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Article 1 - Interstate Compacts
Section 7-3-101 - Legislative Findings. - 7-3-101. Legislative findings. (a) The legislature finds and declares: (i)...
Section 7-3-102 - Appointment of Attorney General to Represent State on Joint Commissions. - 7-3-102. Appointment of attorney general to represent state on joint...
Section 7-3-103 - Purpose and Objects; Required Ratification. - 7-3-103. Purpose and objects; required ratification. (a) Any agreement or...
Section 7-3-104 - Legal, Clerical and Stenographic Assistance. - 7-3-104. Legal, clerical and stenographic assistance. When the commissioner of...
Section 7-3-105 - Commencement of Commissioner's Duties. - 7-3-105. Commencement of commissioner's duties. The commissioner for Wyoming shall...
Section 7-3-106 - Investigations. - 7-3-106. Investigations. The commissioner for Wyoming has full authority to...
Section 7-3-107 - Compensation of Commissioner. - 7-3-107. Compensation of commissioner. The commissioner for Wyoming shall receive...
Article 2 - Extradition
Section 7-3-201 - Definitions. - 7-3-201. Definitions. (a) As used in this act: (i) "Executive...
Section 7-3-202 - Duty of Governor to Have Fugitives Arrested and Delivered Up to Proper Authorities. - 7-3-202. Duty of governor to have fugitives arrested and delivered...
Section 7-3-203 - General Requirements as to Demand by Another State. - 7-3-203. General requirements as to demand by another state. No...
Section 7-3-204 - Investigation of Demand. - 7-3-204. Investigation of demand. When a demand shall be made...
Section 7-3-205 - Contents of Demand. - 7-3-205. Contents of demand. (a) A warrant of extradition shall...
Section 7-3-206 - Surrender of Accused When Not Present in Demanding State at Time of Crime. - 7-3-206. Surrender of accused when not present in demanding state...
Section 7-3-207 - Issuance of Governor's Warrant for Arrest; Contents. - 7-3-207. Issuance of governor's warrant for arrest; contents. If the...
Section 7-3-208 - Effect of Warrant. - 7-3-208. Effect of warrant. (a) The warrant shall: (i) Authorize...
Section 7-3-209 - Authority of Person Making Arrest to Command Assistance. - 7-3-209. Authority of person making arrest to command assistance. Every...
Section 7-3-210 - Right of Accused to Counsel; Opportunity to Apply for Writ of Habeas Corpus; Notice of Writ and Hearing. - 7-3-210. Right of accused to counsel; opportunity to apply for...
Section 7-3-211 - Penalty for Surrendering Accused Without Hearing. - 7-3-211. Penalty for surrendering accused without hearing. Any officer who...
Section 7-3-212 - Confinement in Jail for Safekeeping; Expenses. - 7-3-212. Confinement in jail for safekeeping; expenses. The officer or...
Section 7-3-213 - Issuance of Warrant for Arrest by Judge or Magistrate. - 7-3-213. Issuance of warrant for arrest by judge or magistrate....
Section 7-3-214 - Authority to Arrest Person Without Warrant. - 7-3-214. Authority to arrest person without warrant. The arrest of...
Section 7-3-215 - Examination of Person Arrested Without Warrant; Commitment Pending Demand. - 7-3-215. Examination of person arrested without warrant; commitment pending demand....
Section 7-3-216 - Right of Person Arrested Without Warrant to Bail. - 7-3-216. Right of person arrested without warrant to bail. Unless...
Section 7-3-217 - Failure of State to Demand Person Arrested Without Warrant Within Time Specified. - 7-3-217. Failure of state to demand person arrested without warrant...
Section 7-3-218 - Failure of Prisoner Admitted to Bail to Appear. - 7-3-218. Failure of prisoner admitted to bail to appear. If...
Section 7-3-219 - Procedure Where Criminal Prosecution Pending Against Accused in State. - 7-3-219. Procedure where criminal prosecution pending against accused in state....
