7-20-104. Notice to victim of services and legal rights and remedies.
At the time of arrest under W.S. 7-20-102 or as soon thereafter as is practicable, the peace officer shall advise the victim of the availability of a program that provides services to victims of battering in the community and give the victim notice of the legal rights and remedies available. The notice shall include furnishing the victim a copy of the following statement:
"IF YOU ARE THE VICTIM OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, you can ask the district attorney to file a criminal complaint. You also have the right to go to the circuit or district court and file a petition requesting any of the following orders for relief: (a) An order restraining your attacker from abusing you; (b) An order directing your attacker to leave your household; (c) An order preventing your attacker from entering your residence, school, business or place of employment; (d) An order awarding you or the other parent custody of or visitation with a minor child or children; (e) An order restraining your attacker from molesting or interfering with minor children in your custody; (f) An order directing the party not granted custody to pay support for minor children, or for support of the other party if that party has a legal obligation to do so.
You also have the right to sue for losses suffered as a result of the abuse, including medical and moving expenses, loss of earnings or support and other out-of-pocket expenses for injuries sustained and damage to your property. This can be done without an attorney in small claims court if the total amount claimed is under $.... (Officer to insert current jurisdictional limit of small claims court).
1. Name, address and phone number of local family violence program.
2. Name, address and phone number of district attorney's office."
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Section 7-20-101 - Definition of "Peace Officer".
Section 7-20-102 - Arrests Without Warrant.
Section 7-20-103 - Appearance in Court; Hearing; Probation.
Section 7-20-104 - Notice to Victim of Services and Legal Rights and Remedies.
Section 7-20-105 - Peace Officer Education and Training.
Section 7-20-106 - Civil or Criminal Liability of Peace Officer.