Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 452 - Real estate practice.
452.09 - Application for license, contents.

452.09 Application for license, contents.
(1) Form of application. Any person desiring to act as a broker or salesperson shall submit to the board an application for a license. The application shall be in such form as the board prescribes and shall include the following:
(a) The kind of license desired.
(b) The name and address of the applicant. If the applicant is a business entity, the application shall also include the name and address of each business representative and the license number of each business representative licensed as a broker under this chapter.
(d) The business or occupation engaged in by the applicant, or if a business entity, by each business representative, for a period of at least 2 years immediately preceding the date of the application.
(e) Any other information that the board may reasonably require to enable it to determine the competency of each applicant, including each business representative of the business entity, to transact the business of a broker or salesperson in a manner that safeguards the interests of the public.
(2) Educational requirements for applicants for licenses.
(a) Except as provided in a reciprocal agreement under s. 452.05 (3), each applicant for a salesperson's license shall submit to the board evidence satisfactory to the board of successful completion of educational programs approved for this purpose under s. 452.05 (1) (c). The board may waive the requirement under this paragraph upon proof that the applicant has received 10 academic credits in real estate or real estate related law courses from an accredited institution of higher education.
(c) Except as provided in par. (d) or a reciprocal agreement under s. 452.05 (3), each applicant for a broker's license to be issued to an individual shall do all of the following:
1. Satisfy or obtain a waiver of the requirement under par. (a) or submit proof of licensure as a salesperson under this chapter.
2. Submit to the board evidence satisfactory to the board of successful completion of educational programs in business management approved for this purpose under s. 452.05 (1) (c). No educational programs applied to satisfy the requirement under subd. 1. may be applied to satisfy the requirement under this subdivision.
(d) The board may waive the requirements under par. (c) upon proof that the applicant has received 20 academic credits in real estate or real estate related law courses from an accredited institution of higher education or that the applicant is licensed to practice law in this state.
(3) Competency of applicant.
(a) In determining competency, the board shall require proof that the applicant for a broker's or salesperson's license has a fair knowledge of the English language; a fair understanding of the general purposes and general legal effect of deeds, mortgages, land contracts of sale, leases, bills of sale, and conditional sales contracts; and a general and fair understanding of the obligations between principal and agent, as well as of this chapter. The board shall deny a license to an applicant receiving a failing grade, as established by rules of the board, on any examination given under this section, but any applicant may review his or her examination results in a manner established by rules of the board.
(b) The board shall determine competency under par. (a) by means of only an oral examination for any applicant who is unable to write because of a physical handicap.
(c) Examinations shall reliably measure an applicant's ability to competently engage in real estate practice.
(d) Except as provided under s. 452.12 (2) or in a reciprocal agreement under s. 452.05 (3), the board may not grant a broker's license to an applicant unless the applicant passes the salesperson's examination and the broker's examination and meets the requirements under sub. (4).
(4) Experience requirements for broker's license applicants.
1. An applicant for a broker's license who is an individual shall submit to the board evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant has practiced as a licensed salesperson under the direct supervision of a licensed broker for at least 2 years within the last 4 years preceding the date of the applicant's application for a broker's license.
2. Except as provided under pars. (b) to (e), the board may not accept evidence as satisfactory under subd. 1. unless the evidence demonstrates that the applicant's experience as a licensed salesperson qualifies the applicant for a total of at least 40 points based on the following point system:
a. Each completed or closed residential transaction is worth 5 points.
b. Each completed or closed commercial transaction is worth 10 points.
c. Each property management contract is worth 0.5 points per month.
d. Each completed or closed time share is worth one point.
(b) An applicant who is licensed to practice law in this state may satisfy the requirement under par. (a) by submitting to the board evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant has experience related to real estate.
(c) An applicant who holds a current certificate of financial responsibility under s. 101.654 may satisfy the requirement under par. (a) by submitting to the board evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant has experience related to real estate sales.
(d) Except as provided in a reciprocal agreement under s. 452.05 (3), an applicant for a broker's license who is a nonresident may satisfy the requirement under par. (a) by submitting to the board evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant has been a licensed broker under the laws of another state for at least 2 years within the last 4 years preceding the date of the applicant's application for a broker's license.
(e) The board may waive any requirement under par. (a), (b), (c), or (d) for any applicant based on standards established by the board by rule.
History: 1981 c. 94, 391; 1983 a. 273; 1985 a. 305; 1989 a. 341; 1995 a. 400; 1997 a. 27; 2003 a. 168; 2009 a. 110; 2011 a. 32; 2013 a. 114, 133; 2015 a. 258.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 452 - Real estate practice.

452.01 - Definitions.

452.03 - Brokers and salespersons licensed.

452.05 - Duties and powers of board.

452.06 - Councils and committees.

452.07 - Rules.

452.08 - Board receipt of proposed legislation.

452.09 - Application for license, contents.

452.10 - Applications, verification, fees, exceptions.

452.11 - Nonresident applicants and licensees.

452.12 - Licenses.

452.13 - Trust accounts.

452.132 - Responsibilities of firms and licensees.

452.133 - Duties of licensees; prohibitions.

452.134 - Agency relationships; multiple representation relationships.

452.135 - Disclosure of duties.

452.136 - Advertising by licensees.

452.137 - Cooperation with out-of-state brokers and salespersons.

452.138 - Firms providing services in more than one transaction.

452.139 - Changes in common law duties and liabilities of brokers and parties.

452.14 - Investigation and discipline of licensees.

452.142 - Actions concerning licensees.

452.15 - Ineligibility.

452.17 - Penalties.

452.18 - Court review.

452.19 - Fees and commissions.

452.20 - Limitation on actions for commissions.

452.21 - Compensation presumed.

452.22 - Certifications as evidence.

452.23 - Disclosures, investigations and inspections by brokers and salespersons.

452.24 - Disclosure duty; immunity for providing notice about the sex offender registry.

452.25 - Criminal convictions and disclosures.

452.30 - Association with firm; independent practice.

452.34 - Unlicensed personal assistants.

452.38 - Independent contractor relationship.

452.40 - Use of forms; provision of legal advice.

452.42 - Records retention.