Section 7-3-220 - Inquiry Into Guilt or Innocence of Accused. - 7-3-220. Inquiry into guilt or innocence of accused. The guilt...
Section 7-3-221 - Recall Of, or Issuance of New, Warrant. - 7-3-221. Recall of, or issuance of new, warrant. The governor...
Section 7-3-222 - Demand That Accused Be Returned to This State; Issuance of Warrant. - 7-3-222. Demand that accused be returned to this state; issuance...
Section 7-3-223 - Application for Return of Accused to This State. - 7-3-223. Application for return of accused to this state. (a)...
Section 7-3-224 - Payment of Expenses for Return of Accused to This State. - 7-3-224. Payment of expenses for return of accused to this...
Section 7-3-225 - Service of Civil Process on Person Brought Into State. - 7-3-225. Service of civil process on person brought into state....
Section 7-3-226 - Charging of Person Brought Into State With Other Crimes. - 7-3-226. Charging of person brought into state with other crimes....
Section 7-3-227 - Construction of Provisions. - 7-3-227. Construction of provisions. This act shall be so interpreted...
Article 4 - Western Interstate Corrections Compact
Section 7-3-401 - Western Interstate Corrections Compact. - 7-3-401. Western Interstate Corrections Compact. The Western Interstate Corrections Compact...
Section 7-3-402 - Authority to Commit or Transfer Inmates. - 7-3-402. Authority to commit or transfer inmates. Any court or...
Section 7-3-403 - Enforcement of Compact. - 7-3-403. Enforcement of compact. The courts, departments, agencies and officers...
Section 7-3-404 - Hearings. - 7-3-404. Hearings. The governor is hereby authorized and directed to...
Section 7-3-405 - Authority to Enter Into Contracts; Force and Effect. - 7-3-405. Authority to enter into contracts; force and effect. The...
Section 7-3-406 - Construction and Severability of Provisions. - 7-3-406. Construction and severability of provisions. The provisions of this...
Article 5 - Prevention of Crime
Section 7-3-501 - Filing of Complaint; Issuance of Warrant or Summons. - 7-3-501. Filing of complaint; issuance of warrant or summons. (a)...
Section 7-3-502 - Examination of Party Complained Against; Recognizance to Keep Peace. - 7-3-502. Examination of party complained against; recognizance to keep peace....
Section 7-3-503 - Compliance With Recognizance Order; Failure to Give Recognizance. - 7-3-503. Compliance with recognizance order; failure to give recognizance. (a)...
Section 7-3-504 - Judgment Against Complainant; Defects in Complaint. - 7-3-504. Judgment against complainant; defects in complaint. (a) If the...
Section 7-3-505 - Filing of Recognizance; Forfeiture. - 7-3-505. Filing of recognizance; forfeiture. A recognizance taken in accordance...
Section 7-3-506 - Definitions. - 7-3-506. Definitions. (a) As used in W.S. 7-3-506 through 7-3-512:...
Section 7-3-507 - Petition for Order of Protection; Contents; Requisites; Indigent Petitioners. - 7-3-507. Petition for order of protection; contents; requisites; indigent petitioners....
Section 7-3-508 - Temporary Order of Protection; Setting Hearing. - 7-3-508. Temporary order of protection; setting hearing. (a) Upon the...
Section 7-3-509 - Order of Protection; Contents; Remedies; Order Not to Affect Title to Property. - 7-3-509. Order of protection; contents; remedies; order not to affect...
Section 7-3-510 - Service of Order; Duration and Extension of Order; Violation; Remedies Not Exclusive. - 7-3-510. Service of order; duration and extension of order; violation;...
Section 7-3-511 - Emergency Assistance by Law Enforcement Officers; Limited Liability. - 7-3-511. Emergency assistance by law enforcement officers; limited liability. (a)...
Article 7 - Communication Interception
Section 7-3-701 - Definitions. - 7-3-701. Definitions. (a) As used in this act: (i) "Aggrieved...
