Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 75 - Land sold for taxes.
75.24 - Limitation, claims under illegal deed or certificate.

75.24 Limitation, claims under illegal deed or certificate. Every action brought or claim presented against any county for the recovery of any sum of money on account of any defective or void tax certificate or tax deed made or issued by any such county shall be commenced or presented during the life of such tax certificates on which such deed was issued in accordance with the limitations as provided in s. 75.20; and whenever an action relating to the validity of a tax certificate or tax deed shall have been commenced within the time above limited and a final judgment shall not be rendered in such action until after the expiration of the time so limited, in such case an action may be commenced or claim presented on account of such certificate or deed within one year after final judgment declaring the same void.
History: 1987 a. 378.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 75 - Land sold for taxes.

75.001 - Definitions.

75.002 - Timely payment.

75.01 - Redemption.

75.03 - Redeeming lands of minors or individuals adjudicated incompetent.

75.04 - Redemption receipt and entries.

75.05 - Disposition of redemption money.

75.06 - Applicability of chapter to 1st class cities.

75.07 - Redemption notices; publication.

75.09 - Notice, how posted.

75.10 - Mistake in notice.

75.105 - Cancellation of delinquent real property taxes on property contaminated by hazardous substances.

75.106 - Assignment of property contaminated by hazardous substances.

75.11 - Compensation of printer.

75.115 - Rights of persons who have an interest in mineral rights.

75.12 - Deed, notice of application for.

75.13 - Filing affidavit.

75.14 - Deeds, execution of; rights under; evidence.

75.143 - Defer taking of tax deed.

75.144 - Rights of persons claiming adverse possession.

75.145 - Correction of description by action.

75.16 - Deed, by whom executed; form.

75.17 - Transfer of contaminated land to a municipality.

75.19 - Foreclosure of certificate.

75.195 - Extended time for beginning tax foreclosure.

75.20 - Limitations on certificates and issue of deeds; life of tax certificate liens.

75.22 - Validity; immaterial errors.

75.23 - Canceled deeds, certificates of county clerk.

75.24 - Limitation, claims under illegal deed or certificate.

75.25 - Lien of reassessed tax.

75.26 - Limitation.

75.27 - Limitation on former owner.

75.28 - Application of all limitations.

75.285 - Action; condition precedent.

75.29 - Actions of ejectment, when barred.

75.30 - Action by original owner if deed is void, when barred.

75.31 - “ Possession" defined.

75.32 - Taxation and sale of lands held by counties.

75.35 - Sale of tax-deeded lands; purchase of adjacent lands.

75.36 - County acquisition and sale of property.

75.365 - Agreements as to delinquent taxes.

75.37 - Waste on land subject to a tax certificate.

75.375 - Waste on lands subject to a tax certificate; penalty.

75.377 - Inspection of property subject to tax certificate.

75.39 - Action to bar former owner.

75.40 - Action, where and how brought.

75.41 - Complaint.

75.42 - Defense, answer.

75.43 - Election to receive deposit; costs.

75.44 - Release.

75.45 - Deed as evidence.

75.46 - Trial; defendant's interest.

75.47 - Separate trials.

75.48 - Effect of judgment.

75.49 - Judgment for defendant.

75.50 - Unknown owners.

75.52 - Judgment a bar, when.

75.521 - Foreclosure of tax liens by action in rem.

75.54 - Reassessment of taxes by order of court.

75.55 - Application of section 75.54.

75.61 - Actions related to tax certificates.

75.62 - Procedure in actions related to tax certificates.

75.63 - Ejectment as to public lands; conditions.

75.64 - No jurisdiction; issue of deed postponed; deposit.

75.67 - Procedure in populous counties containing authorized city.

75.69 - Sale of tax delinquent real estate.