Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 59 - Counties.
59.47 - County auditors; powers; duties.

59.47 County auditors; powers; duties.
(1) In every county, except as provided in s. 59.255 (2) (i), the clerk shall act as auditor, unless a separate office of county auditor is created as provided in sub. (2), and, when directed by resolution of the board, shall examine the books and accounts of any county officer, board, commission, committee, trustees or other officer or employee entrusted with the receipt, custody or expenditure of money, or by or on whose certificate any funds appropriated by the board are authorized to be expended, whether compensated for services by fees or by salary, and all original bills and vouchers on which moneys have been paid out and all receipts of moneys received by them. The clerk shall have free access to such books, accounts, bills, vouchers and receipts as often as may be necessary to perform the duties required under this subsection and he or she shall report in writing the results of the examinations to the board.
(2) The board by resolution may create a separate office of county auditor and may fix the compensation of the auditor. The auditor shall perform the duties and have all of the powers conferred upon the clerk as auditor by sub. (1), and shall perform such additional duties and shall have such additional powers as are imposed and conferred upon him or her from time to time by resolution adopted by the board.
(3) If a county auditor's office is created under sub. (2), the chairperson of the board shall appoint a person known to be skilled in matters of public finance and accounting to act as county auditor. The appointment shall be made under ss. 63.01 to 63.17 and shall be subject to confirmation by the board. The auditor shall direct the keeping of all of the accounts of the county, in all of its offices, departments and institutions, and shall keep books of account necessary to properly perform the duties of the office. The auditor's salary and the amount of the official bond shall be fixed by the board. The auditor shall perform all duties pertaining to the office, have all of the powers and perform the duties in sub. (1) and perform other duties imposed by the board.
(4) The board by resolution may authorize a county auditor appointed under sub. (3) to appoint a deputy auditor under ss. 63.01 to 63.17 to aid him or her in the discharge of the duties of his or her office, and who, in the absence or disability of the county auditor, or in case of a vacancy in said office, shall perform all the duties of the office of county auditor until such vacancy is filled, or disability is removed. Such deputy shall execute and file an official bond in the same amount as that given by the county auditor.
History: 1977 c. 265, 305, 447; 1983 a. 192; 1995 a. 201 s. 420; Stats. 1995 s. 59.47; 2011 a. 62.
Discussing this section's effect on county bookkeeping and auditing. 67 Atty. Gen. 248.
The statutory duties of the county clerk under ch. 70 may not be transferred to the county auditor, but the county auditor may be granted supervisory authority over the manner in which such duties are exercised. OAG 6-08.
The removal of the county auditor is subject to the specific civil service provisions established by ordinance or resolution of the county board under ss. 63.01 to 63.17 and is not governed by the more general removal provision contained in s. 17.10 (3). Rather than creating the separate office of county auditor pursuant under sub. (2), a county board could create a department of administration under s. 59.52 (1) (b) and assign administrative audit functions to that department under that statute. If the administrative function is under the jurisdiction of the county auditor the function may be assigned to the department of administration. A person in the department of administration who performs audit functions therefore need not be appointed using civil service procedures. OAG 6-08.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 59 - Counties.

59.001 - Definitions.

59.01 - Body corporate; status.

59.02 - Powers, how exercised; quorum.

59.03 - Home rule.

59.04 - Construction of powers.

59.05 - County seat; change.

59.06 - County property.

59.07 - Claims against counties; actions on.

59.08 - Consolidation of counties; procedure; referendum.

59.10 - Boards: composition; election; terms; compensation; compatibility.

59.11 - Meetings; adjournment; absentees.

59.12 - Chairperson; vice chairperson; powers and duties.

59.13 - Committees; appointment; compensation.

59.14 - Publication of ordinances and proceedings.

59.15 - Neglect of duty.

59.17 - County executive.

59.18 - County administrator.

59.19 - Administrative coordinator.

59.20 - County offices and officers.

59.21 - Official oaths and bonds.

59.22 - Compensation, fees, salaries and traveling expenses of officials and employees.

59.23 - Clerk.

59.24 - Clerks of counties containing state institutions to make claims in certain cases.

59.25 - Treasurer.

59.255 - Comptroller.

59.26 - Sheriff; undersheriff; deputies.

59.27 - Sheriff; duties.

59.28 - Peace maintenance; powers and duties of peace officers, cooperation.

59.29 - Transportation, apprehension of criminals.

59.30 - Not to act as attorney.

59.31 - Service on sheriff; how made.

59.32 - Fees received by sheriff.

59.33 - Powers after term.

59.34 - Coroner, medical examiner duties; coroner, medical examiner compatibility.

59.35 - Deputy coroner.

59.36 - Coroner and medical examiner; fees.

59.365 - Moratorium on fee increases.

59.37 - Service when no coroner.

59.38 - Medical examiner and assistants.

59.39 - Coroner or medical examiner as funeral director, limitation.

59.40 - Clerk of court.

59.41 - Not to act as attorney.

59.42 - Corporation counsel.

59.43 - Register of deeds; duties, fees, deputies.

59.44 - County abstractor; appointment; duties; fees.

59.45 - County surveyor; duties, deputies, fees.

59.46 - Penalty for nonfeasance.

59.47 - County auditors; powers; duties.

59.48 - County assessor.

59.51 - Board powers.

59.52 - County administration.

59.53 - Health and human services.

59.535 - Veterans affairs.

59.54 - Public protection and safety.

59.55 - Consumer protection.

59.56 - Cultural affairs; education; recreation.

59.57 - Economic and industrial development.

59.58 - Transportation.

59.60 - Budgetary procedure in certain counties.

59.605 - Tax levy rate limit.

59.61 - Financial transactions.

59.62 - Investment authority delegation.

59.63 - Treasurer's disbursement of revenue.

59.64 - Claims against county.

59.65 - Publication of financial report.

59.66 - Unclaimed funds.

59.69 - Planning and zoning authority.

59.691 - Required notice on certain approvals.

59.692 - Zoning of shorelands on navigable waters.

59.693 - Construction site erosion control and storm water management zoning.

59.694 - County zoning, adjustment board.

59.696 - Zoning; filing fees.

59.697 - Fees for zoning appeals.

59.698 - Zoning, building inspector.

59.70 - Environmental protection and land use.

59.71 - Special counties; record keeping.

59.72 - Land information.

59.73 - Surveys; expressing bearings, subdividing sections.

59.74 - Perpetuation of section corners, landmarks.

59.75 - Certificates and records as evidence.

59.76 - Registration of farms.

59.79 - Milwaukee County.

59.792 - Milwaukee County; sewage, waste, refuse.

59.794 - Milwaukee County; limitations on board authority and on intergovernmental cooperation, shared services.

59.796 - Milwaukee County; opportunity schools and partnership program.

59.80 - Milwaukee County; city-county crime commission.

59.81 - Cash flow, Milwaukee.

59.82 - Milwaukee County Research and Technology Park.

59.84 - Expressways and mass transit facilities in populous counties.

59.85 - Appropriation bonds for payment of employee retirement system liability in populous counties.

59.86 - Agreements and ancillary arrangements for certain notes and appropriation bonds.

59.87 - Employee retirement system liability financing in populous counties; additional powers.

59.875 - Payment of contributions in and employment of annuitants under an employee retirement system of populous counties.

59.88 - Employee retirement system of populous counties; duty disability benefits for a mental injury.