7-4-202. Impaneling of bystanders as jurors; oath.
If any juror fails to appear, the coroner shall immediately summon the proper number from the bystanders and proceed to impanel them. He shall administer the following oath: "You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will diligently inquire and truly present if known or determinable, the time and date of death, and by what means and manner the death of (NAME OF DECEASED) was caused, according to your knowledge and the evidence given you, so help you God."
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Section 7-4-202 - Impaneling of Bystanders as Jurors; Oath.
Section 7-4-203 - Issuance of Subpoenas; Witness Fees; Enforcement of Attendance.
Section 7-4-204 - Oath of Witness; Recording of Testimony; Compensation of Reporter.
Section 7-4-205 - Return of Inquisition by Jury.
Section 7-4-206 - Coroner's Return to Court.
Section 7-4-207 - Disposition of Body and Effects of Deceased.
Section 7-4-208 - Authority of Sheriff to Perform Duties of Coroner.
Section 7-4-209 - Postmortem Examination; Liability Limitation.