Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 238 - Wisconsin economic development corporation.
238.02 - Creation and organization of corporation.

238.02 Creation and organization of corporation.
(1) There is created an authority, which is a public body corporate and politic, to be known as the “Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation." The members of the board shall consist of 6 members nominated by the governor, and with the advice and consent of the senate appointed, to serve at the pleasure of the governor; 4 members appointed by the speaker of the assembly to serve 4-year terms; one member appointed by the minority leader of the assembly to serve a 4-year term; 4 members appointed by the senate majority leader to serve 4-year terms; and one member appointed by the minority leader of the senate to serve a 4-year term. Neither the speaker of the assembly nor the senate majority leader may appoint more than 2 members of the legislature to the board. The secretary of administration and the secretary of revenue shall also serve on the board as nonvoting members. The board shall elect a chairperson from among its nonlegislative voting members. A vacancy on the board shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment to the board for the remainder of the unexpired term, if any.
(2) A majority of the appointed members of the board currently serving constitutes a quorum for the purpose of conducting its business and exercising its powers and for all other purposes. Action may be taken by the board upon a vote of a majority of the appointed members present.
(3) A chief executive officer shall be nominated by the governor, and with the advice and consent of the senate appointed, to serve at the pleasure of the governor. The board may delegate to the chief executive officer any powers and duties the board considers proper. The chief executive officer shall receive such compensation as may be determined by the board.
(4) All powers and duties assigned to the corporation under this chapter shall be exercised or carried out by the board, unless the board delegates the power or duty to an employee of the corporation or a committee established by the board.
History: 2011 a. 7, 32; 2015 a. 55; 2017 a. 369.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 238 - Wisconsin economic development corporation.

238.01 - Definitions.

238.02 - Creation and organization of corporation.

238.03 - Duties of board.

238.04 - Powers of board.

238.045 - Establishment of nonprofit organization.

238.046 - Private interest in public contract.

238.06 - Liability limited.

238.07 - Submission of annual reports to legislature.

238.08 - Records of the corporation.

238.09 - Procurement policies and procedures.

238.10 - Allocation of volume cap on tax-exempt bonds.

238.11 - Employment impact estimates.

238.115 - Tax credit reporting.

238.12 - Repayment of grants, loans, and tax benefits.

238.124 - Loan limitations.

238.125 - Notification of position openings; compliance.

238.127 - State main street program.

238.13 - Brownfields grant program.

238.133 - Brownfield site assessment grants.

238.135 - Grants to regional economic development organizations.

238.14 - St. Croix Valley Business Incubator.

238.15 - Early stage business investment program.

238.155 - Talent attraction and retention initiatives.

238.16 - Jobs tax credit.

238.17 - Historic rehabilitation tax credit.

238.23 - Technology zones.

238.25 - Assistance to loan recipients.

238.26 - Report to investment board.

238.28 - Refundable tax credits.

238.30 - Definitions.

238.301 - Certification for tax benefits.

238.302 - Eligible activities.

238.303 - Limits on tax benefits and claiming tax benefits.

238.304 - Eligible activities in economically distressed areas and benefiting members of targeted groups.

238.3045 - Transferability of tax benefits.

238.305 - Revocation of certification.

238.306 - Responsibilities of the corporation.

238.308 - Business development tax credit.

238.31 - Designation of development zone.

238.315 - Invitation to nominate area.

238.32 - Application by local governing bodies.

238.325 - Evaluation by corporation.

238.335 - Boundaries and size of development zones.

238.34 - Change in boundary and size of development zones.

238.345 - Duration, renewal and expiration.

238.35 - Additional duties of the corporation.

238.363 - Duties of local governing bodies.

238.365 - Certification for tax benefits.

238.368 - Limits on tax benefit to certified person.

238.37 - Revocation of certification.

238.38 - Certification prohibited in certain cases.

238.385 - Rules on eligibility for tax benefits.

238.395 - Development opportunity zones.

238.396 - Electronics and information technology manufacturing zone.

238.397 - Enterprise development zone program.

238.398 - Agricultural development zone.

238.399 - Enterprise zone.