11-22-111. Scales; inspection and testing.
All scales used in the operation of a livestock market must be inspected and tested by the state superintendent of weights and measures, who may make reasonable rules and regulations relative to the method of weighing livestock at all livestock markets. All livestock sold by weight must be weighed on scales.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Title 11 - Agriculture, Livestock and Other Animals
Chapter 22 - Livestock Markets
Section 11-22-101 - Definitions; Exceptions to Provisions.
Section 11-22-102 - Board Authorized to Adopt and Publish Rules.
Section 11-22-103 - License; Requirements Therefor.
Section 11-22-105 - License; Disposition of Fees; Payment of Expenses.
Section 11-22-106 - License; Cancellation.
Section 11-22-108 - License; Certified Copy; Fee; Posting.
Section 11-22-109 - Investigations of Sales; Filing Charges; Hearing; Notice Thereof.
Section 11-22-110 - Sanitation; Veterinarian Supervision Required.
Section 11-22-111 - Scales; Inspection and Testing.
Section 11-22-112 - Records of Receipts and Sales; Availability for Inspection.
Section 11-22-113 - Inspection of Livestock; Report on Unbranded Livestock.
Section 11-22-114 - When Removal of Livestock From Establishment Permitted.
Section 11-22-115 - Removal of Veterinarian.
Section 11-22-116 - Warranty of Title; Disposition of Proceeds From Sale; Receipt by Board.
Section 11-22-117 - Dispersal Sales.
Section 11-22-118 - Registration of Livestock Dealers; Records.