1-26-802. Proceedings by water companies and incorporated cities or towns.
Any water company or incorporated city or town of this state may acquire by purchase, grant or condemnation any land, real estate, claim, easement or right-of-way required for or that may be affected by the construction, operation or maintenance of any waterworks.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Title 1 - Code of Civil Procedure
Article 8 - Power of Eminent Domain Granted
Section 1-26-802 - Proceedings by Water Companies and Incorporated Cities or Towns.
Section 1-26-803 - Municipal Streets and Alleys; Utility Mains or Pipes; Tax Levy.
Section 1-26-804 - Acquisition of Public Utility Plants by Cities and Towns.
Section 1-26-807 - Acquisition of Other Property for Public Utility Service.
Section 1-26-808 - Election in Cities and Towns on Question of Acquisition.
Section 1-26-809 - Determination of Value of Franchise to Be Acquired.
Section 1-26-810 - Powers of Railroad Companies Relative to Condemnation Generally.
Section 1-26-811 - Crossing Public Highways; Privileges and Duties.
Section 1-26-812 - Constructing, Maintaining, Abandoning or Closing Crossings.
Section 1-26-813 - Right-of-Way Along Public Ways Granted; Permission Necessary for New Lines.
Section 1-26-814 - Right of Eminent Domain Granted; Petroleum or Other Pipeline Companies; Purposes.
Section 1-26-816 - Condemnation and Certificate of Public Necessity and Convenience.
Section 1-26-817 - Reservation of Right to Establish Crossings.