West Virginia Code
Article 15. Fire Fighting; Fire Companies and Departments; Civil Service for Paid Fire Departments
§8-15-9. Establishment and Maintenance of Paid Fire Department

§8-15-9. Establishment and maintenance of paid fire department.
Any municipality may provide for, establish, equip and maintain a full-time paid fire department. A paid fire department shall be subject to the authority, control and discipline of the administrative authority. For the purposes of this article, the term "paid fire department" shall be taken to mean only a municipal fire department maintained and paid for out of public funds and whose employees are paid on a full-time basis out of public funds. The term shall not be taken to mean a department whose employees are paid nominal salaries or wages or are only paid for services actually rendered on an hourly basis.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 8. Municipal Corporations

Article 15. Fire Fighting; Fire Companies and Departments; Civil Service for Paid Fire Departments

§8-15-1. Power and Authority of Governing Body With Respect to Fires

§8-15-2. Liability for Property Pulled Down or Destroyed to Prevent Spread of Fire

§8-15-3. Municipalities Empowered and Authorized to Contract for Prevention and Extinguishment of Fires Beyond the Corporate Limits

§8-15-4. Power and Authority to Form Fire Companies; Recordation of Statement; Organization

§8-15-5. Duties of Company Members; Meetings to Inspect Equipment; Report; Penalty for Noncompliance

§8-15-6. Dissolution of Volunteer Fire Company

§8-15-7. Incorporation of Volunteer Fire Companies; Duties and Obligations; Dissolution

§8-15-7a. Audit or Financial Examination of Volunteer Fire Companies

§8-15-8. Support of Volunteer Fire Company; Return of Property Upon Dissolution

§8-15-8a. Eligibility for Allocation From Municipal Pensions and Protection Fund and the Fire Protection Fund

§8-15-8b. Authorized Expenditures of Revenues From the Municipal Pensions and Protection Fund and the Fire Protection Fund; Deductions for Unauthorized Expenditures; Record Retention

§8-15-8c. Donation of Equipment

§8-15-9. Establishment and Maintenance of Paid Fire Department

§8-15-10. Hours of Duty for Firemen in a Paid Fire Department

§8-15-10a. Firemen Who Are Required to Work During Holidays; How Compensated

§8-15-10b. Mandatory Safety Procedures for Situations Deemed Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health

§8-15-11. Qualifications for Appointment or Promotion to Positions in Paid Fire Departments to Be Ascertained by Examination; Provisions Exclusive as to Appointments, etc.; Rights of Certain Chiefs; &Quot;appointing Officer" Defined

§8-15-12. Firemen's Civil Service Commission Generally

§8-15-13. Recorder Ex Officio Clerk of Commission; Clerical and Stenographic Services

§8-15-14. Rooms, Stationery, etc., to Be Furnished by Municipality; Appropriations Required

§8-15-15. Powers, Authority and Duties of Firemen's Civil Service Commission

§8-15-16. Rules for All Examinations; Probationary Appointments

§8-15-16a. Apprenticeship Programs

§8-15-17. Form of Application; Age and Residency Requirements; Exceptions

§8-15-18. Character and Notice of Competitive Examinations; Qualifications of Applicants; Press Representatives; Posting Eligible List; Medical Examinations

§8-15-18a. Individual Review of Test and Answers From Promotional Examination

§8-15-19. Refusal to Examine or Certify; Review Thereof

§8-15-20. Appointments From List of Eligible Applicants; Special Examinations for Electricians or Mechanics

§8-15-20a. Special Examination for Firefighter Paramedic

§8-15-21. Noncompetitive Examination for Filling Vacancy; Provisional Appointment

§8-15-22. Vacancies Filled by Promotions; Eligibility for Promotion

§8-15-23. No Inquiry Shall Be Made Concerning Political or Religious Opinions or Affiliations of Applicants, etc.

§8-15-24. Political Activities of Members Prohibited; Exceptions

§8-15-25. Removal, Discharge, Suspension or Reduction in Rank or Pay; Hearing; Attorney Fees; Appeal; Reduction in Number of Members

§8-15-26. Offenses and Penalties

§8-15-27. Repeal of Conflicting Acts and Provisions; Civil Service Provisions of Article Exclusive; Status or Tenure Not Affected