West Virginia Code
Article 12. General and Specific Powers, Duties and Allied Relations of Municipalities, Governing Bodies and Municipal Officers and Employees; Suits Against Municipalities
§8-12-4. Power to Provide by Charter for Initiative, Referendum and Recall

Any city may by charter provision provide for any or all of the following:
(1) The initiation of ordinances by petition bearing the signatures, written in their own handwriting, of not less than ten percent of the qualified voters of such city;
(2) The submission to the qualified voters of such city of a proposed ordinance at a regular municipal election or special municipal election upon petition bearing the signatures, written in their own handwriting, of not less than ten percent of the qualified voters of such city or upon resolution of the governing body of such city; and
(3) The holding of a special municipal election to submit to the qualified voters of such city the question of the recall of an elected officer upon petition bearing the signatures, written in their own handwriting, of not less than twenty percent of the qualified voters of such city. Not more than one recall election shall be held with respect to an officer during his term of office.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 8. Municipal Corporations

Article 12. General and Specific Powers, Duties and Allied Relations of Municipalities, Governing Bodies and Municipal Officers and Employees; Suits Against Municipalities

§8-12-1. General Corporate Powers of All Municipalities

§8-12-2. Home Rule Powers for All Cities

§8-12-3. Creation by Charter Provision of Certain Independent City Boards

§8-12-3a. Cities Authorized to Create Department of Development and Transfer Planning Functions of Certain Independent Agencies to Such Department; Authorizing Related Ordinances and Resolutions

§8-12-4. Power to Provide by Charter for Initiative, Referendum and Recall

§8-12-5. General Powers of Every Municipality and the Governing Body Thereof

§8-12-5a. Limitations Upon Municipalities Power to Restrict the Purchase, Possession, Transfer, Ownership, Carrying, Transport, Sale, and Storage of Certain Weapons and Ammunition

§8-12-5b. Municipal Authority to Enact Ordinance; Ordinance Provisions Defining Terms; Restricting Certain Activities in Relation to Obscene Matters and Establishing Penalties for Violations

§8-12-5c. Authority to Enact Ordinance Restricting the Location of Businesses Offering Exotic Entertainment

§8-12-5d. Regulation of Amateur Radio Antennas

§8-12-5e. Authority to Enter Into Energy-Savings Contracts

§8-12-5f. Regulation of Taxicabs and Taxi Stands

§8-12-5g. Authorizing Municipalities to Hold Motor Vehicle Racing Events on Public Roads, Municipal Streets or Runways

§8-12-6. Membership in Association or League

§8-12-7. Power and Authority to Purchase Insurance and to Indemnify Officers, Agents and Employees

§8-12-8. Group Insurance Programs Authorized

§8-12-9. Power and Authority to Enact Ordinance Prohibiting Discrimination With Respect to Housing Accommodations

§8-12-10. Purchasing; Competitive Bidding

§8-12-11. Lease Agreements for Equipment or Materials With Option to Cancel or Renew for One Year Authorized

§8-12-12. Power and Authority to Lease, Establish, Maintain and Operate Off-Street Parking Facility

§8-12-13. Building Regulation; General and Special Codes; State Building Code

§8-12-14. Permits for Construction and Alteration

§8-12-15. Municipal Inspection

§8-12-16. Ordinances Regulating the Repair, Alteration, Improvement, Closing, Demolition, etc., of Structures, Dwellings, or Buildings That Are Unsafe, Unsanitary, Dangerous, or Detrimental to the Public Safety or Welfare; Procedures

§8-12-16a. Registration of Uninhabitable Property

§8-12-16b. Special Litter Prevention Officers

§8-12-16c. Registration of Vacant Buildings; Registration Fees; Procedures for Administration and Enforcement

§8-12-16d. Additional Powers and Duties of Municipalities; Areas of Special or Unique Interest

§8-12-17. Sale or Lease of Municipal Public Utility

§8-12-18. Sale, Lease, or Disposition of Other Municipal Property

§8-12-19. Extraterritorial Exercise of Powers and Authority

§8-12-20. Authorizing Municipalities to Enact Adopt-a-Street Programs

§8-12-21. Restriction on the Regulation of Trades, Occupations, and Professions

§8-12-22. Foreclosure Actions Involving Abandoned Properties

§8-12-23. Limitations on Municipalities, Political Subdivisions, and Local Governing Bodies Authority Over Energy Usage and Development

§8-12-24. Dedication to or Naming Municipal Property for Office Holder Prohibited

§8-12-25. Authorizing Certain Municipalities to Create a Pension Funding Program