Section 7-3-702 - Prohibition Against Interception or Disclosure of Wire, Oral or Electronic Communications; Exceptions; Penalties. - 7-3-702. Prohibition against interception or disclosure of wire, oral or...
Section 7-3-703 - Prohibition Against Manufacture and Possession of Wire, Oral or Electronic Communication Intercepting Devices; Exceptions; Penalties. - 7-3-703. Prohibition against manufacture and possession of wire, oral or...
Section 7-3-704 - Seizure and Forfeiture of Wire or Oral Communication Intercepting Devices. - 7-3-704. Seizure and forfeiture of wire or oral communication intercepting...
Section 7-3-705 - Authorization for Interception of Wire, Oral or Electronic Communications. - 7-3-705. Authorization for interception of wire, oral or electronic communications....
Section 7-3-706 - Authorization for Disclosure and Use of Intercepted Communications. - 7-3-706. Authorization for disclosure and use of intercepted communications. (a)...
Section 7-3-707 - Procedure for Interception of Wire, Oral or Electronic Communications. - 7-3-707. Procedure for interception of wire, oral or electronic communications....
Section 7-3-708 - Order Directing Others to Furnish Assistance. - 7-3-708. Order directing others to furnish assistance. An order permitting...
Section 7-3-709 - Information Furnished to Attorney General by Executing Agency; Report to Legislature. - 7-3-709. Information furnished to attorney general by executing agency; report...
Section 7-3-710 - Recovery of Civil Damages for Violations; Good Faith Defense. - 7-3-710. Recovery of civil damages for violations; good faith defense....
Section 7-3-711 - Exclusivity of Provisions. - 7-3-711. Exclusivity of provisions. This act shall be the exclusive...
Section 7-3-712 - Reports by Attorney General and State Courts. - 7-3-712. Reports by attorney general and state courts. The attorney...
Article 8 - Pen Registers
Section 7-3-801 - Definitions. - 7-3-801. Definitions. (a) As used in this act: (i) "Attorney...
Section 7-3-802 - General Prohibition on Pen Register and Trap and Trace Device Use; Exception. - 7-3-802. General prohibition on pen register and trap and trace...
Section 7-3-803 - Application for an Order for a Pen Register or a Trap and Trace Device. - 7-3-803. Application for an order for a pen register or...
Section 7-3-804 - Issuance of an Order for a Pen Register or a Trap and Trace Device. - 7-3-804. Issuance of an order for a pen register or...
Section 7-3-805 - Assistance in Installation and Use of a Pen Register or a Trap and Trace Device. - 7-3-805. Assistance in installation and use of a pen register...
Section 7-3-806 - Reports Concerning Pen Registers and Trap and Trace Devices. - 7-3-806. Reports concerning pen registers and trap and trace devices....
Article 9 - Law Enforcement Interstate Mutual Aid
Section 7-3-901 - Short Title. - 7-3-901. Short title. This act shall be known and may...
Section 7-3-902 - Definitions. - 7-3-902. Definitions. (a) When used in this act, unless the...
Section 7-3-903 - Authorization to Enter Agreement; General Content; Authority of Law Enforcement Employee. - 7-3-903. Authorization to enter agreement; general content; authority of law...
Section 7-3-904 - Detailed Content of Agreement. - 7-3-904. Detailed content of agreement. (a) Any written agreement under...
Section 7-3-905 - Right of State in Actions Involving Agreements. - 7-3-905. Right of state in actions involving agreements. In any...
Section 7-3-906 - Agreement Not to Relieve Agency of Duties. - 7-3-906. Agreement not to relieve agency of duties. No agreement...
Section 7-3-907 - Limitation of Powers. - 7-3-907. Limitation of powers. Except for the right granted by...
Section 7-3-908 - Submission of Agreement to Attorney General. - 7-3-908. Submission of agreement to attorney general. As a condition...
Section 7-3-909 - Filing of Agreement. - 7-3-909. Filing of agreement. Within twenty (20) days after approval...
Section 7-3-910 - Immunity. - 7-3-910. Immunity. Whenever the employees of a law enforcement agency...