Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 75 - Land sold for taxes.
75.07 - Redemption notices; publication.

75.07 Redemption notices; publication.
(1) Each county treasurer shall, at least 6 and not more than 10 months before the expiration of the time for redeeming lands subject to a tax certificate, except lands subject to s. 75.521 that are located in a city authorized to proceed under s. 74.87, cause to be published as a class 2 notice, under ch. 985, in the county in which the lands are located, a list of all unredeemed lands, specifying each tract or lot, the name of the person to whom assessed, if any, and the amount of taxes, charges and interest, calculated to the last day of redemption, due on each parcel, together with a notice that unless such lands are redeemed on or before the last day of redemption, which shall be specified, they will be conveyed to the county. The county treasurer, for the purpose of such list, may condense such descriptions when such condensed description will reasonably describe the premises.
(a) Before publishing such list such treasurer shall carefully compare the same with the tax certificate describing the lands to be included in the list to be published. If upon such examination there be found any omission or erroneous description in the tax certificate, such parcel of land in the description of which the omission or error shall occur shall not be advertised for redemption, but shall be deleted from the tax certificate in which it was originally included and placed in the next-issued tax certificate.
(b) If the number of the description in the lists of lands to be advertised for redemption by the county treasurer shall exceed 3,000, the treasurer shall then let by contract the publication of such list to the lowest bidder upon a notice, written or printed, to be delivered to and left with the publisher or one of the publishers of each newspaper printed as aforesaid, at least 10 days prior to the time at which such contract shall be let.
(c) Any county treasurer who shall willfully refuse or neglect to perform any duty required by this section or who shall keep back and not report any unredeemed lands for the purpose of evading its provisions shall forfeit the full amount of the penalty of the treasurer's official bond, one half of which, when collected, shall be paid to the person prosecuting therefor and the residue into the treasury of the state for the use of the school fund; provided further, that no county treasurer shall be liable to any penalty for causing such publication to be made in a weekly newspaper published in such county for the length of time hereinbefore named prior to the date of the treasurer's notice, when by reason of accident or other cause more than one week has intervened between the dates of the actual issue of such newspaper to subscribers, if such delay at any one time shall not have exceeded 3 days; but every such newspaper, for the purpose of this section shall be deemed to have been regularly published once in each week as hereinbefore provided.
History: 1987 a. 378.
Sub. (1) requiring publication of a redemption notice prior to the expiration of the time to redeem lands sold for taxes is directory only; failure to include in such publication the name of the person to whom the taxes were assessed does not invalidate a subsequent tax deed. 63 Atty. Gen. 116.
In publishing redemption notices for tax delinquent lands under sub. (1), a county treasurer is not authorized to omit the names of persons to whom such property was last assessed. 63 Atty. Gen. 118.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 75 - Land sold for taxes.

75.001 - Definitions.

75.002 - Timely payment.

75.01 - Redemption.

75.03 - Redeeming lands of minors or individuals adjudicated incompetent.

75.04 - Redemption receipt and entries.

75.05 - Disposition of redemption money.

75.06 - Applicability of chapter to 1st class cities.

75.07 - Redemption notices; publication.

75.09 - Notice, how posted.

75.10 - Mistake in notice.

75.105 - Cancellation of delinquent real property taxes on property contaminated by hazardous substances.

75.106 - Assignment of property contaminated by hazardous substances.

75.11 - Compensation of printer.

75.115 - Rights of persons who have an interest in mineral rights.

75.12 - Deed, notice of application for.

75.13 - Filing affidavit.

75.14 - Deeds, execution of; rights under; evidence.

75.143 - Defer taking of tax deed.

75.144 - Rights of persons claiming adverse possession.

75.145 - Correction of description by action.

75.16 - Deed, by whom executed; form.

75.17 - Transfer of contaminated land to a municipality.

75.19 - Foreclosure of certificate.

75.195 - Extended time for beginning tax foreclosure.

75.20 - Limitations on certificates and issue of deeds; life of tax certificate liens.

75.22 - Validity; immaterial errors.

75.23 - Canceled deeds, certificates of county clerk.

75.24 - Limitation, claims under illegal deed or certificate.

75.25 - Lien of reassessed tax.

75.26 - Limitation.

75.27 - Limitation on former owner.

75.28 - Application of all limitations.

75.285 - Action; condition precedent.

75.29 - Actions of ejectment, when barred.

75.30 - Action by original owner if deed is void, when barred.

75.31 - “ Possession" defined.

75.32 - Taxation and sale of lands held by counties.

75.35 - Sale of tax-deeded lands; purchase of adjacent lands.

75.36 - County acquisition and sale of property.

75.365 - Agreements as to delinquent taxes.

75.37 - Waste on land subject to a tax certificate.

75.375 - Waste on lands subject to a tax certificate; penalty.

75.377 - Inspection of property subject to tax certificate.

75.39 - Action to bar former owner.

75.40 - Action, where and how brought.

75.41 - Complaint.

75.42 - Defense, answer.

75.43 - Election to receive deposit; costs.

75.44 - Release.

75.45 - Deed as evidence.

75.46 - Trial; defendant's interest.

75.47 - Separate trials.

75.48 - Effect of judgment.

75.49 - Judgment for defendant.

75.50 - Unknown owners.

75.52 - Judgment a bar, when.

75.521 - Foreclosure of tax liens by action in rem.

75.54 - Reassessment of taxes by order of court.

75.55 - Application of section 75.54.

75.61 - Actions related to tax certificates.

75.62 - Procedure in actions related to tax certificates.

75.63 - Ejectment as to public lands; conditions.

75.64 - No jurisdiction; issue of deed postponed; deposit.

75.67 - Procedure in populous counties containing authorized city.

75.69 - Sale of tax delinquent real estate.