Wyoming Statutes
Chapter 20 - Family Violence
Section 7-20-105 - Peace Officer Education and Training.

7-20-105. Peace officer education and training.
(a) Law enforcement agencies and the Wyoming law enforcement academy shall provide peace officers with a uniform education and training program approved by the peace officer standards and training commission designed to inform the officers of the problems of family and household abuse, procedures to deal with these problems, the provisions of this chapter and the services and facilities available to abused family and household members. The amount and degree of peace officer training shall include the following:
(i) Officers who are currently employed by a law enforcement agency and have already completed and been certified through a state basic skills course shall be provided eight (8) hours of training through the local law enforcement agency at which the officer is employed. The law enforcement agency may contact the family violence program in the county to assist in designing and implementing this training;
(ii) Officers who have not yet completed and been certified through the Wyoming state basic skills course shall be provided twelve (12) hours of training as part of the basic skills course at the Wyoming law enforcement academy. The department of health may be contacted to assist in designing and implementing this training.