMSC-028, 86 N.M. 231, 522 P.2d 83.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 29 C.J.S. Elections § 117.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 1 - Elections

Article 8 - Nominations and Primary Elections

Section 1-8-1 - Nominating procedures; major political parties; minor political parties.

Section 1-8-2 - Nomination by minor political party; convention; designated nominees.

Section 1-8-2 - Nomination by minor political party; convention; designated nominees. (Effective January 1, 2023.)

Section 1-8-3 - Nomination by minor political party; other methods.

Section 1-8-3 - Nomination by minor political party; other methods. (Effective January 1, 2023.)

Section 1-8-3.1 - Nominating petition for candidate of an unqualified state political party; qualification as an independent candidate.

Section 1-8-4 - Secretary of state; certification of nominees; minor political party.

Section 1-8-5 - Canvassing boards; certification of nominees of parties participating in primary.

Section 1-8-6 - Vacancy on primary ballot.

Section 1-8-7 - Vacancy on general election ballot; death of candidate or resignation or death of office holder before primary.

Section 1-8-8 - Vacancy on general election ballot; occurring after primary.

Section 1-8-9 - Repealed.

Section 1-8-10 - Repealed.

Section 1-8-11 - Primary Election Law; time of holding primary.

Section 1-8-12 - Primary Election Law; proclamation calling primary and general elections.

Section 1-8-13 - Primary Election Law; contents of proclamation.

Section 1-8-13 - Primary Election Law; contents of proclamation. (Effective January 1, 2023.)

Section 1-8-14 - Primary Election Law; proclamation; duties of secretary of state.

Section 1-8-15 - Primary Election Law; proclamation; duties of county clerk.

Section 1-8-16 - Primary Election Law; proclamation; amendment.

Section 1-8-17 - Primary Election Law; offices affected; questions prohibited.

Section 1-8-18 - Primary Election Law; who may become a candidate.

Section 1-8-19 - Candidacy in primary of one party bars general election ballot designation of different party or as an unaffiliated candidate.

Section 1-8-20 - Primary Election Law; candidacy for more than one office.

Section 1-8-21 - Primary election; methods of placing names on primary ballot.

Section 1-8-21.1 - Designation of candidates by convention.

Section 1-8-22 to 1-8-24 - Repealed.

Section 1-8-25 - Repealed.

Section 1-8-26 - Primary Election Law; time of filing; documents necessary to qualify for ballot; challenge.

Section 1-8-27 - Primary Election Law; declaration of candidacy; manner of filing.

Section 1-8-28 - Repealed.

Section 1-8-29 - Primary Election Law; declaration of candidacy; form.

Section 1-8-30 - Primary Election Law; declaration of candidacy; nominating petition; filing and form.

Section 1-8-31 - Recompiled.

Section 1-8-32 - Primary Election Law; nominating petition; offenses; penalty.

Section 1-8-33 - Primary Election Law; nominating petition; number of signatures required.

Section 1-8-33 - Primary Election Law; nominating petition; number of signatures required. (Effective January 1, 2023.)

Section 1-8-34 - Primary Election Law; nominating petition; withdrawals and additions; copies made available.

Section 1-8-35 - Primary Election Law; nominating petition; limitation on appeals of validity of nominating petitions.

Section 1-8-36 - Repealed.

Section 1-8-36.1 - Primary Election Law; write-in candidates.

Section 1-8-36.1 - Primary Election Law; write-in candidates. (Effective January 1, 2023.)

Section 1-8-37 to 1-8-39 - Repealed.

Section 1-8-39.1 - Declaration of pre-primary designation; certification by secretary of state.

Section 1-8-40 - Primary Election Law; declaration of candidacy; false statement.

Section 1-8-41 - Primary Election Law; filing fee.

Section 1-8-42 - Primary Election Law; pauper's statement in lieu of filing fee.

Section 1-8-43 - Repealed.

Section 1-8-44 - Primary Election Law; withdrawal of candidates.

Section 1-8-45 - Independent candidates for general or United States representative elections; definition.

Section 1-8-46 - Independent candidates for general or United States representative special elections; right to be placed on ballot.

Section 1-8-47 - Independent candidates for general or United States representative special elections; withdrawal of name.

Section 1-8-48 - Independent candidates for general or United States representative elections; declaration of independent candidacy and nominating petition.

Section 1-8-49 - Independent candidates for general elections; candidates for president and vice president.

Section 1-8-50 - Independent candidates for general or United States representative special elections; nominating petition form.

Section 1-8-51 - Independent candidates for general or United States representative elections; nominating petitions; required number of signatures.

Section 1-8-51 - Independent candidates for general or United States representative elections; nominating petitions; required number of signatures. (Effective January 1, 2023.)

Section 1-8-52 - Independent candidates for general or United States representative special elections; nominating petitions; circulation; date of filing.

Section 1-8-52.1 - Repealed.

Section 1-8-53 - Recompiled.

Section 1-8-54 - Recompiled.

Section 1-8-54.1 - Recompiled.

Section 1-8-55 - Recompiled.

Section 1-8-56 - Recompiled.

Section 1-8-57 - Recompiled.

Section 1-8-58 - Recompiled.

Section 1-8-59 - Recompiled.

Section 1-8-60 - Recompiled.

Section 1-8-61 - Recompiled.

Section 1-8-62 - Repealed.

Section 1-8-63 - Recompiled.

Section 1-8-64 - Repealed.

Section 1-8-65 - Minor political party candidates for general or United States representative special elections; nominating petition form.

Section 1-8-66 - General elections; write-in candidates.