Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 815 - Executions.
815.01 - Judgments enforced.

815.01 Judgments enforced. The owner of a judgment may enforce the same in the manner provided by law.
History: Sup. Ct. Order, 67 Wis. 2d 585, 761 (1975); Stats. 1975 s. 815.01.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 815 - Executions.

815.01 - Judgments enforced.

815.02 - Judgments, enforced by execution.

815.03 - Executions, kinds.

815.04 - Execution, when issued.

815.05 - Execution, how issued; contents.

815.06 - Execution, when returnable.

815.07 - To what county issued.

815.08 - Sheriff to endorse date of receipt.

815.09 - Execution against debtor's person.

815.10 - Execution against body only remedy, exception.

815.11 - Writs of assistance.

815.12 - Execution; death of person arrested.

815.14 - Execution after debtor's death.

815.15 - Execution after judgment creditor's death.

815.17 - Execution; who acts on sheriff's death or removal.

815.18 - Property exempt from execution.

815.19 - Levy on personal property; appraisal.

815.195 - Levy on real property; how made.

815.20 - Homestead exemption definition.

815.205 - Certain property of spouse exempt from execution.

815.21 - Homestead, how set apart after levy.

815.24 - Indemnity may be required.

815.25 - Money applied; negotiable instruments sold.

815.26 - Equities sold.

815.29 - Notice of sale of personal property, manner, adjournment.

815.31 - Notice of sale of realty; manner; adjournment.

815.33 - Execution; sale in parcels; limitation.

815.34 - Execution sale without notice.

815.35 - Execution; taking down notice.

815.36 - Execution sale, want of notice, when immaterial.

815.37 - Execution sale; officer not to purchase.

815.38 - Execution, certificate of sale, recording.

815.39 - Execution sale; redemption of real estate.

815.40 - Execution sale; who may redeem.

815.43 - Execution sale; redemption makes sale void.

815.44 - Execution; purchaser's interest.

815.48 - Execution sale; creditors may acquire title of preceding creditor.

815.52 - Payment on acquisition of purchaser's or creditor's interest.

815.53 - Execution sale; evidences of right of creditor to acquire title.

815.54 - Execution sale, title when divested, action for injury to premises.

815.55 - Execution sale; deed when to issue; limitation.

815.56 - Sheriff's deed; grantee if purchaser dead.

815.57 - Sheriff's deed, recovery of purchase price on eviction.

815.58 - Execution sale; judgment, creditor's further remedy.

815.59 - Contribution when lands of several are sold on execution.

815.61 - Proceedings to recover contribution.

815.62 - Lien, how preserved after execution sale; clerk's fee.

815.63 - Sheriff's deed; writ of assistance.

815.64 - Judgment lien, how discharged on redemption.