Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 350 - Snowmobiles.
350.047 - Local ordinance to be filed.

350.047 Local ordinance to be filed. Whenever a town, city or village adopts an ordinance designating a highway as a snowmobile route, and whenever a county, town, city or village adopts an ordinance regulating snowmobiles, its clerk shall immediately send a copy of the ordinance to the department and to the office of the law enforcement agency of the municipality and county having jurisdiction over such street or highway.
History: 1971 c. 277.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 350 - Snowmobiles.

350.01 - Definitions.

350.02 - Operation of snowmobiles on or in the vicinity of highways.

350.03 - Right-of-way.

350.035 - Meeting of snowmobiles.

350.04 - Snowmobile races, derbies and routes.

350.045 - Public utility exemption.

350.047 - Local ordinance to be filed.

350.05 - Operation by youthful operators restricted.

350.055 - Safety certification program established.

350.07 - Driving animals.

350.08 - Owner permitting operation.

350.09 - Head lamps, tail lamps and brakes, etc.

350.095 - Noise level requirements.

350.10 - Miscellaneous provisions for snowmobile operation.

350.101 - Intoxicated snowmobiling.

350.102 - Preliminary breath screening test.

350.1025 - Application of intoxicated snowmobiling law.

350.103 - Implied consent.

350.104 - Chemical tests.

350.106 - Report arrest to department.

350.107 - Officer's action after arrest for operating a snowmobile while under influence of intoxicant.

350.108 - Public education program.

350.11 - Penalties.

350.115 - Snowmobile registration restitution surcharge.

350.12 - Registration of snowmobiles; trail use stickers.

350.122 - Lac du Flambeau registration program.

350.125 - Completion of application for registration by snowmobile dealers.

350.13 - Uniform trail signs and standards.

350.135 - Interferences with uniform trail signs and standards prohibited.

350.137 - Uniform snowmobile rail crossing standards.

350.138 - Snowmobile rail crossings requiring permits.

350.139 - Established snowmobile rail crossings.

350.1395 - Snowmobile rail crossings; closing and removal; review of rail authorities; insurance rules.

350.14 - Duties of snowmobile recreational council.

350.145 - Recommendations of the snowmobile recreational council.

350.15 - Accidents and accident reports.

350.155 - Coroners and medical examiners to report; require blood specimen.

350.17 - Enforcement.

350.18 - Local ordinances.

350.19 - Liability of landowners.

350.99 - Parties to a violation.