West Virginia Code
Article 5. Election, Appointment, Qualification and Compensation of Officers; General Provisions Relating to Officers and Employees; Elections and Petitions Generally; Conflict of Interest
§8-5-3. When First Election of Officers of a Town or Village Held; Notice

The first election of officers of a town or village shall be held within sixty days from the date of the certificate of incorporation issued in accordance with the provisions of section seven, article two of this chapter, and the commissioners of election appointed at the time the order is entered directing issuance of such certificate shall cause notice to be given of the date, time and place of holding such election, which notice shall specify the officers to be voted for, and shall be published within fourteen consecutive days next preceding the date appointed for such election, as a Class II-0 legal advertisement in compliance with the provisions of article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code, and the publication area for such publication shall be such town or village.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 8. Municipal Corporations

Article 5. Election, Appointment, Qualification and Compensation of Officers; General Provisions Relating to Officers and Employees; Elections and Petitions Generally; Conflict of Interest

§8-5-1. First Election of Officers of a City; Terms of First Officers

§8-5-2. First Election of Officers of a Town or Village; Commissioners of Election

§8-5-3. When First Election of Officers of a Town or Village Held; Notice

§8-5-4. Conducting First Election of Officers of a Town or Village; Certificate of Election; Terms of First Officers

§8-5-5. Regular Election of Officers; Establishment of Longer Terms

§8-5-6. Charter Provisions Concerning Officers and Elections, etc.; Provisions of General Law Concerning Same

§8-5-7. Certain Officers; Wards or Election Districts; Residency and Other Requirements

§8-5-8. Oath of Office

§8-5-9. Terms of Office

§8-5-10. Vacancies in Elective Offices; How Filled

§8-5-11. Municipal Officers and Employees Generally

§8-5-12. Compensation of Officers and Employees

§8-5-12a. Public Carriage for Officers and Employees

§8-5-13. Integration of Municipal Elections With System of Permanent Registration

§8-5-14. Municipal Executive Committees; Election Expenses; Applicability of State Primary and General Election Laws; Election Days

§8-5-15. Tie Vote

§8-5-15a. Special Municipal Elections Not Otherwise Provided For

§8-5-16. Judicial Review

§8-5-17. Canvassing of Elections; Contested Elections

§8-5-18. Determination as to Sufficiency of a Petition Filed Under This Chapter

§8-5-19. Charter or Ordinance Provisions Pertaining to Conflict of Interest; Penalties for Violation Thereof

§8-5-20. Triennial Audits of Certain Associations and Organizations