11-22-101. Definitions; exceptions to provisions.
(a) As used in this act:
(i) "Board" means the Wyoming livestock board;
(ii) "Livestock" means horses, mules, cattle, swine, sheep and goats. Bison are considered livestock unless otherwise designated by the board and the Wyoming game and fish commission;
(iii) "Livestock market" means a place operated for profit as a public market, consisting of pens or enclosures and their appurtenances, in which livestock are received, held for sale, sold or offered for sale at either public auction or private sale, except that this act does not apply to:
(A) Any place used solely for a dispersal sale of the livestock of a farmer, dairyman, livestock breeder or feeder who is discontinuing business;
(B) Repealed by Laws 2006, Chapter 27, ยง 4.
(C) Any place where an association of breeders of livestock assembles, offers for sale and sells under its own management registered livestock or breeding sires, if the association assumes all responsibility of the sale and guarantees title to the livestock and arranges for the proper inspection of all animals sold.
(iv) "Livestock dealer" means:
(A) Any person engaged in the business of buying or selling livestock in commerce, either for his own account or as an employee or agent of the seller or buyer; or
(B) Any person who engages in the regular business of buying or selling livestock in commerce on a commission basis as set forth in rules by the Wyoming livestock board.
(v) "Livestock dealer" does not include any person who buys or sells livestock as part of his own bona fide breeding, feeding, showing, dairy, meat or wool production operation; any person who takes a security interest, including liquidation of that interest, in livestock in the ordinary course of his business; or any person who buys occasionally but not as a part of his regular business as set forth in rules promulgated by the Wyoming livestock board;
(vi) "This act" means W.S. 11-22-101 through 11-22-119.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Title 11 - Agriculture, Livestock and Other Animals
Chapter 22 - Livestock Markets
Section 11-22-101 - Definitions; Exceptions to Provisions.
Section 11-22-102 - Board Authorized to Adopt and Publish Rules.
Section 11-22-103 - License; Requirements Therefor.
Section 11-22-105 - License; Disposition of Fees; Payment of Expenses.
Section 11-22-106 - License; Cancellation.
Section 11-22-108 - License; Certified Copy; Fee; Posting.
Section 11-22-109 - Investigations of Sales; Filing Charges; Hearing; Notice Thereof.
Section 11-22-110 - Sanitation; Veterinarian Supervision Required.
Section 11-22-111 - Scales; Inspection and Testing.
Section 11-22-112 - Records of Receipts and Sales; Availability for Inspection.
Section 11-22-113 - Inspection of Livestock; Report on Unbranded Livestock.
Section 11-22-114 - When Removal of Livestock From Establishment Permitted.
Section 11-22-115 - Removal of Veterinarian.
Section 11-22-116 - Warranty of Title; Disposition of Proceeds From Sale; Receipt by Board.
Section 11-22-117 - Dispersal Sales.
Section 11-22-118 - Registration of Livestock Dealers; Records.