Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 14 - Constitutional offices and interstate bodies.
14.81 - Midwest interstate low-level radioactive waste commission.

14.81 Midwest interstate low-level radioactive waste commission.
(1) There is created a midwest low-level radioactive waste commission as specified under s. 16.11 (3) (a). The member of the commission representing this state shall be nominated by the governor, and with the advice and consent of the senate appointed, to serve at the pleasure of the governor. The commission member representing this state shall receive a per diem of $25, unless he or she is a salaried full-time employee of this state, and shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of his or her duties on the commission. Per diem payments and expenses of the commissioner shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.505 (1) (g). The commission has the powers and duties granted and imposed under s. 16.11.
(2) In discharging his or her responsibilities under s. 16.11, the commission member representing this state shall:
(a) Designate an alternate commission member and notify the governor and legislature of this designation within 30 days after being appointed.
(b) Request the commission to conduct a public hearing on the draft disposal plan under s. 16.11 (4) (d).
(c) Notify the governor and legislature if:
1. The commission proposes to designate this state as a host state for a facility, as defined in s. 16.11 (2) (h).
2. The commission proposes to impose any liability on the state under s. 16.11.
3. He or she has reason to believe that the state should withdraw from the midwest interstate low-level radioactive waste compact specified in s. 16.11.
(3) In negotiating and developing the bylaws, disposal plan and other appropriate documents as a member of the commission, the commission member representing this state shall:
(a) Promote this state's interest in including insurance requirements and an extended care and long-term liability fund as a part of the disposal plan or other appropriate documents.
(b) Encourage the pursuit of sound low-level radioactive waste management practices including minimizing the dependence on the shallow burial of this type of waste.
(c) Promote this state's interest in an equitable distribution and rotation of responsibilities among member states under the compact.
(d) Encourage, to the fullest extent of his or her influence and authority, actions and procedures which permit and encourage full and meaningful public access and participation in the commission's proceedings including informal meetings and meetings of committees and subcommittees of the commission and full and meaningful public access to commission records and documents.
(e) Encourage the establishment of a fee system which provides for adequate compensation to local units of government which are affected by the siting of a regional low-level radioactive waste disposal facility.
(f) Promote the right of this state under s. 16.11 (5) (b) to have all low-level radioactive wastes generated within its borders, including low-level radioactive wastes generated at the La Crosse boiling water reactor constructed under section 109 of P.L. 87-315, disposed of at compact facilities, as defined in s. 16.11 (2) (d), or any noncompact facility made available by an agreement entered into under s. 16.11 (3) (h) 6.
History: 1983 a. 393; 1995 a. 115.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 14 - Constitutional offices and interstate bodies.

14.01 - Office of the governor; creation.

14.015 - Same; attached boards and commissions.

14.017 - Same; councils.

14.019 - Governor's nonstatutory committees.

14.02 - Governor may appoint employees.

14.03 - Governor to coordinate state services.

14.035 - Governor may enter into Indian gaming compacts.

14.04 - Reports to legislature.

14.05 - Inspection and investigation of institutions.

14.06 - Gifts, grants and bequests.

14.07 - Records and documents; executive privy seal.

14.08 - Deposit of acts; notice.

14.09 - Executive orders.

14.11 - Legal actions and proceedings.

14.12 - Execution of releases and satisfactions.

14.13 - Land claims against United States; receipt of payment.

14.14 - Patents to railroad lands.

14.15 - Rewards.

14.16 - Holiday proclamations.

14.165 - Governor's energy awards.

14.17 - Conferences of governors.

14.18 - Assistance from department of children and families.

14.19 - Advocacy activities.

14.24 - State council on alcohol and other drug abuse.

14.31 - Office of lieutenant governor; creation.

14.32 - Service as acting governor.

14.33 - Employees.

14.34 - Additional executive duties.

14.35 - Authorized activities.

14.36 - Office of secretary of state; creation.

14.38 - Secretary of state, duties.

14.39 - Conditional acceptance of filing fees.

14.40 - Record of positions, appointments.

14.43 - Custodian of deeds, securities, oaths and bonds.

14.45 - Great and lesser seals.

14.47 - Cashier in secretary of state's office bonded.

14.49 - Office space.

14.56 - Office of state treasurer; creation.

14.58 - Duties of state treasurer.

14.59 - Training conferences.

14.60 - State treasurer's bond.

14.76 - Interstate compacts.

14.78 - Great Lakes compact commission.

14.81 - Midwest interstate low-level radioactive waste commission.

14.82 - Interstate insurance product regulation commission.

14.83 - Interstate medical licensure compact.

14.84 - Great Lakes protection fund.

14.85 - Mississippi River parkway commission.

14.86 - Midwest interstate passenger rail commission.

14.87 - Nurse licensure compact.

14.88 - Physical therapy licensure compact.

14.89 - Occupational therapy licensure compact.

14.895 - Psychology interjurisdictional compact.

14.90 - Midwestern higher education commission.

14.91 - State council on the interstate compact on educational opportunity for military children.

14.92 - Interstate Commission for Juveniles.

14.94 - Interstate Commission for the Placement of Children.

14.95 - Great Lakes — St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Council.