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Article 1 - Prostitution
Section 6-4-101 - Prostitution; Penalties. - 6-4-101. Prostitution; penalties. Except as provided in W.S. 6-2-701 through...
Section 6-4-102 - Soliciting an Act of Prostitution; Penalties. - 6-4-102. Soliciting an act of prostitution; penalties. Except as provided...
Section 6-4-103 - Promoting Prostitution; Penalties. - 6-4-103. Promoting prostitution; penalties. (a) Except as provided in W.S....
Article 2 - Public Indecency
Section 6-4-201 - Public Indecency; Exception; Penalties. - 6-4-201. Public indecency; exception; penalties. (a) A person is guilty...
Article 3 - Obscenity
Section 6-4-301 - Definitions. - 6-4-301. Definitions. (a) As used in this article: (i) "Disseminate"...
Section 6-4-302 - Promoting Obscenity; Penalties. - 6-4-302. Promoting obscenity; penalties. (a) A person commits the crime...
Section 6-4-303 - Sexual Exploitation of Children; Penalties; Definitions. - 6-4-303. Sexual exploitation of children; penalties; definitions. (a) As used...
Section 6-4-304 - Voyeurism; Penalties. - 6-4-304. Voyeurism; penalties. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this...
Section 6-4-305 - Dissemination or Possession of a Nude Image of a Minor by a Minor; Definitions; Penalties. - 6-4-305. Dissemination or possession of a nude image of a...
Section 6-4-306 - Unlawful Dissemination of Intimate Images; Definitions; Penalties; Exemptions From Liability. - 6-4-306. Unlawful dissemination of intimate images; definitions; penalties; exemptions from...
Article 4 - Offenses Against the Family
Section 6-4-401 - Bigamy; Penalties; Defense. - 6-4-401. Bigamy; penalties; defense. (a) A person commits bigamy if,...
Section 6-4-402 - Incest; Penalties; Disclosure or Publication of Identifying Information; "Minor Victim". - 6-4-402. Incest; penalties; disclosure or publication of identifying information; "minor...
Section 6-4-403 - Abandoning or Endangering Children; Penalties; "Child"; Disclosure or Publication of Identifying Information; "Minor Victim". - 6-4-403. Abandoning or endangering children; penalties; "child"; disclosure or publication...
Section 6-4-404 - Violation of Domestic Violence Order of Protection; Penalty. - 6-4-404. Violation of domestic violence order of protection; penalty. (a)...
Section 6-4-405 - Endangering Children; Controlled Substances; Penalty. - 6-4-405. Endangering children; controlled substances; penalty. (a) Notwithstanding W.S. 6-4-403(b)(iv),...
Section 6-4-406 - Permitting House Parties Where Minors Are Present; Exceptions; Penalties. - 6-4-406. Permitting house parties where minors are present; exceptions; penalties....
Article 5 - Desecrating Graves and Bodies
Section 6-4-501 - Opening Graves and Removing Bodies; Penalty; Exception. - 6-4-501. Opening graves and removing bodies; penalty; exception. (a) A...
Section 6-4-502 - Mutilation of Dead Human Bodies; Concealing a Felony; Penalties; Exceptions. - 6-4-502. Mutilation of dead human bodies; concealing a felony; penalties;...
Article 6 - Bestiality
Section 6-4-601 - Bestiality; Penalty. - 6-4-601. Bestiality; penalty. (a) As used in this section: (i)...