West Virginia Code
Article 5. Miscellaneous Provisions
§9-5-13. Pilot Program for Certain Aid Recipients Seeking Self-Employment

(a) The Legislature finds and declares that a pilot program which allows recipients of benefits of the federal aid to families with dependent children program (AFDC), Title 42 §601 et seq., United States Code, to maintain their benefits during the start-up phase of their self-supporting business, will assist these individuals in becoming independent of all public assistance. This pilot program will provide the opportunity for AFDC recipients to improve their quality of life and to apply their entrepreneurial skills in the market place. In addition, this program will help contribute to the tax base and may provide additional jobs.
(b) The department of human services shall develop and implement during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1987, a pilot program testing the feasibility of treating, with respect to the continuation of benefits until self sufficiency is achieved and public assistance is no longer required, the efforts of AFDC recipients to become self-employed in a similar manner as efforts are treated under other existing department programs to seek other employment or training. The pilot program shall consist of up to twenty participants in no more than five counties.
(c) Eligibility for the pilot program shall consist of current AFDC recipients selected through a voluntary, informed consent process and withdrawal from the program shall not lead to automatic loss of benefits, except that eligibility may be redetermined.
(d) During the start-up period of self-employment, which shall in no instance exceed two years, the participant shall continue receiving public assistance benefits at the level at which she or he was receiving them at the time of entry into the pilot program.
(e) A participant shall be permitted to separate business assets from personal assets during start-up activity.
(f) The department shall establish guidelines by which the AFDC recipient's business assets shall be evaluated during the start-up period as an indication that the business enterprise is providing personal income sufficient to replace to public assistance benefits and other noncash benefits which may be affected by the personal income ceiling. When the assets of the business enterprise reach that level determined to be sufficient, the AFDC recipient shall have the burden of showing why the business income is not of a level sufficient to terminate the public assistance benefits subject to provision of subsection (d) of this section.
(g) Guidelines for evaluation shall be based primarily on criteria utilized by small business loan officers and others of like expertise to determine what level of assets is necessary to maintain the type of business undertaken by the recipient. The department may establish an advisory group of persons engaged in small business or other appropriate members to establish such criteria.
(h) Individual case evaluations by these criteria shall be done in consultation with a technical assistance provider or other monitor who has had direct involvement with the participant under review.
(i) Technical assistance shall be included in the pilot program and the department may contract with existing training programs or other qualified providers with experience relevant to pilot program participants for such technical assistance. It shall include, but not be limited to, basic business planning, fiscal management and appropriate sales or other marketing skills.
(j) Upon completion of the pilot program, if it is determined that the project was effective in achieving the objective of assisting participants to establish self-employment sufficient to relinquish public assistance benefits, the department shall implement a similar statewide program for qualified applicants.
(k) Effectiveness of the pilot program shall be evaluated by the department in consultation with members of the small business advisory group, technical assistance providers and individual case monitors.
(l) If state funding is not secured for this pilot by July 1, 1987, the department shall apply for federal waivers and explore other funding sources to implement funding of the pilot program.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 9. Human Services

Article 5. Miscellaneous Provisions

§9-5-1. Exemption of Grants From Certain Taxes and Claims

§9-5-2. Release of Liens and Reassignment of Insurance Policies

§9-5-3. Recipient of Assistance Not a Pauper

§9-5-4. Penalties for False Statements, etc.

§9-5-5. Recipients of Cash Grants

§9-5-6. Attorney General and Prosecuting Attorneys to Render Legal Services to Commissioner

§9-5-7. Visitation by County Employees

§9-5-8. Authority to Examine Witnesses, Administer Oaths and Take Affidavits

§9-5-8a. Authority to Subpoena Witnesses and Documents When Investigating the Provision of Medical Assistance Programs

§9-5-8b. Authority of Investigations and Fraud Management Division to Subpoena Witnesses and Documents

§9-5-9. Direct Cremation or Direct Burial Expenses for Indigent Persons

§9-5-10. Continuation of Present Aid; Contributions by Counties

§9-5-11. Definitions; Assignment of Rights; Right of Subrogation by the Department for Third-Party Liability; Notice Requirement for Claims and Civil Actions; Notice Requirement for Settlement of Third-Party Claim; Penalty for Failure to Notify the D...

§9-5-11a. Notice of Action or Claim

§9-5-11b. Release of Information

§9-5-11c. Right of the Department of Health and Human Resources to Recover Medical Assistance

§9-5-12. Medicaid Program; Maternity and Infant Care

§9-5-12a. Medicaid Program; Dental Care

§9-5-13. Pilot Program for Certain Aid Recipients Seeking Self-Employment

§9-5-14. Medicaid Program; Health Care Facilities Financed by Bonds; Rules Regarding Reimbursement of Capital Costs

§9-5-15. Medicaid Program; Preferred Drug List and Drug Utilization Review

§9-5-16. Medicaid Program; Legislative Purpose; Health Care Provider Reimbursement Study by Department; Hearings; Report

§9-5-16a. Medicaid-Certified Nursing Homes; Screening of Applicants and Residents for Mental Illness; Reimbursement of Hospitals

§9-5-17. Nonprofit Agency or Facility, in Receipt of Medicaid Moneys, Shall Provide Annual Accounting of Gross Receipts and Disbursements Including Salaries

§9-5-19. Summary Review for Certain Behavioral Health Facilities and Services

§9-5-20. Medicaid Program; Chronic Kidney Disease; Evaluation and Classification

§9-5-21. Annual Report to Joint Committee on Government and Finance Regarding Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorders Provided by the Bureau for Medical Services

§9-5-22. Medicaid Managed Care Reporting

§9-5-23. Bureau of Medical Services Information

§9-5-24. Requiring Substance Abuse Treatment Providers to Give Pregnant Woman Priority Access to Services

§9-5-25. Medicaid Program Compact

§9-5-26. Supplemental Medicare and Medicaid Reimbursement

§9-5-27. Transitioning Foster Care Into Managed Care

§9-5-28. Requirement for Telehealth Rates

§9-5-29. Payments to Substance Use Disorder Residential Treatment Facilities Based Upon Performance-Based Outcomes

§9-5-30. Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics