Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 33 - Public inland waters.
33.42 - Creation.

33.42 Creation. There is created a Dane County Lakes and Watershed Commission as part of county government. The board of commissioners shall govern the commission.
History: 1989 a. 324.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 33 - Public inland waters.

33.001 - Findings and declaration of intent.

33.01 - Definitions.

33.02 - Department; powers and duties.

33.03 - Cooperation by state agencies.

33.11 - Goals.

33.12 - Scope.

33.13 - Feasibility study.

33.14 - Plan preparation and adoption.

33.15 - Implementation.

33.16 - Financial assistance program.

33.17 - Unfunded application to continue.

33.18 - Use of tax incremental financing prohibited.

33.21 - Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts; purposes.

33.22 - District; powers.

33.23 - Municipalities may establish district.

33.235 - Restructured districts; conversion and merger of town sanitary districts.

33.24 - County board may establish district.

33.25 - Petition.

33.26 - Hearings, time, notice, boundaries, approval, limitations.

33.265 - Notice, filing and recording requirements.

33.27 - Initial district board of commissioners.

33.28 - District board of commissioners.

33.285 - Property owning requirements.

33.29 - Board of commissioners; officers; powers and duties.

33.30 - Annual meeting of district.

33.305 - Special meetings of district.

33.31 - Power to finance.

33.32 - Special assessments and special charges.

33.33 - Merger, attachment, detachment.

33.35 - Dissolution of districts.

33.36 - Alteration of districts.

33.37 - Districts in more than one county.

33.41 - Definitions.

33.42 - Creation.

33.44 - Board of commissioners; composition.

33.445 - Board of commissioners; duties.

33.45 - Board of commissioners; powers.

33.455 - Regulation proposed by board of commissioners.

33.457 - Implementation plan.

33.46 - Budget proposals.

33.47 - Special assessments and special charges.

33.475 - Boating fees.

33.48 - Continued expenditure level by county and municipalities.

33.53 - Definitions.

33.54 - Creation, funding.

33.55 - Board of commissioners; composition.

33.56 - Board of commissioners; duties.

33.57 - Board of commissioners; powers.

33.58 - Regulation proposed by board of commissioners.

33.59 - Implementation plan.

33.60 - Budget proposals.