7-3-101. Legislative findings.
(a) The legislature finds and declares:
(i) The congress of the United States, pursuant to the provisions of section 10 of article I of the constitution of the United States, has granted its consent, by that certain act of June 6, 1934 (Public Law No. 293, H.R. 7353), as amended, that any two (2) or more states may enter into agreements or compacts for cooperative effort and mutual assistance in the prevention of crime and in the enforcement of their respective criminal laws and policies, and for the establishment of any agencies, joint or otherwise, as they may deem desirable, for making effective the agreements or compacts;
(ii) There is a practical need and utility for these agreements or compacts, between or among the state of Wyoming and any other states of the United States, and particularly between or among the state of Wyoming and those states adjoining the state of Wyoming.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Chapter 3 - Fugitives and Prevention of Crime
Article 1 - Interstate Compacts
Section 7-3-101 - Legislative Findings.
Section 7-3-102 - Appointment of Attorney General to Represent State on Joint Commissions.
Section 7-3-103 - Purpose and Objects; Required Ratification.
Section 7-3-104 - Legal, Clerical and Stenographic Assistance.
Section 7-3-105 - Commencement of Commissioner's Duties.