Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 885 - Witnesses and oral testimony.
885.50 - Statement of intent.

885.50 Statement of intent.
(1) It is the intent of the Supreme Court that videoconferencing technology be available for use in the circuit courts of Wisconsin to the greatest extent possible consistent with the limitations of the technology, the rights of litigants and other participants in matters before the courts, and the need to preserve the fairness, dignity, solemnity, and decorum of court proceedings. Further, it is the intent of the Supreme Court that circuit court judges be vested with the discretion to determine the manner and extent of the use of videoconferencing technology, except as specifically set forth in this subchapter.
(2) In declaring this intent, the Supreme Court finds that careful use of this evolving technology can make proceedings in the circuit courts more efficient and less expensive to the public and the participants without compromising the fairness, dignity, solemnity, and decorum of these proceedings. The Supreme Court further finds that an open-ended approach to the incorporation of this technology into the court system under the supervision and control of judges, subject to the limitations and guidance set forth in this subchapter, will most rapidly realize the benefits of videoconferencing for all concerned.
(3) In declaring this intent, the Supreme Court further finds that improper use of videoconferencing technology, or use in situations in which the technical and operational standards set forth in this subchapter are not met, can result in abridgement of fundamental rights of litigants, crime victims, and the public, unfair shifting of costs, and loss of the fairness, dignity, solemnity, and decorum of court proceedings that is essential to the proper administration of justice.
History: Sup. Ct. Order No. 07-12, 2008 WI 37, 305 Wis. 2d xli.
Comment, 2008: Section 885.50 is intended to recognize and summarize the larger debate concerning the use of videoconferencing technology in the courts, and to provide a clear statement of the Supreme Court's intent concerning such use, which should be helpful guidance to litigants, counsel and circuit and appellate courts in interpreting and applying these rules.
This subchapter is not intended to give circuit court judges the authority to compel county boards to acquire, maintain or replace videoconferencing equipment. Rather, it is intended to provide courts with authority and guidance in the use of whatever videoconferencing equipment might be made available to them.
Bridging the Distance: Videoconferencing in Wisconsin Circuit Courts. Leineweber. Wis. Law. July 2008.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 885 - Witnesses and oral testimony.

885.01 - Subpoenas, who may issue.

885.02 - Form of subpoena.

885.03 - Service of subpoena.

885.04 - Municipal judge; subpoena served in state.

885.05 - Witness and interpreter fees.

885.06 - Witness' fees, prepayment.

885.07 - State witnesses in civil actions and municipal witnesses in forfeiture actions, how paid.

885.08 - State witnesses in criminal cases, how paid.

885.09 - Compensation of nonresident or indigent witness.

885.10 - Witness for indigent respondent or defendant.

885.11 - Disobedient witness.

885.12 - Coercing witnesses before officers and boards.

885.14 - Disclosure of information and sources by news person.

885.15 - Immunity.

885.205 - Privileged communications.

885.23 - Genetic tests in civil actions.

885.235 - Chemical tests for intoxication.

885.237 - Presumptions as to operation and registration of motor vehicle.

885.24 - Actions for public moneys, immunity.

885.25 - State actions vs. corporations or limited liability companies.

885.285 - Settlement and advance payment of claim for damages.

885.365 - Recorded telephone conversation.

885.37 - Interpreters in municipal courts and administrative agency contested cases.

885.38 - Interpreters in circuit and appellate courts.

885.40 - Applicability.

885.41 - Definitions.

885.42 - When available.

885.43 - Notice of videotape deposition.

885.44 - Videotape deposition procedure.

885.45 - Videotape costs; depositions and trials.

885.46 - Videotape custody and preservation.

885.47 - Videotape playback equipment.

885.50 - Statement of intent.

885.52 - Definitions.

885.54 - Technical and operational standards.

885.56 - Criteria for exercise of court's discretion.

885.58 - Use in civil cases and special proceedings.

885.60 - Use in criminal cases and proceedings under chapters 48, 51, 55, 938, and 980.

885.62 - Waivers and stipulations.

885.64 - Applicability.