West Virginia Code
Article 12. General and Specific Powers, Duties and Allied Relations of Municipalities, Governing Bodies and Municipal Officers and Employees; Suits Against Municipalities
§8-12-20. Authorizing Municipalities to Enact Adopt-a-Street Programs

(a) In addition to all other powers and duties conferred by law upon municipalities, municipalities are empowered to enact municipality Adopt-A-Street programs.
(b) The state Adopt-A-Highway Program was established in the late 1980s to improve the quality of the states environment by encouraging public involvement in the elimination of highway litter. That program is cosponsored by the Division of Highways and the Department of Environmental Protection, REAP Program. Its objective is to save taxpayer money by increasing public awareness and to serve as an educational tool by focusing on the consequences of littering. The program offers volunteers the opportunity to take charge of their own environment by making a positive effort to create a cleaner, more aesthetic place in which to live.
In West Virginia, there are currently 25,000 volunteers who regularly pick up litter on 4,000 miles of highway. They have been responsible for removing more than 40 million pounds of litter since the program began.
(c) As with the state program, individuals, families, churches, businesses, schools, civic organizations, government agencies, scouting groups, fraternities, and communities may participate in a municipalitys Adopt-A-Street program. Anyone who is at least 12 years old may participate. Any street that is maintained by that municipality is eligible for adoption, with the exception of interstates and streets deemed unsafe. Volunteers may select a street to adopt and then have it approved by the municipality, or they may ask the municipality to suggest an adoptable street. Alleys, dirt roads, and streets off the beaten path, as well as major streets, may be adopted. Adopted streets must be at least six blocks long.
(d) Adoptions are for a period of two years, during which time three cleanups are required per year. As volunteers pick up litter, bags that have been filled are placed on street sides for removal and disposal by the municipality. Garbage bags, safety vests, safety training, traffic warning signs, and gloves shall be furnished by the municipality.
(e) Adopted streets may be identified by a sign at each end of the section bearing the Adopt-A-Street logo and the name of the adopting entity. Volunteers who complete six required litter pickups within the two-year contract period are awarded a certificate of accomplishment signed by the mayor of the municipality.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 8. Municipal Corporations

Article 12. General and Specific Powers, Duties and Allied Relations of Municipalities, Governing Bodies and Municipal Officers and Employees; Suits Against Municipalities

§8-12-1. General Corporate Powers of All Municipalities

§8-12-2. Home Rule Powers for All Cities

§8-12-3. Creation by Charter Provision of Certain Independent City Boards

§8-12-3a. Cities Authorized to Create Department of Development and Transfer Planning Functions of Certain Independent Agencies to Such Department; Authorizing Related Ordinances and Resolutions

§8-12-4. Power to Provide by Charter for Initiative, Referendum and Recall

§8-12-5. General Powers of Every Municipality and the Governing Body Thereof

§8-12-5a. Limitations Upon Municipalities Power to Restrict the Purchase, Possession, Transfer, Ownership, Carrying, Transport, Sale, and Storage of Certain Weapons and Ammunition

§8-12-5b. Municipal Authority to Enact Ordinance; Ordinance Provisions Defining Terms; Restricting Certain Activities in Relation to Obscene Matters and Establishing Penalties for Violations

§8-12-5c. Authority to Enact Ordinance Restricting the Location of Businesses Offering Exotic Entertainment

§8-12-5d. Regulation of Amateur Radio Antennas

§8-12-5e. Authority to Enter Into Energy-Savings Contracts

§8-12-5f. Regulation of Taxicabs and Taxi Stands

§8-12-5g. Authorizing Municipalities to Hold Motor Vehicle Racing Events on Public Roads, Municipal Streets or Runways

§8-12-6. Membership in Association or League

§8-12-7. Power and Authority to Purchase Insurance and to Indemnify Officers, Agents and Employees

§8-12-8. Group Insurance Programs Authorized

§8-12-9. Power and Authority to Enact Ordinance Prohibiting Discrimination With Respect to Housing Accommodations

§8-12-10. Purchasing; Competitive Bidding

§8-12-11. Lease Agreements for Equipment or Materials With Option to Cancel or Renew for One Year Authorized

§8-12-12. Power and Authority to Lease, Establish, Maintain and Operate Off-Street Parking Facility

§8-12-13. Building Regulation; General and Special Codes; State Building Code

§8-12-14. Permits for Construction and Alteration

§8-12-15. Municipal Inspection

§8-12-16. Ordinances Regulating the Repair, Alteration, Improvement, Closing, Demolition, etc., of Structures, Dwellings, or Buildings That Are Unsafe, Unsanitary, Dangerous, or Detrimental to the Public Safety or Welfare; Procedures

§8-12-16a. Registration of Uninhabitable Property

§8-12-16b. Special Litter Prevention Officers

§8-12-16c. Registration of Vacant Buildings; Registration Fees; Procedures for Administration and Enforcement

§8-12-16d. Additional Powers and Duties of Municipalities; Areas of Special or Unique Interest

§8-12-17. Sale or Lease of Municipal Public Utility

§8-12-18. Sale, Lease, or Disposition of Other Municipal Property

§8-12-19. Extraterritorial Exercise of Powers and Authority

§8-12-20. Authorizing Municipalities to Enact Adopt-a-Street Programs

§8-12-21. Restriction on the Regulation of Trades, Occupations, and Professions

§8-12-22. Foreclosure Actions Involving Abandoned Properties

§8-12-23. Limitations on Municipalities, Political Subdivisions, and Local Governing Bodies Authority Over Energy Usage and Development

§8-12-24. Dedication to or Naming Municipal Property for Office Holder Prohibited

§8-12-25. Authorizing Certain Municipalities to Create a Pension Funding Program