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Article 1 - Offenses by Public Officials
Section 6-5-101 - Definitions. - 6-5-101. Definitions. (a) As used in this article: (i) "Government"...
Section 6-5-102 - Bribery; Penalties. - 6-5-102. Bribery; penalties. (a) A person commits bribery, if: (i)...
Section 6-5-103 - Compensation for Past Official Behavior; Penalties. - 6-5-103. Compensation for past official behavior; penalties. (a) A person...
Section 6-5-104 - Soliciting Unlawful Compensation; Penalties. - 6-5-104. Soliciting unlawful compensation; penalties. (a) A public servant commits...
Section 6-5-105 - Unlawful Designation of Provider of Services or Goods; Penalties; Affirmative Defense. - 6-5-105. Unlawful designation of provider of services or goods; penalties;...
Section 6-5-106 - Conflict of Interest; Penalties; Disclosure of Interest and Withdrawal From Participation. - 6-5-106. Conflict of interest; penalties; disclosure of interest and withdrawal...
Section 6-5-107 - Official Misconduct; Penalties. - 6-5-107. Official misconduct; penalties. (a) A public servant commits a...
Section 6-5-108 - Issuing False Certificate; Penalties. - 6-5-108. Issuing false certificate; penalties. (a) A public servant commits...
Section 6-5-110 - Wrongful Appropriation of Public Property; Penalties. - 6-5-110. Wrongful appropriation of public property; penalties. (a) A public...
Section 6-5-111 - Failure or Refusal to Account For, Deliver or Pay Over Property; Penalties. - 6-5-111. Failure or refusal to account for, deliver or pay...
Section 6-5-112 - Mistreating Persons in Institutions or Mental Hospital; Penalties; No Bar to Other Criminal Action. - 6-5-112. Mistreating persons in institutions or mental hospital; penalties; no...
Section 6-5-113 - Removal From Office After Judgment of Conviction. - 6-5-113. Removal from office after judgment of conviction. A judgment...
Section 6-5-114 - Notarial Officers; Issuance of Certificate Without Proper Acknowledgment; Penalties. - 6-5-114. Notarial officers; issuance of certificate without proper acknowledgment; penalties....
Section 6-5-115 - Neglect or Refusal of Ministerial Officer to Perform Duty in Criminal Case; Unnecessary Delay in Serving Warrant; Penalties. - 6-5-115. Neglect or refusal of ministerial officer to perform duty...
Section 6-5-116 - Public Officer Acting Before Qualifying; Penalty. - 6-5-116. Public officer acting before qualifying; penalty. An elected or...
Section 6-5-117 - Public Officer Demanding Kickback From Deputy; Penalties. - 6-5-117. Public officer demanding kickback from deputy; penalties. A public...
Section 6-5-118 - Conflict of Interest; Public Investments; Disclosure Required; Penalty; Definitions. - 6-5-118. Conflict of interest; public investments; disclosure required; penalty; definitions....
Article 2 - Hindering Government Operations
Section 6-5-201 - Definitions. - 6-5-201. Definitions. (a) As used in this article: (i) "Emergency"...
Section 6-5-202 - Accessory After the Fact; Penalties. - 6-5-202. Accessory after the fact; penalties. (a) A person is...
Section 6-5-203 - Compounding; Penalties. - 6-5-203. Compounding; penalties. (a) A person commits compounding if, knowing...
Section 6-5-204 - Interference With Peace Officer; Disarming Peace Officer; Penalties. - 6-5-204. Interference with peace officer; disarming peace officer; penalties. (a)...
Section 6-5-205 - Running Manned Roadblock; Penalties. - 6-5-205. Running manned roadblock; penalties. A person commits a misdemeanor...
Section 6-5-206 - Escape From Official Detention; Penalties. - 6-5-206. Escape from official detention; penalties. (a) A person commits...
Section 6-5-207 - Escape by Violence or Assault, or While Armed; Penalty. - 6-5-207. Escape by violence or assault, or while armed; penalty....
