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Section 1-26-801 - Authority of State, Counties and Municipal Corporations to Acquire by Condemnation Proceedings; Uranium Mill Tailings; Public Purpose. - 1-26-801. Authority of state, counties and municipal corporations to acquire...
Section 1-26-802 - Proceedings by Water Companies and Incorporated Cities or Towns. - 1-26-802. Proceedings by water companies and incorporated cities or towns....
Section 1-26-803 - Municipal Streets and Alleys; Utility Mains or Pipes; Tax Levy. - 1-26-803. Municipal streets and alleys; utility mains or pipes; tax...
Section 1-26-804 - Acquisition of Public Utility Plants by Cities and Towns. - 1-26-804. Acquisition of public utility plants by cities and towns....
Section 1-26-805 - Acquisition of Public Utility Plants by Cities and Towns; Definition of Facilities Which May Be Acquired. - 1-26-805. Acquisition of public utility plants by cities and towns;...
Section 1-26-806 - Acquisition of Public Utility Plants by Cities and Towns; Purpose of Acquisition; Ownership or Operation. - 1-26-806. Acquisition of public utility plants by cities and towns;...
Section 1-26-807 - Acquisition of Other Property for Public Utility Service. - 1-26-807. Acquisition of other property for public utility service. Any...
Section 1-26-808 - Election in Cities and Towns on Question of Acquisition. - 1-26-808. Election in cities and towns on question of acquisition....
Section 1-26-809 - Determination of Value of Franchise to Be Acquired. - 1-26-809. Determination of value of franchise to be acquired. In...
Section 1-26-810 - Powers of Railroad Companies Relative to Condemnation Generally. - 1-26-810. Powers of railroad companies relative to condemnation generally. (a)...
Section 1-26-811 - Crossing Public Highways; Privileges and Duties. - 1-26-811. Crossing public highways; privileges and duties. (a) A railroad...
Section 1-26-812 - Constructing, Maintaining, Abandoning or Closing Crossings. - 1-26-812. Constructing, maintaining, abandoning or closing crossings. (a) When any...
Section 1-26-813 - Right-of-Way Along Public Ways Granted; Permission Necessary for New Lines. - 1-26-813. Right-of-way along public ways granted; permission necessary for new...
Section 1-26-814 - Right of Eminent Domain Granted; Petroleum or Other Pipeline Companies; Purposes. - 1-26-814. Right of eminent domain granted; petroleum or other pipeline...
Section 1-26-815 - Right of Eminent Domain Granted; Ways of Necessity for Authorized Businesses; Purposes; Extent. - 1-26-815. Right of eminent domain granted; ways of necessity for...
Section 1-26-816 - Condemnation and Certificate of Public Necessity and Convenience. - 1-26-816. Condemnation and certificate of public necessity and convenience. No...
Section 1-26-817 - Reservation of Right to Establish Crossings. - 1-26-817. Reservation of right to establish crossings. Any condemnation order...