Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 33 - Public inland waters.
33.001 - Findings and declaration of intent.

33.001 Findings and declaration of intent.
(1) The legislature finds environmental values, wildlife, public rights in navigable waters, and the public welfare are threatened by the deterioration of public lakes; that the protection and rehabilitation of the public inland lakes of this state are in the best interest of the citizens of this state; that the public health and welfare will be benefited thereby; that the current state effort to abate water pollution will not undo the eutrophic and other deteriorated conditions of many lakes; that current efforts to protect and rehabilitate the water quality of the navigable waters in Dane County, which receive intense urban, recreational and agricultural usage, are seriously handicapped by the fact that numerous governmental bodies have jurisdiction over the management of the watersheds in Dane County; that lakes form an important basis of the state's recreation industry; that the increasing recreational usage of the waters of this state justifies state action to enhance and restore the potential of our inland lakes to satisfy the needs of the citizenry; and that the positive public duty of this state as trustee of waters requires affirmative steps to protect and enhance this resource and protect environmental values.
(2) In accordance with sub. (1), the legislature declares all the following:
(a) It is necessary to embark upon a program of lake protection and rehabilitation, to authorize a conjunctive state and local program of lake protection and rehabilitation to fulfill the positive duty of the state as trustee of navigable waters, and protect environmental values.
(b) A state effort of research, analysis, planning and financing, and a local effort undertaken by districts, the Dane County Lakes and Watershed Commission and the Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission of Planning and Plan Implementation are necessary and desirable and that the districts should be formed by persons directly affected by the deteriorated condition of inland waters and willing to assist financially, or through other means, in remedying lake problems.
(c) State efforts are needed to aid and assist local efforts, to ensure that projects are undertaken only if they promote the public rights in navigable waters, environmental values and the public welfare.
(d) State efforts are needed to administer a program of financial aids to support protection and rehabilitation projects with benefits to all state citizens.
History: 1973 c. 301; 1985 a. 332; 1989 a. 159, 324, 359; 1995 a. 349; 1997 a. 27.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 33 - Public inland waters.

33.001 - Findings and declaration of intent.

33.01 - Definitions.

33.02 - Department; powers and duties.

33.03 - Cooperation by state agencies.

33.11 - Goals.

33.12 - Scope.

33.13 - Feasibility study.

33.14 - Plan preparation and adoption.

33.15 - Implementation.

33.16 - Financial assistance program.

33.17 - Unfunded application to continue.

33.18 - Use of tax incremental financing prohibited.

33.21 - Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts; purposes.

33.22 - District; powers.

33.23 - Municipalities may establish district.

33.235 - Restructured districts; conversion and merger of town sanitary districts.

33.24 - County board may establish district.

33.25 - Petition.

33.26 - Hearings, time, notice, boundaries, approval, limitations.

33.265 - Notice, filing and recording requirements.

33.27 - Initial district board of commissioners.

33.28 - District board of commissioners.

33.285 - Property owning requirements.

33.29 - Board of commissioners; officers; powers and duties.

33.30 - Annual meeting of district.

33.305 - Special meetings of district.

33.31 - Power to finance.

33.32 - Special assessments and special charges.

33.33 - Merger, attachment, detachment.

33.35 - Dissolution of districts.

33.36 - Alteration of districts.

33.37 - Districts in more than one county.

33.41 - Definitions.

33.42 - Creation.

33.44 - Board of commissioners; composition.

33.445 - Board of commissioners; duties.

33.45 - Board of commissioners; powers.

33.455 - Regulation proposed by board of commissioners.

33.457 - Implementation plan.

33.46 - Budget proposals.

33.47 - Special assessments and special charges.

33.475 - Boating fees.

33.48 - Continued expenditure level by county and municipalities.

33.53 - Definitions.

33.54 - Creation, funding.

33.55 - Board of commissioners; composition.

33.56 - Board of commissioners; duties.

33.57 - Board of commissioners; powers.

33.58 - Regulation proposed by board of commissioners.

33.59 - Implementation plan.

33.60 - Budget proposals.