Section 6-5-208 - Taking Controlled Substances or Liquor Into Jails, Penal Institutions or Mental Hospitals; Penalties. - 6-5-208. Taking controlled substances or liquor into jails, penal institutions...
Section 6-5-209 - Taking Deadly Weapons Into Jails, Penal Institutions, Mental Hospitals or Courtrooms; Penalties. - 6-5-209. Taking deadly weapons into jails, penal institutions, mental hospitals...
Section 6-5-210 - False Reporting to Authorities; Penalties. - 6-5-210. False reporting to authorities; penalties. (a) A person who...
Section 6-5-211 - Injuring or Killing a Police Dog, Fire Dog, Search and Rescue Dog or Police Horse Prohibited; Penalties. - 6-5-211. Injuring or killing a police dog, fire dog, search...
Section 6-5-212 - Interference With Emergency Calls; Interference With Emergency Reporting System. - 6-5-212. Interference with emergency calls; interference with emergency reporting system....
Section 6-5-213 - Taking Contraband Into Penal Institutions or Correctional Facilities; Definitions; Penalties. - 6-5-213. Taking contraband into penal institutions or correctional facilities; definitions;...
Article 3 - Perjury and Criminal Falsification
Section 6-5-301 - Perjury in Judicial, Legislative or Administrative Proceedings; Penalties. - 6-5-301. Perjury in judicial, legislative or administrative proceedings; penalties. (a)...
Section 6-5-302 - Proof of Solicitation of Perjury. - 6-5-302. Proof of solicitation of perjury. In a trial for...
Section 6-5-303 - False Swearing in Nonjudicial or Nonadministrative Proceeding; False Claims or Vouchers; Penalties. - 6-5-303. False swearing in nonjudicial or nonadministrative proceeding; false claims...
Section 6-5-304 - Offering Mining Claims for Filing Without Meeting Legal Prerequisites; Penalties. - 6-5-304. Offering mining claims for filing without meeting legal prerequisites;...
Section 6-5-305 - Influencing, Intimidating or Impeding Jurors, Witnesses and Officers; Obstructing or Impeding Justice; Penalties. - 6-5-305. Influencing, intimidating or impeding jurors, witnesses and officers; obstructing...
Section 6-5-306 - Refusal to Appear or Testify; Avoidance of Service; Penalties; Summary Proceedings for Contempt. - 6-5-306. Refusal to appear or testify; avoidance of service; penalties;...
Section 6-5-307 - Usurpation; Penalties. - 6-5-307. Usurpation; penalties. A person is guilty of usurpation if...
Section 6-5-308 - Penalty for Filing False Document. - 6-5-308. Penalty for filing false document. (a) A person commits...
Article 4 - Interference With Public Contracting
Section 6-5-401 - Definitions. - 6-5-401. Definitions. (a) As used in this article: (i) "Governmental...
Section 6-5-402 - Bid Rigging; Penalties; Prohibitions. - 6-5-402. Bid rigging; penalties; prohibitions. (a) A person commits bid...
Section 6-5-403 - Bid Rotating; Penalties; Prohibitions. - 6-5-403. Bid rotating; penalties; prohibitions. (a) A person commits bid...
Section 6-5-404 - Acquisition or Disclosure of Bidding Information by a Public Servant. - 6-5-404. Acquisition or disclosure of bidding information by a public...
Section 6-5-405 - Interference With Contract Submission and Award by a Public Servant. - 6-5-405. Interference with contract submission and award by a public...
Section 6-5-406 - Kickbacks; Penalties; Civil Action. - 6-5-406. Kickbacks; penalties; civil action. (a) A person is guilty...
Section 6-5-407 - Bribery of an Inspector Employed by a Contractor. - 6-5-407. Bribery of an inspector employed by a contractor. (a)...
Section 6-5-408 - Prohibitions for Bidding. - 6-5-408. Prohibitions for bidding. (a) Any person convicted of any...