Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 815 - Executions.
815.10 - Execution against body only remedy, exception.

815.10 Execution against body only remedy, exception. When a party shall have been arrested on an execution no other execution upon the same judgment can be issued against the party or the party's property except as provided by s. 898.10; but if the party shall escape the party may be retaken by a new execution against the party's body or an execution against the party's property may be issued in the same manner as if the party had never been arrested on execution.
History: Sup. Ct. Order, 67 Wis. 2d 585, 761 (1975); Stats. 1975 s. 815.10; 1993 a. 486.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 815 - Executions.

815.01 - Judgments enforced.

815.02 - Judgments, enforced by execution.

815.03 - Executions, kinds.

815.04 - Execution, when issued.

815.05 - Execution, how issued; contents.

815.06 - Execution, when returnable.

815.07 - To what county issued.

815.08 - Sheriff to endorse date of receipt.

815.09 - Execution against debtor's person.

815.10 - Execution against body only remedy, exception.

815.11 - Writs of assistance.

815.12 - Execution; death of person arrested.

815.14 - Execution after debtor's death.

815.15 - Execution after judgment creditor's death.

815.17 - Execution; who acts on sheriff's death or removal.

815.18 - Property exempt from execution.

815.19 - Levy on personal property; appraisal.

815.195 - Levy on real property; how made.

815.20 - Homestead exemption definition.

815.205 - Certain property of spouse exempt from execution.

815.21 - Homestead, how set apart after levy.

815.24 - Indemnity may be required.

815.25 - Money applied; negotiable instruments sold.

815.26 - Equities sold.

815.29 - Notice of sale of personal property, manner, adjournment.

815.31 - Notice of sale of realty; manner; adjournment.

815.33 - Execution; sale in parcels; limitation.

815.34 - Execution sale without notice.

815.35 - Execution; taking down notice.

815.36 - Execution sale, want of notice, when immaterial.

815.37 - Execution sale; officer not to purchase.

815.38 - Execution, certificate of sale, recording.

815.39 - Execution sale; redemption of real estate.

815.40 - Execution sale; who may redeem.

815.43 - Execution sale; redemption makes sale void.

815.44 - Execution; purchaser's interest.

815.48 - Execution sale; creditors may acquire title of preceding creditor.

815.52 - Payment on acquisition of purchaser's or creditor's interest.

815.53 - Execution sale; evidences of right of creditor to acquire title.

815.54 - Execution sale, title when divested, action for injury to premises.

815.55 - Execution sale; deed when to issue; limitation.

815.56 - Sheriff's deed; grantee if purchaser dead.

815.57 - Sheriff's deed, recovery of purchase price on eviction.

815.58 - Execution sale; judgment, creditor's further remedy.

815.59 - Contribution when lands of several are sold on execution.

815.61 - Proceedings to recover contribution.

815.62 - Lien, how preserved after execution sale; clerk's fee.

815.63 - Sheriff's deed; writ of assistance.

815.64 - Judgment lien, how discharged on redemption.