Wyoming Statutes
Article 2 - Inquests
Section 7-4-211 - Board of Coroner Standards.

7-4-211. Board of coroner standards.
(a) There is created a board of coroner standards. The board shall consist of one (1) chairman and six (6) members appointed by and who shall serve at the pleasure of the governor as follows:
(i) One (1) shall be a physician with a specialty in pathology who is licensed to practice in this state;
(ii) Three (3) shall be duly elected coroners in this state;
(iii) One (1) shall be a funeral director in this state;
(iv) One (1) shall be a duly elected district attorney in this state;
(v) One (1) shall be a peace officer certified under W.S. 9-1-701 through 9-1-711.
(b) The members of the board shall be appointed to terms of four (4) years which are concurrent with the terms of the office of coroner. Board members not otherwise compensated for attending board meetings shall receive travel expenses and per diem in the same manner and amount as state employees, and any other reasonable expenses upon board approval. Board members not otherwise compensated shall have their expenses paid from the general fund by appropriation to the office of the attorney general.
(c) The board shall:
(i) Meet at least biannually and at the call of the chairman or of a majority of the membership;
(ii) Promulgate standards dealing with the investigation of coroner's cases;
(iii) Promulgate educational and training requirements for coroner basic and continuing education requirements and review those requirements annually;
(iv) Cooperate with the peace officer standards and training commission in developing basic and continuing education courses for coroners;
(v) Promulgate employment standards for deputy coroners and coroner employees. The standards may include the requirement that deputy coroners and coroner employees provide to the employing coroner fingerprints and other information necessary for a state and national criminal history record background check and release of information as provided in W.S. 7-19-106(k)(ii) and federal P.L. 92-544 and consent to the release of any criminal history information to the employing coroner;
(vi) Promulgate rules and regulations to provide for the review of complaints if a coroner or deputy coroner has failed to comply with any provision of W.S. 7-4-103 or this subsection or has failed to meet any educational or training requirement provided under this section. The board shall make recommendations to the peace officer standards and training commission regarding revocation of certifications based on these investigations;
(vii) Provide for a system to offer educational programs to assist coroners and deputy coroners in meeting educational and training requirements provided under this section.
(d) The peace officer standards and training commission shall cooperate with the board of coroner standards in establishing course requirements and continuing education requirements required by law.
(e) The board shall contact the district attorney for the county or the attorney general to initiate an action and may serve as complaining party in an action under W.S. 7-4-103(b) or 18-3-902 to remove any coroner who is not in compliance with W.S. 7-4-103.
(f) In addition to any action under subsection (e) of this section, the board shall notify the county commissioners for the county of any coroner or deputy coroner who has had his certification revoked.