Wyoming Statutes
Article 2 - Nuisances
Section 6-6-209 - "Public Nuisance" Defined; Maintenance Thereof; Penalty.

6-6-209. "Public nuisance" defined; maintenance thereof; penalty.
Every structure, boat or vehicle used and occupied as a house of ill fame, or for purposes of prostitution or gambling, or for the purpose of manufacture, possession, sale or disposition of intoxicating liquor or any controlled substance in violation of law shall be held and deemed a public nuisance. Any person owning, or having the control of the property, and knowingly leasing or subletting the property, in whole or in part, for the purpose of keeping a house or place of ill fame, prostitution or gambling, or for the purpose of manufacture, possession, sale or disposition of intoxicating liquor or any controlled substance in violation of law, or knowingly permitting the property to be used or occupied for that purpose, or using or occupying the property for that purpose, shall for every offense be fined not exceeding seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) or be imprisoned in the county jail not to exceed six (6) months.