Wyoming Statutes
Article 1 - Powers and Miscellaneous Matters
Section 15-1-117 - Ordinances; Amendment and Repeal.

15-1-117. Ordinances; amendment and repeal.
Amendments and repeals of ordinances, or sections thereof, shall be by ordinance. An amending ordinance shall set forth the entire ordinance or section as amended. No vote of the governing body may be reconsidered or rescinded at any meeting unless there are as many members present as there were when the vote was originally taken.

Structure Wyoming Statutes

Wyoming Statutes

Title 15 - Cities and Towns

Chapter 1 - General Provisions

Article 1 - Powers and Miscellaneous Matters

Section 15-1-101 - Definitions.

Section 15-1-102 - Prior Incorporations and Elections Legalized.

Section 15-1-103 - General Powers of Governing Bodies.

Section 15-1-104 - Authority to Carry Liability Insurance.

Section 15-1-105 - Governing Bodies; Meetings; Quorum; Executive Sessions.

Section 15-1-106 - Conduct and Journal of Governing Body's Proceedings.

Section 15-1-107 - Vacancies in Offices; Grounds; How Filled.

Section 15-1-108 - Powers and Duties of Mayor; Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem.

Section 15-1-109 - When Clerk May Administer Oaths.

Section 15-1-110 - Minutes of Meetings and Titles of Ordinances Passed to Be Published; Exception; Contents; Publication of Salary Information of Specified Officials and Employees.

Section 15-1-111 - Appropriations for Advertisement of Resources Authorized; Exception.

Section 15-1-112 - Manner of Disposing of Municipal Property; When Advertising and Bids Not Necessary.

Section 15-1-113 - Contracts for Public Improvements.

Section 15-1-114 - Ordinances; Required for Legislation; Exceptions; How Proved.

Section 15-1-115 - Ordinances; Form and Style; Presumption; Manner of Enactment; Vote Required.

Section 15-1-116 - Ordinances; Publication Required; Exception; Attestation; Recodification or Revision.

Section 15-1-117 - Ordinances; Amendment and Repeal.

Section 15-1-118 - Effect of Governmental Change on Ordinances.

Section 15-1-119 - Adoption of State Traffic Laws and Other Provisions by Reference Authorized; Procedure; Effect.

Section 15-1-120 - Effect of Governmental Change on Territorial Limits.

Section 15-1-121 - Fire Protection Agreements Authorized; Limitation; Liability.

Section 15-1-122 - Special Charters Repealed; Rights Preserved.

Section 15-1-123 - Prospective Operation; Existing Transactions Saved.

Section 15-1-124 - Employee Bonds.

Section 15-1-125 - Presentation and Payment of Claims; When Warrant Draws Interest; Exception.

Section 15-1-126 - Collecting City or Town Monies; Settlement Date.

Section 15-1-127 - Prohibitions; Interest in Contracts; Exception; Extra Pay; Compensation to Nonofficers; Exception.

Section 15-1-128 - Officers and Employees; Prohibitions; Gratuities; Exceptions; Violations; Results Therefrom.

Section 15-1-129 - Contracts to House Prisoners.

Section 15-1-130 - Prohibitions; Amateur Radio Antenna Regulation.

Section 15-1-131 - Communications Companies Franchise Agreements Authorized; Limitations; Procedure; Exceptions.

Section 15-1-132 - City and Town Prohibitions on Utility Connections.