Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 704 - Landlord and tenant.
704.01 - Definitions.

704.01 Definitions. In this chapter, unless the context indicates otherwise:
(1) “Lease" means an agreement, whether oral or written, for transfer of possession of real property, or both real and personal property, for a definite period of time. A lease is for a definite period of time if it has a fixed commencement date and a fixed expiration date or if the commencement and expiration can be ascertained by reference to some event, such as completion of a building. A lease is included within this chapter even though it may also be treated as a conveyance under ch. 706. An agreement for transfer of possession of only personal property is not a lease.
(2) “Periodic tenant" means a tenant who holds possession without a valid lease and pays rent on a periodic basis. It includes a tenant from day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-month, year-to-year or other recurring interval of time, the period being determined by the intent of the parties under the circumstances, with the interval between rent-paying dates normally evidencing that intent.
(3) “Premises" mean the property covered by the lease, including not only the realty and fixtures, but also any personal property furnished with the realty.
(3m) “Rental agreement" means an oral or written agreement between a landlord and tenant, for the rental or lease of a specific dwelling unit or premises, in which the landlord and tenant agree on the essential terms of the tenancy, such as rent. “Rental agreement" includes a lease. “Rental agreement" does not include an agreement to enter into a rental agreement in the future.
(4) “Tenancy" includes a tenancy under a lease, a periodic tenancy or a tenancy at will.
(5) “Tenant at will" means any tenant holding with the permission of the tenant's landlord without a valid lease and under circumstances not involving periodic payment of rent; but a person holding possession of real property under a contract of purchase or an employment contract is not a tenant under this chapter.
History: 1983 a. 189; 1993 a. 486; 2007 a. 184.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 704 - Landlord and tenant.

704.01 - Definitions.

704.02 - Severability of rental agreement provisions.

704.03 - Requirement of writing for rental agreements and termination.

704.05 - Rights and duties of landlord and tenant in absence of written agreement to contrary.

704.055 - Disposition of personalty left by trespasser.

704.06 - Water heater thermostat settings.

704.07 - Repairs; untenantability.

704.08 - Check-in sheet.

704.085 - Credit and background checks.

704.09 - Transferability; effect of assignment or transfer; remedies.

704.10 - Electronic delivery.

704.11 - Lien of landlord.

704.13 - Acts of tenant not to affect rights of landlord.

704.14 - Notice of domestic abuse protections.

704.15 - Requirement that landlord notify tenant of automatic renewal clause.

704.16 - Termination of tenancy for imminent threat of serious physical harm; changing locks.

704.165 - Termination of tenancy at death of tenant.

704.17 - Notice terminating tenancies for failure to pay rent or other breach by tenant.

704.19 - Notice necessary to terminate periodic tenancies and tenancies at will.

704.21 - Manner of giving notice.

704.22 - Service of process in residential tenancy on nonresident party.

704.23 - Removal of tenant on termination of tenancy.

704.25 - Effect of holding over after expiration of lease; removal of tenant.

704.27 - Damages for failure of tenant to vacate at end of lease or after notice.

704.28 - Withholding from and return of security deposits.

704.29 - Recovery of rent and damages by landlord; mitigation.

704.31 - Remedy on default in long terms; improvements.

704.40 - Remedies available when tenancy dependent upon life of another terminates.

704.44 - Residential rental agreement that contains certain provisions is void.

704.45 - Retaliatory conduct in residential tenancies prohibited.

704.50 - Disclosure duty; immunity for providing notice about the sex offender registry.

704.90 - Self-service storage facilities.

704.95 - Practices regulated by the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.