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Article 1 - Disturbances of Public Order
Section 6-6-101 - Fighting in Public; Penalties. - 6-6-101. Fighting in public; penalties. A person commits a misdemeanor...
Section 6-6-102 - Breach of the Peace; Penalties. - 6-6-102. Breach of the peace; penalties. (a) A person commits...
Section 6-6-103 - Telephone Calls; Unlawful Acts; Penalties; Communicating a Threat of Bodily Injury or Death; Place of Commission of Crime. - 6-6-103. Telephone calls; unlawful acts; penalties; communicating a threat of...
Section 6-6-104 - Unlawful Automated Telephone Solicitation; Exceptions; Penalties. - 6-6-104. Unlawful automated telephone solicitation; exceptions; penalties. (a) No person...
Section 6-6-105 - Unlawful Protesting at a Funeral; Penalties. - 6-6-105. Unlawful protesting at a funeral; penalties. A person commits...
Article 2 - Nuisances
Section 6-6-201 - "Nuisance" Defined. - 6-6-201. "Nuisance" defined. Whoever maintains, uses, owns or leases any...
Section 6-6-202 - Abatement by Injunction; Suit by County Attorney or Citizen; Petition; Temporary Injunction; Notice to Defendant; Issuance and Effect of Injunction. - 6-6-202. Abatement by injunction; suit by county attorney or citizen;...
Section 6-6-203 - Trial; Evidence of General Reputation; Dismissal or Prosecution of Action; Substitution of Complainant; Costs. - 6-6-203. Trial; evidence of general reputation; dismissal or prosecution of...
Section 6-6-204 - Order of Abatement; Removal and Sale of Movable Property; Closing of Building; Breaking and Entering Closed Building; Fees. - 6-6-204. Order of abatement; removal and sale of movable property;...
Section 6-6-205 - Disposition of Proceeds of Sale. - 6-6-205. Disposition of proceeds of sale. The proceeds of the...
Section 6-6-206 - Cancellation of Closing Order and Release of Property Upon Payment of Costs, Filing of Bond and Promised Abatement of Nuisance; Effect of Release. - 6-6-206. Cancellation of closing order and release of property upon...
Section 6-6-207 - Assessment of Tax When Permanent Injunction Issues; Collection; Continuing Liability for Other Penalties. - 6-6-207. Assessment of tax when permanent injunction issues; collection; continuing...
Section 6-6-208 - Contempt Proceedings for Violation of Injunction; Commencement; Trial; Penalties. - 6-6-208. Contempt proceedings for violation of injunction; commencement; trial; penalties....
Section 6-6-209 - "Public Nuisance" Defined; Maintenance Thereof; Penalty. - 6-6-209. "Public nuisance" defined; maintenance thereof; penalty. Every structure, boat...
Article 3 - Unlawful Conduct Within Governmental Facilities
Section 6-6-301 - Definitions. - 6-6-301. Definitions. (a) As used in W.S. 6-6-301 through 6-6-307:...
Section 6-6-302 - Obstructive or Disruptive Conduct Within Governmental Facilities Prohibited. - 6-6-302. Obstructive or disruptive conduct within governmental facilities prohibited. (a)...
Section 6-6-303 - Refusing to Desist or Remove Oneself From Facilities. - 6-6-303. Refusing to desist or remove oneself from facilities. No...
Section 6-6-304 - Freedom of Speech, Press or Assembly Not Abridged. - 6-6-304. Freedom of speech, press or assembly not abridged. Nothing...
Section 6-6-305 - Penalties for Violations of Article. - 6-6-305. Penalties for violations of article. Any person violating any...
Section 6-6-306 - Identification May Be Required; Ejectment From Facilities When Presence Unlawful or Prohibited. - 6-6-306. Identification may be required; ejectment from facilities when presence...
Section 6-6-307 - No Restriction on Powers of Governing Body. - 6-6-307. No restriction on powers of governing body. Nothing within...