Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 238 - Wisconsin economic development corporation.
238.32 - Application by local governing bodies.

238.32 Application by local governing bodies.
(1) A local governing body may nominate an area as a development zone, if the corporation has invited the governing body to nominate the area under s. 238.315 and if the governing body does all of the following:
(a) Holds at least one public hearing on the issue of designating the area as a development zone.
(b) Adopts a resolution or ordinance authorizing it to nominate the area under this section.
(2) A local governing body may nominate the area as a development zone by submitting an application to the corporation in a form prescribed by the corporation. The application shall include all of the following:
(a) A copy of the ordinance or resolution authorizing the local governing body to nominate the area as a development zone.
(b) Transcripts of the public hearing under sub. (1) (a).
(c) Evidence that the area meets at least 3 of the criteria under s. 238.31 (1) (e) 4.
(d) Evidence that the area meets the applicable requirements of s. 238.335.
(e) A description of the land use patterns in the area including:
1. A detailed map of the area.
2. Information about vacant buildings or land available for development.
(f) A description of past and present economic development activities in the area under local, state, or federal programs.
(g) A description of the local governing body's goals for the economic development of the area.
(h) An assessment of the effect of making the area a development zone on full-time jobs available to the targeted population.
(i) Any other information required by the corporation.
(j) Any other information the local governing body considers relevant.
(3) Two or more local governing bodies may submit a joint application nominating an area as a development zone, subject to s. 238.335 (2), if each local governing body complies with subs. (1) and (2).
(5) The corporation may permit a local governing body to revise an application that the corporation determines is inadequate or incomplete.
History: 1987 a. 328; 1995 a. 209; 1997 a. 27, 103; 2011 a. 32 s. 3421; Stats. 2011 s. 238.32.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 238 - Wisconsin economic development corporation.

238.01 - Definitions.

238.02 - Creation and organization of corporation.

238.03 - Duties of board.

238.04 - Powers of board.

238.045 - Establishment of nonprofit organization.

238.046 - Private interest in public contract.

238.06 - Liability limited.

238.07 - Submission of annual reports to legislature.

238.08 - Records of the corporation.

238.09 - Procurement policies and procedures.

238.10 - Allocation of volume cap on tax-exempt bonds.

238.11 - Employment impact estimates.

238.115 - Tax credit reporting.

238.12 - Repayment of grants, loans, and tax benefits.

238.124 - Loan limitations.

238.125 - Notification of position openings; compliance.

238.127 - State main street program.

238.13 - Brownfields grant program.

238.133 - Brownfield site assessment grants.

238.135 - Grants to regional economic development organizations.

238.14 - St. Croix Valley Business Incubator.

238.15 - Early stage business investment program.

238.155 - Talent attraction and retention initiatives.

238.16 - Jobs tax credit.

238.17 - Historic rehabilitation tax credit.

238.23 - Technology zones.

238.25 - Assistance to loan recipients.

238.26 - Report to investment board.

238.28 - Refundable tax credits.

238.30 - Definitions.

238.301 - Certification for tax benefits.

238.302 - Eligible activities.

238.303 - Limits on tax benefits and claiming tax benefits.

238.304 - Eligible activities in economically distressed areas and benefiting members of targeted groups.

238.3045 - Transferability of tax benefits.

238.305 - Revocation of certification.

238.306 - Responsibilities of the corporation.

238.308 - Business development tax credit.

238.31 - Designation of development zone.

238.315 - Invitation to nominate area.

238.32 - Application by local governing bodies.

238.325 - Evaluation by corporation.

238.335 - Boundaries and size of development zones.

238.34 - Change in boundary and size of development zones.

238.345 - Duration, renewal and expiration.

238.35 - Additional duties of the corporation.

238.363 - Duties of local governing bodies.

238.365 - Certification for tax benefits.

238.368 - Limits on tax benefit to certified person.

238.37 - Revocation of certification.

238.38 - Certification prohibited in certain cases.

238.385 - Rules on eligibility for tax benefits.

238.395 - Development opportunity zones.

238.396 - Electronics and information technology manufacturing zone.

238.397 - Enterprise development zone program.

238.398 - Agricultural development zone.

238.399 - Enterprise zone.