Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 32 - Eminent domain.
32.52 - Board of assessment.

32.52 Board of assessment.
(1) Creation. There is created a board, to which the mayor shall appoint 5 members with the appointments confirmed by the common council. If the common council rejects any appointment, the mayor shall submit a new appointment within 30 days.
(2) Terms. The terms of the first 5 members of the board are staggered at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years, each term commencing on January 1 of the year of the appointment. Subsequent appointments occur annually in December to succeed the member whose term expires the following January 1. The term of each subsequent appointment is 5 years, commencing on January 1 following the appointment.
(3) Qualifications of members. One member shall have a general understanding of real estate values in the city and shall be a real estate broker licensed under s. 452.12 with at least 5 years' experience. One member shall be a civil engineer and have a general understanding of building and construction costs. Three members shall own real property in the city. All members shall be residents and electors of the city.
(4) Organization. The board shall elect a chairperson to preside over all meetings of the board. The common council shall determine the compensation of each board member and of permanent employees of the board and may increase the compensation provided to full-time board members. The board shall determine the compensation of temporary employees. Permanent or temporary technical advisers and experts of the board are not classified under s. 63.23, but all other clerks and employees of the board are classified under s. 63.23.
(5) Budget process. The board shall annually prepare a budget for its operation on or before September 1. The common council may levy an annual tax to support the board's operations. If the common council appropriates funds to the board, the board may draw from the funds only upon written order signed by a board member and the city comptroller.
History: 1983 a. 236.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 32 - Eminent domain.

32.01 - Definitions.

32.015 - Limitations.

32.02 - Who may condemn; purposes.

32.03 - When condemnation not to be exercised.

32.035 - Agricultural impact statement.

32.04 - Procedure in condemnation.

32.05 - Condemnation for sewers and transportation facilities.

32.06 - Condemnation procedure in other than transportation matters.

32.07 - Necessity, determination of.

32.075 - Use after condemnation.

32.08 - Commissioner of condemnation.

32.09 - Rules governing determination of just compensation.

32.10 - Condemnation proceedings instituted by property owner.

32.11 - Trial of title.

32.12 - Proceedings to perfect title.

32.13 - Proceedings when land mortgaged.

32.14 - Amendments.

32.15 - How title in trustee acquired.

32.16 - Abandonment of easements for public use.

32.17 - General provisions.

32.18 - Damage caused by change of grade of street or highway where no land is taken; claim; right of action.

32.185 - Condemnor.

32.19 - Additional items payable.

32.195 - Expenses incidental to transfer of property.

32.196 - Relocation payments not taxable.

32.197 - Waiver of relocation assistance.

32.20 - Procedure for collection of itemized items of compensation.

32.21 - Emergency condemnation.

32.22 - Special procedure for immediate condemnation.

32.25 - Relocation payment plan and assistance services.

32.26 - Authority of the department of administration.

32.27 - Records to be kept by condemnor.

32.28 - Costs.

32.29 - False statements prohibited.

32.50 - Definitions.

32.51 - Exercise of eminent domain.

32.52 - Board of assessment.

32.53 - Resolution of necessity.

32.54 - Report and tentative plan of improvement.

32.55 - Hearing on the report and tentative plan of improvement.

32.56 - Altering the plan of improvement.

32.57 - Determining benefits and damages.

32.58 - Benefit assessment payments.

32.61 - Appeal to circuit court.

32.62 - Transfer of title.

32.63 - Completing certain improvements.

32.66 - Bonding.

32.67 - Special improvement bonds.

32.68 - Tax delinquent fund.

32.69 - Alternative financing by general obligation bonds, taxation or anticipation notes.

32.70 - Statute of limitations.

32.71 - Liberal construction.

32.72 - Approval by the electorate.