Upon the proclamation being filed, the secretary of state shall immediately:
A. publish the proclamation for five consecutive days in at least four daily newspapers of general circulation in the state;
B. post the proclamation and any amended proclamation on the secretary of state's web site; and
C. send an authenticated copy of the proclamation or any amended proclamation to each county clerk along with a copy of the text in an editable electronic format.
History: 1953 Comp., § 3-8-13, enacted by Laws 1969, ch. 240, § 163; 2015, ch. 145, § 52.
The 2015 amendment, effective July 1, 2015, required the secretary of state to post the proclamation, calling a primary election to be held, and any amended proclamation on the secretary of state's website and to send to each county clerk a copy of the proclamation or any amended proclamation along with a copy of the test in an editable electronic format; in Subsection A, after "state", deleted "and"; added a new Subsection B and redesignated former Subsection B as Subsection C; and in Subsection C, after "send", deleted "by certified mail", after "copy of the proclamation", added "or any amended proclamation", and after "each county clerk", added "along with a copy of the text in an editable electronic format".
Publication costs. — The secretary of state should pay for the publications made from that office. 1943 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 43-4334 (opinion rendered under former law).
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — Liability of public officers for breach of duty in respect of election or primary election laws, 153 A.L.R. 109.
Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 8 - Nominations and Primary Elections
Section 1-8-1 - Nominating procedures; major political parties; minor political parties.
Section 1-8-2 - Nomination by minor political party; convention; designated nominees.
Section 1-8-3 - Nomination by minor political party; other methods.
Section 1-8-3 - Nomination by minor political party; other methods. (Effective January 1, 2023.)
Section 1-8-4 - Secretary of state; certification of nominees; minor political party.
Section 1-8-5 - Canvassing boards; certification of nominees of parties participating in primary.
Section 1-8-6 - Vacancy on primary ballot.
Section 1-8-8 - Vacancy on general election ballot; occurring after primary.
Section 1-8-11 - Primary Election Law; time of holding primary.
Section 1-8-12 - Primary Election Law; proclamation calling primary and general elections.
Section 1-8-13 - Primary Election Law; contents of proclamation.
Section 1-8-13 - Primary Election Law; contents of proclamation. (Effective January 1, 2023.)
Section 1-8-14 - Primary Election Law; proclamation; duties of secretary of state.
Section 1-8-15 - Primary Election Law; proclamation; duties of county clerk.
Section 1-8-16 - Primary Election Law; proclamation; amendment.
Section 1-8-17 - Primary Election Law; offices affected; questions prohibited.
Section 1-8-18 - Primary Election Law; who may become a candidate.
Section 1-8-20 - Primary Election Law; candidacy for more than one office.
Section 1-8-21 - Primary election; methods of placing names on primary ballot.
Section 1-8-21.1 - Designation of candidates by convention.
Section 1-8-22 to 1-8-24 - Repealed.
Section 1-8-27 - Primary Election Law; declaration of candidacy; manner of filing.
Section 1-8-29 - Primary Election Law; declaration of candidacy; form.
Section 1-8-32 - Primary Election Law; nominating petition; offenses; penalty.
Section 1-8-33 - Primary Election Law; nominating petition; number of signatures required.
Section 1-8-36.1 - Primary Election Law; write-in candidates.
Section 1-8-36.1 - Primary Election Law; write-in candidates. (Effective January 1, 2023.)
Section 1-8-37 to 1-8-39 - Repealed.
Section 1-8-39.1 - Declaration of pre-primary designation; certification by secretary of state.
Section 1-8-40 - Primary Election Law; declaration of candidacy; false statement.
Section 1-8-41 - Primary Election Law; filing fee.
Section 1-8-42 - Primary Election Law; pauper's statement in lieu of filing fee.
Section 1-8-44 - Primary Election Law; withdrawal of candidates.